2018-07-19 通过命令触发jenkins的job几种方法

2018-07-19  本文已影响135人  Seizens_Swift

1. 通过python jenkins API触发


sudo pip install python-jenkins  //安装


# -*- coding: UTF-8 -*-
import jenkins
import datetime
class Job(object):
    def __init__(self, jenkins_master, jenkins_user, jenkins_passwd, jenkins_job=None):
        self.jenkins_master = jenkins_master  ##master地址
        self.jenkins_job = jenkins_job   ## jenkins_job名字
        self.login_user = jenkins_user  ## 登陆账号
        self.login_passwd = jenkins_passwd  ## 登陆密码
        self.jenkins_object = None   ## 登陆状态,防止每次都需要登陆

    ## 登陆jenkins 只需要登陆一次即可
    def get_object(self):
        if not self.jenkins_object:
            self.jenkins_object = jenkins.Jenkins(self.jenkins_master, self.login_user, self.login_passwd)
        return self.jenkins_object

    ## 触发一个job
    def build_job(self, job_name=None, parameters=None):'%Y%m%d_%H%M%S%f')
        if job_name is None:
            job_name = self.jenkins_job
        if parameters:
            return self.get_object().build_job(job_name, parameters=parameters, token=token)  ##带参数构建触发,参数必须是字典类型
        return self.get_object().build_job(job_name, token=token)  ## 无参数构建触发

2. curl调用启动jenkins

curl -X POST ${jenkins_master}/job/${job_name}/build --user ${jenkins_user}:${jenkins_passwd}
curl -X POST ${jenkins_master}/job/${jenkins_jobname}/buildWithParameters --user ${jenkins_user}:${jenkins_passwd}


curl -X POST ${jenkins_master}/job/{jenkins_jobname}/buildWithParameters -d port=80 --user ${jenkins_user}:${jenkins_passwd}


curl -X POST ${jenkins_master}/job/{jenkins_jobname}/buildWithParameters -d port=80 --data-urlencode json='"{\"parameter\": [{\"name\": \"port\", \"value\": \"80\"}]}”' --user ${jenkins_user}:${jenkins_passwd}
curl -X POST ${jenkins_master}/job/{jenkins_jobname}/buildWithParameters -d param1=value1&param2=value --user ${jenkins_user}:${jenkins_passwd}

3. 通过jenkins CLI

java -jar jenkins-cli.jar  -s http://localhost:1080/ build JOB [-c] [-f] [-p] [-r N] [-s] [-v] [-w] 
 JOB : Name of the job to build
 -c  : Check for SCM changes before starting the build, and if there's no
       change, exit without doing a build
 -f  : Follow the build progress. Like -s only interrupts are not passed
       through to the build.
 -p  : Specify the build parameters in the key=value format.
 -s  : Wait until the completion/abortion of the command. Interrupts are passed
       through to the build.
 -v  : Prints out the console output of the build. Use with -s
 -w  : Wait until the start of the command

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