韩语职位-上海-猎头教你找工作 微信kaka305 公众号ztu
Date: 04-Aug-2016
Location: Shanghai, China
Req ID: 93803

Founded in 1856, Burberry today remains quintessentially British, with outerwear at its core. Digital luxury positioning and intensive focus on design innovation, quality and heritage icons ensure continued brand purity and relevance globally across genders and generations. Burberry believes that in order to be a great brand it must also be a great company and constantly leverages the energy of its compassionate and creative thinking culture to continually innovate and drive the brand forward. Headquartered in London, Burberry is a design, marketing and retail led business with a global reputation for innovative product design, digital marketing initiatives and dynamic retail strategies.
Job Description: (The person must be fully fluent in Japanese OR Korean)
As the Customer Service Consultant you will be an important part of the Customer Service Team shaping the journey to transform the customer experience into being best in class. Through your passion for the brand and product and expert product knowledge you will provide a personalised experience for customers.you will use your empathy and intuition to anticipate and understand customers’ needs, persevering with and resolving any service or product related issues, with specialist understanding of post-sales customer care.
you will be an enthusiastic advocate for the brand, product, seasonal collections and product innovations and use your knowledge to address customer needs actively contributing to increase sales.
you will be an expert in dealing with customers via phone, web and email dialogue.
you will contribute towards the efficient running of the customer service department and be able to support the Customer Care activity.
Ensure that the relevant administration is completed and distributed appropriately
accurately record customer details using computer based and paper based systems where necessary
Comply with the Company’s postal procedure
Ensure that the department operates in accordance with departmental and Company administration systems and procedures to minimise losses.
Carry out any additional duties as directed by the management team
Personal Profile:
Excellent verbal and written skills in Japanese OR Korean language
Good verbal and written English language communication skills are also essential.
Ideally 1 years’ experience in Customer Service or have a fashion related degree or qualification with a natural flair for dealing with customers as well as excellent language skills.
Strong multi-tasking and computer skills with experience in dealing with customers using Live Chat. You will have a passion for Luxury brands and will be used to dealing with luxury clientele.
Experience in actively contributing to increase sales through anticipating, understanding and addressing customer needs.
Service-orientated approach; focused on achieving positive customer outcomes.
Demonstrable experience in positively responding to customer emails, telephone calls, chat requests or other contacts, identifying sales and communication opportunities.
Burberry is an Equal Opportunities Employer and as such, treats all applications equally and recruits purely on the basis of skills and experience.
Posting Notes: China || Not Applicable || Shanghai || Customer Resources || Customer Service || n/a ||
Job Segment: Consultant, Consulting, Retail Sales, Marketing Consultant, Contract, Customer Service, Retail, Marketing
[정규직] 중국 현채인 채용(상해)
회사명 : 원익홀딩스
회사 국적 : 한국
설립년도 : 1991년
기업형태 : 일반기업
근로자 수 : 142명
자본금&매출액 : 35370천만 원/한화 / 1000000천만원/한화
회사 업종 : 전기/전자/반도체/통신 장비
직원 1명
모집직종 & 근무지
중국 >직할시 > 상해
- Circulation Pufier,공급장치, 정제기 설치 및 유지 보수
- 상주 업무 (고객 대응)
지원자 자격조건
기본자격 조건
지원자 국적
전문대 졸업 이상
외국어 조건 한국어 필수 추가요구 사
학력 : 전문대 졸 이상 항
나이 : 35세 미만 3) 전공 : 전기, 전자, 기계 계통
경력 : 무관
어학 : 1순위 한국어, 2순위 영어
거주지 : 근무지 인근 지역
근무조건 급여조건 복리후생
면접 후 결정 4대보험, 주5일근무, 식대지원, 퇴직금,상여금,인센티브, 정기휴가 등
제출서류 및 접수방법
접수기간 제출서류 전형방법 지원방법
2016년 07월 29일 부터 2016년 08월 10일까지
1차 : 서류전형 2차 : 관리자면접 3차 : 임원면접 [차이나통 온라인 입사지 원]
차이나통에 등록하신 이력서로 지원하실 수 있습니다 지원을 희망하시면 왼쪽 버튼을 클릭하세요 아직 차이나통에 이력서를 등록하지 않으셨다면 먼저 이력서를 등록하여 주세요 차이나통 회원가입 및 이력서 등록은 모두 무료입니다
☞ 이력서에 응시분야, 긴급연락처, 희망연봉 기재
채용담당자 정보
원익홀딩스 채용담당자 연락처는 로그인 후 열람하실 수 있습니다.