

2022-04-12  本文已影响0人  师千璎

14*"Please don't make a noise."

"________. I will be as quiet as a mouse."

A. Yes, I won't.

B. Yes, I will.

C. No, I won't.

D. No. I will. 

答案是C,yes 后面接肯定句,no后面接否定句,AD矛盾,排除。做题方法,事实是肯定的,选yes ,事实是否定的,选no。




15*I ________ you not to move my dictionary. now I can’t find it.

A. asked                         

B. ask

C. was asking                 

D. had asked 


ask sb not to do sth 让某人别做某事

16* The sentence needs _______once more.

A. explained              

B. explaining      

C. being explained       

D. to explain 

explain 动词,解释

答案是B。need +doing ,doing 表示被动


17* I _____ 900 English words by the time I was ten。

A. learned          

B. was learning      

C. had learned        

D. learnt 


18*--Hi, Tracy,you look pale.

—I am tired. I _______ the living room all day.

A. painted      

B. had painted    

C. have been painting    

D. have painted 

答案是C。一整天一直在粉刷客厅。现在完成进行时。pale 脸色苍白的,脸色憔悴的

19* Their mother ________ dinner at the kitchen when a quarrel ________ among the children.

A. was preparing;was broken out

B. prepared;was broken out

C. was preparing;broke out

D. prepared;broke out 


quarrel 名词,争吵;break out 爆发,没有被动

20*---Have you seen ______ film before?

  —Yes. I saw it on ______ Christmas Day, but I can’t remember the exact year.

A. the, a  

B. a, the   

C. a, a    

D. the, the 






1. 到吃晚饭的时间了。

It's time to have supper. /have dinner.

2. 玛丽擅长跳舞。

Mary is good at dancing.

3. 顺便问一下,你多大了?

By the way, how old are you?

4. 昨天晚上,他花了两个小时做作业。

He spent two hours doing homework yesterday evening.

It took him two hours to do homework yesterday evening.

5. 这道题和那道题一样难。

This question is as difficult as that one.

6. 天气变得越来越冷。

The weather is getting (becoming) colder and colder.

7. 为什么不给他一个机会解释呢?

Why not give him a chance to explain?

8. 他们中没有一个人能回答了这个难题。

None of them can answer this question.

turn 词组

turn out 结果是……,结果发现

It turned out that he wasn't the man I looked for. 结果发现,他不是我找的人。

turn up (意外地或终于)出现;把音量调高

He turned up finally. 他最后终于出现了。

turn down 拒绝;降低音量

turn down their request 拒绝他们的要求

turn over (使)翻转;(在脑子里)仔细考虑,深思熟虑;(向有权获得某物的人)移交,交托

turn the envelop over 把这个信封翻过来

turn over what he said 仔细考虑他说的话

turn the evidence over to the police 把证据移交给警察(ˈevɪdəns)

turn off 关掉(开关,煤气等)

turn off the lights 关灯

turn off the gas 关掉煤气

turn to sb 向某人求助

turn on 打开(水,灯,开关,电视,煤气等)

turn around 调转方向,掉头

turn into 变成

cut off 停止,中断(供给)(常用被动语态)

Our water has been cut off. 我们断水了。(水被中断供给)

when it comes to ……  当提到……,当涉及某事时

When it comes to this question, he says nothing. 当提到这个问题的时候,他不说话了。


