
Graveyards in Pakistan—Hold your

2017-10-16  本文已影响9人  敢敢宝宝

The state-owned “model graveyard”, with its wide footpaths and neatly trimmed lawns, will serve the 11m-strong population of Lahore, the capital of Pakistan’s richest and most populous province. Three more are under construction in the region. Across Pakistan burial grounds have struggled to cope with an urban population that has risen from 28% of the total in 1981to 41% now (unsurprisingly land is scarce in cities). Burials have been banned in the overflowing public graveyards of the largest city, Karachi. There have been reports of policemen hiding in coffins to catch gravediggers who are overcharging for burial plots.


state-owned 国有的,国营的,州立的
trimmed 平衡的,修剪过的
lawn / lɔːn /

1 [C,U] an area of ground in a garden or park that is covered with short grass 草坪,草地
I spent all morning mowing the lawn (= cutting the grass ).
a carefully tended lawn
2 [U] a fine cloth made from cotton or linen 上等细棉布;上等细麻布

populous / 'pɒpjʊləs /

1 a populous area has a large population in relation to its size 人口稠密的 【正式】
Hong Kong is one of the most populous areas in the world.

coffin /ˈkɒfɪn/

1 A coffin is a box in which a dead body is buried or cremated. 棺材
2 If you say that one thing is a nail in the coffin of another thing, you mean that it will help bring about its end or failure. 断送
A fine would be the final nail in the coffin of the airline.



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