看电影《实习生》The Intern (2015)
几年前,在去挪威的游轮上看过这部Robert De Niro 和 Anne Hathaway 主演的电影《实习生》,今天又在视频号上看到这部电影的简介。
年届七旬老伴过世的Ben,发现退休生活并不像人们说的那样美好。于是他抓住机会重返职场,成为Jules创建并运营的时尚网站的老年实习生。“老年实习生” 英文是“senior intern”,容易让人误解为“高级实习生”,电影里有个桥段就借Jules之口玩了一把这个同音梗。
这部电影由Nancy Meyers 编导,老戏骨Robert De Niro出演老年实习生, 时尚网站女老板则由Anne Hathaway 扮演。
Seventy-year-old widower Ben Whittaker has discovered that retirement isn’t all it’s cracked up to be. Seizing an opportunity to get back in the game, he becomes a senior intern at an online fashion site, founded and run by Jules Ostin.
What have I learned from the drama comedy?
Among other things, I’ve learned that experience never gets old. Ben, a retired deputy CEO, has inspired me with his work ethic; old as he is, he sticks to his professionalism and resumes to be a great team player; his reassurance and reliability as a PA has helped Jules to work calmly and attentively.
I am nearly 60. As a used-to-be middle leadership, I will learn from Ben and try to be a helpful, reliable and easy-going subordinate, readily taking advantage of my experience and helping my line manager to deal with any crisis at home or at work.
Writer/Director: Nancy Meyers
Stars: Robert De Niro, Anne Hathaway