
笃学奖-Topic 4-A14559-甘比精读

2017-03-10  本文已影响0人  Alice爱学习

Day 12: Words & Phrases

- diagnostic

connected with identifying sth, especially an illness

- cardiac arrest

心脏停搏;A cardiac arrest is a heart attack. [MEDICAL]

- resuscitation

Resuscitation is the action of bringing someone back to consciousness. Ambulance workers are skilled at resuscitation.
To resuscitate is to revive someone who has passed out: this act is called resuscitation. If someone needs resuscitation, something serious has happened — the person has lost consciousness and may be on the verge of death. You've probably heard of "mouth-to-mouth resuscitation," which is one method of reviving. Medical professionals have many other techniques and gadgets that aid resuscitation. The Latin root word is resuscitare, "rouse again, or revive," from re and suscitare, "to raise."

- sensor

(探测光、热等的)传感器,探测设备,敏感元件;A sensor is an instrument which reacts to certain physical conditions or impressions such as heat or light, and which is used to provide information.

- grubby

  1. A grubby person or object is rather dirty.


  1. If you call an activity or someone's behaviour grubby, you mean that it is not completely honest or respectable. [disapproval]

- manifestation

A manifestation of something is one of the different ways in which it can appear.


- innovate

to introduce new things, ideas, or ways of doing sth

- momentum

the ability to keep increasing or developing

- age

  1. to become older
  1. to make sb / sth look, feel or seem older

- sift

To bake a cake, you sift the flour to get out the lumps. When you sift, you separate out one thing from another.
When you sort through the mail looking for the bills or go through your photos to find that shot of your dog, that’s sifting, too.
Detectives sift through piles of evidence when investigating crimes, and you might sift through the hundred applications you get from drummers eager to join your band, to find Ms. Right.
When you're at the beach, you can sift sand through your fingers, and you might see big machines that sift the sand to clean it.

- automated

An automated factory, office, or industrial process uses machines to do the work instead of people.

- pharmaceutical

  1. connected with making and selling drugs and medicines
  1. (technical 术语) a drug or medicine

- in bulk

bought or sold in large quantities

- insurgent

Insurgents are people who are fighting against the government or army of their own country.

- digitized

To digitize information means to turn it into a form that can be read easily by a computer.



- genomic

基因组的;染色体组的;Genomic means relating to genomes.
//...genomic research.

- reimbursement

If you receive reimbursement for money that you have spent, you get your money back, for example because the money should have been paid by someone else.



- advisor

An advisor is a person who gives advice or leads a group, like an advisor to the school yearbook club, guiding its members in putting together the pages, but not doing the work for them.
There are many situations in life when you may choose to seek the guidance of an advisor: a financial advisor can help you figure out what to do with all your money when you win the lottery, a tax advisor can help you pay the taxes on that money, a career advisor can counsel you in figuring out your dream job now that money is no object, and a travel advisor can help you decide where to spend vacation.

- give rise to

if a situation, event, or action gives rise to a particular feeling, situation etc, it starts the process that makes it happen:

- in this / that regard

concerning what has just been mentioned

- deride

If you deride someone or something, you say that they are stupid or have no value.

- backdrop

The backdrop to an event is the general situation in which it happens.

- joint

involving two or more people together

- startup

  1. connected with starting a new business or project
  1. a company that is just beginning to operate, especially an Internet company

- hedge

~ against sth a way of protecting yourself against the loss of sth, especially money

- blockbuster

something very successful, especially a very successful book or film / movie

- relevance

Something's relevance to a situation or person is its importance or significance in that situation or to that person.

- count

~ sb / sth (as) sb / sth | ~ as sb / sth
to consider sb / sth in a particular way; to be considered in a particular way

- lucrative

producing a large amount of money; making a large profit

- inpatient

a person who stays in a hospital while receiving treatment

- ultrasound

  1. sound that is higher than humans can hear
  1. a medical process that produces an image of what is inside your body

- devise

to invent sth new or a new way of doing sth

- mammogram

an examination of a breast using X-rays to check for cancer
乳房 X 光检查

- spell

A spell of a particular type of weather or a particular activity is a short period of time during which this type of weather or activity occurs.


你跟着一位出庭律师进行两期为时 6 个月的实习工作。

- kidney

either of the two organs in the body that remove waste products from the blood and produce urine


(of people or behaviour) brave and confident; not afraid to say what you feel or to take risks

- concussion

脑震荡;If you suffer concussion after a blow to your head, you lose consciousness or feel sick or confused.



- contraceptive

a drug, device or practice used to prevent a woman becoming pregnant

- menopause

(often the menopause) the time during which a woman gradually stops menstruating , usually at around the age of 50

- onerous

needing great effort; causing trouble or worry

- reckon

Reckon means guess, or imagine, and is often used by rural types in Hollywood movies who say things like "I reckon I'll be moseyin' on."
Reckon means guess or think, as in "I reckon he's put his nose where it don't belong one too many times.” If reckon sounds odd, that’s because it's mostly gone out of style. When used to talk about prediction, it's a little more common, as in "Who do you reckon is going to win the Super Bowl?" Still, it sounds a little old-fashioned. Many people use the word just for fun. Saying "I reckon" sounds more humorous than "Yes."

- sedentary

Scientists believe that one of the causes of the obesity epidemic sweeping the US is our sedentary lifestyle. Sedentary means sitting a lot and refers to a person or job that is not very physically active.

- materialize

If a possible or expected event does not materialize, it does not happen.

- scrutiny

careful and thorough examination

- cavalier

not caring enough about sth important or about the feelings of other people

- consent

Consent is permission that can be given or taken away. A father might give his consent to allow a young man to marry his daughter, but he might refuse that consent if he learns that the prospective groom has a prison record. A homeowner who won't give a developer consent to tear down her house and build a shopping mall might finally consent after receiving a very large check from the developer.

- unicorn

an animal like a white horse with a long straight horn on its head
• (传说中的)独角兽

- amid

  1. in the middle of or during sth, especially sth that causes excitement or fear
  1. surrounded by sth

Day 13: Logical Lines

Digital health care.png Day 13 笃师示范-逻辑导图.jpg


Day 14: Summary & Thoughts



Digital Health Care.jpg


Digital health care.png


  1. 在原来的逻辑链上,加了两个部分,一个部分是电子医疗未来的一些发展的方向,另一方面,是电子医疗所存在的一些问题,我觉得补上这两点之后,逻辑会更加的完整,把电子医疗的过去,现在和未来都交代清楚了。

  2. 添加了patient与电子医疗一些现代化产品之间的关联,即这些产品的问世,给消费者带来的益处和帮助,而在原来的图中,我只用了data来一笔带过了,显得太简略了。

  3. 对电子医疗现代化产品也进行了分类,有些产品的出现,对医院产生了积极的和消极的影响,所以需要重点圈出来,进行说明,而有些产品是与消费者关系比较的密切,所以也要进行分类说明,这样会显得比较的清晰。

  4. 修改的逻辑图是手绘的,虽然不是很美观,但是感觉比simplemind画起来更加快一些(好吧,是因为simplemind可能没有熟练运用),有一些虚线框做不出来,不同主体之间的关联线也没法画,所以我就放弃了simplemind该手绘了,不过手绘水平着实需要提高。

  1. 像安妮今天在推送中说的一样,逻辑图不是要把全文的内容都放到一张图里去,而是看着逻辑图能够很清楚文章的走向,所以,有些细节是不需要一一全部都标注出来的,反思一下我之前几个话题的逻辑图,对比之后,确实细节上有点偏多了,所以可以看到每一个逻辑块之后,都有一串的小细节,所以每次看到安妮画的逻辑图,都有点感慨,为啥这么简洁?所以,这一次根据安妮的逻辑图,我又重新画了一遍,感觉效果不错,不仅又梳理了一遍文章的内容,还锻炼了一下概括总结能力,虽然有点费时间,但是一回生二回熟,慢慢的熟练之后,就会慢慢提高速度的,所以也不要灰心。

  2. 这一次反思自己画的逻辑图,发现自己有个很大的问题,就是抽象概括能力比较弱,也就是文章的版块安排上会比较的毛糙。具体表现在,当想要把几个不变的因素总结在一起之后,就不知道其他的逻辑板块应该怎么布置安排了,所以,自己在画的时候,也参考了一下安妮的布置,如果按照我自己来画,是绝对不会排版的这么精简的。而且,其实我的思维脉络并不算很清晰,前几次的逻辑图也是,大多都是按照文章写作的顺序,从前往后的画,但是安妮的逻辑图却不是这样,感觉安妮的图很大程度上有抽象概括的感觉,所以总是能较快的抓住比较主要的部分,我觉得今后也要朝这个方向去努力。

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