Anthony Howe的魔性空气动力雕塑


据说这是Anthony Howe的作品,第一次听说这位大神,赶紧Google了一番,果然是一位大神,17年来一直在做动态雕塑,据说目前在Orcas Island创作。
“Over the past 17 years I have made a body of suspended and freestanding kinetic sculpture, much of it designed to respond to the exterior natural environment of wind and light. I attempt, with an economy of means, to construct objects whose visual references range from lo-tech sci-fi paraphernalia to microbiological or astronomical models. Utilizing primarily stainless steel armatures that are driven either by hammered curvilinear shapes or flat fiberglass covered discs, I hope the pieces assume a spare, linear elegance when conditions are still, mutating to raucous animation when the wind picks up. Multiple axis finely balanced forms, both symmetrical and asymmetrical, conspire to create a visually satisfying three-dimensional harmony. Interior pieces include suspended gear motor and air driven wire armatures stretched with fiberglass, similar wall mounted pieces, as well as glass assemblages.”
— Anthony Howe

下面是他2015年的最新作品In Cloud Light III,我从Youtube下下载下来传到腾讯视频供大家欣赏
In Cloud Light III - 腾讯视频