06应用架构_启动页-Human Interface Guide

2018-08-22  本文已影响0人  率然之兵

Launch time is your first opportunity to onboard new users and reconnect with returning ones. Design a launch experience that’s fast, fun, and educational.


launch screen

Provide a launch screen. A launch screen appears the moment your app starts, giving the impression印象 that your app is fast and responsive敏捷的, while allowing initial最初的 content to load. This screen is quickly replaced by the first screen of your app, so it is should closely resemble类似 this screen with the exception of localizable text and interactive elements. 


Launch in the appropriate orientation方向. If your app supports both portrait and landscape modes, it should launch using the device’s current orientation. If your app only runs in one orientation, it should always launch in that orientation and let people rotate the device if necessary. Unless there’s a compelling迫不得已 reason not to, an app in landscape mode should orient确定方向 itself correctly, regardless of whether the device was rotated旋转 left or right. 


Get to the action quickly. Avoid showing a splash screen, menus, and instructions that make it take longer to reach content and start using your app. Instead, let people dive right in. If your app needs tutorials教程 or intro介绍 sequences, provide a way to skip them and don't show them to returning users.


Anticipate预期 the need for help. Proactively主动的 look for times when people might be stuck. A game, for example, could casually show useful tips when paused or when a character isn’t advancing. Let users replay tutorials教程 in case they miss something the first time.


Stick to the essentials in tutorials. It’s fine to provide guidance for beginners, but education isn’t a substitute for great app design. First and foremost, make your app intuitive. If too much guidance is needed, revisit the design of your app.


Make learning fun and discoverable. Learning by doing is a lot more fun and effective than reading a list of instructions. Use animation and interactivity to teach gradually逐步的 and in context. Avoid displaying screenshots that appear interactive.


Avoid asking for setup information up front. People expect apps to just work. Design your app for the majority多数 and let the few that want a different configuration配置 adjust settings to meet their needs. To the extent possible, derive派生 setup information from device settings and defaults, or through a synchronization service, such as iCloud. If you must ask for setup information, prompt for it in-app the first time, and let users modify修改 it later in your app’s settings.


Avoid showing in-app licensing agreements and disclaimers免责声明. Let the App Store display agreements and disclaimers before your app is downloaded. If you must include these items within your app, integrate使结合 them in a balanced way that doesn’t disrupt破坏 the user experience.

避免在app内嵌许可协议和免责声明。在你的app被下载之前,在App Store中展示许可协议和免责声明。如果你必须在app内部展示这些项目,用一种平衡的方式把他们结合在app中,避免破坏用户体验。

Restore the previous state when your app restarts. Don't make people retrace追溯 steps to reach their previous location in your app. Preserve and restore your app’s state so they can continue where they left off.


Don’t ask people to rate your app too quickly or too often. Asking for a rating too soon or too frequently is annoying and decreases减少 the amount of useful feedback you receive. To encourage well-considered feedback, give people time to form an opinion about your app before asking for a rating. Always provide a way to opt选择 out of rating prompts and never force users to rate your app.


Don’t encourage rebooting. Restarting重新启动 takes time and makes your app seem unreliable and hard to use. If your app has memory or other issues that make it difficult to run unless the system has just booted, you need to address those issues.



