
Assortative mating (三)

2017-10-10  本文已影响17人  敢敢宝宝

The latest iteration of the debate comes in a recent paper by Pierre-André Chiappori and Bernard Salanié, of Columbia University, and Yoram Weiss, of Tel Aviv University, which argues that assortative mating is indeed growing. They note that in the mid-20th century households were primarily concerned with divvying up chores. Since then, inventions like the washing machine and frozen food have meant that people can spend less time on housework.At the same time, computers have increased the demand for skilled labour. The authors argue that parents worried about their children’s futurenow have to focus on raising the brightest youngsters possible, and one of the surest ways to have bright children is to marry a bright spouse. By building an economic model which takes into account these shifting preferences and testing it against census data, the authors conclude that Americans born in 1972 do indeed have a stronger preference for better-educated partners than those born in 1943.
N short for dividend, esp (formerly) one paid by a cooperative society 红利; 尤指以前合作社付给个人的
V to divide and share 分摊
divvy up 分摊
census / 'sensəs /
1.an official process of counting a country’s population and finding out about the people 人口普查
2 .an official process of counting something for government planning 〔官方进行的〕统计,调查
a traffic census交通状况调查
由哥伦比亚大学的Pierre-André Chiappori ,
Bernard Salanié和拉斯维夫的Yoram Weiss共同写的一篇最近的论文里关于最近迭代的争论,这是争论是门当户对真的一直在增长。他们认为在20世纪中期,家人主要担心家务的分配。从那时开始,像洗衣机,冰冻食物的发明已经满足人们在家务上花更少的时间。同时,计算对技术工的需求在上升。作者们认为现在担心孩子未来的父母一定会看中生个聪明孩子的可能性,最能保证生个最聪明孩子的方法是与最聪明的人结婚。通过建立经济模型,把改变偏好的因素考虑进去和测试人口普查数据,作者们得出了结论:出生在1972年的美国人确实比出生在1943年的美国人更偏向于另一半接受了教育。6

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