Time to own up. When you're sitting at your computer, do you work solidly all day? Or do you allow yourself to become distracted now and again… to open a few extra tabs, check social media, read a spot of news, browse1 the latest fashion trends, maybe catch up on some celebrity2 gossip, and look at some…
Stop! You're 'cyberloafing'. The unwieldy word is a combination of 'cyber', which means 'related to computers', and 'loafing', which means 'relaxing in a lazy way'. We do it, and we do it a lot. A study from the University of Texas suggests we are guilty of this form of procrastination3 for 14% of our working day. On a Friday afternoon, I expect it's more than that.
I'll admit to indulging in the odd bout4 of cyberloafing myself. In fact I've already done it in the course of writing this story. OK, more than once.