1 得到报价 Get an offer
2 出价 Put an offer
3 出价 Make an offer
4 回复报价 Respond to an offer
5 超出某人的能力范围 Out of one's league
6 要价 The asking price
7 开始 Get started
8 文件 Paperwork
二 、实用主题句:
1 福瑞纳的房子卖得如何?有人出价了吗?
How's Ferrigno coming? You got any offers yet?
2 你们已经出价买房了?
You put an offer on a house?
3 他说那个房子超出我的能力范围。
He says the place is out of my league.
4 他们答复我们开出的价码了。他们对我们的出价没兴趣。
They responded to our offer. And they passed.
5 我们想要报个价。
We want to make an offer.
6 他们说这个价格一分钱也不能少。
They said they would not go a penny under the asking price.
7 我去准备文件,然后就可以开始洽谈了。
I'm gonna get the paperwork, and we can get started.
8 你会接受我的报价吗?
Will you accept my offer?
9 这房子卖得如何?
How is the house coming along?
10 公司出价500万美元收购这个地点。
The company put an offer of 5$ million for the site.
11 我买不起那个房子。
I can't afford that place.
12 你高攀不上那个女孩。
That girl is out of your league.
13 --你愿意的话,可以加入我们。
You can join us if you like.
I'll pass, thanks.
14 我没有问价就挑出三双鞋。
I picked out three pairs of shoes without asking the price.
15 他们要多少钱?
What are they asking?
16 我们想出价买这个房子。
We want to make an offer for this place.
17 我们想报价。
We'd like to make an offer.
18 父母已经出价买一套在曼哈顿的公寓。
My parents made an offer on an apartment in Manhattan.
19 我们可以开始购房流程。
We can get started on the home-buying process.