人工智能应用研究快讯 2021-10-28
A novel artificial intelligence based intensive care unit monitoring system: using physiological waveforms to identify sepsis
M Mollura, LWH Lehman, RG Mark, R Barbieri
...Transactions of the Royal Society A, 2021
ABSTACT:A massive amount of multimodal data are continuously collected in the intensive care
unit (ICU) along each patient stay, offering a great opportunity for the development of
smart monitoring devices based on artificial intelligence (AI). The two main sources...
Artificial intelligence-assisted tools for redefining the communication landscape of the scholarly world
HIA Razack, ST Mathew, FFA Saad, SA Alqahtani
Science Editing, 2021
ABSTACT:The flood of research output and increasing demands for peer reviewers have
necessitated the intervention of artificial intelligence (AI) in scholarly publishing.
Although human input is seen as essential for writing publications, the contribution of...
[HTML] The false hope of current approaches to explainable artificial intelligence in health care
M Ghassemi, L Oakden-Rayner, AL Beam
The Lancet Digital Health, 2021
ABSTACT:The black-box nature of current artificial intelligence (AI) has caused some to
question whether AI must be explainable to be used in high-stakes scenarios such
as medicine. It has been argued that explainable AI will engender trust with the...
Advanced Detection Techniques Using Artificial Intelligence in Processing of Berries
D Wang, M Zhang, AS Mujumdar, D Yu
Food Engineering Reviews, 2021
ABSTACT:Berries are delicious and nutritious, making them among the popular fruits. There are
various types of berries, the most common ones include blueberries, strawberries,
raspberries, blackberries, grapes, and currants. Fresh berries combine high...
Artificial intelligence driven in-silico discovery of novel organic lithium-ion battery cathodes
RP Carvalho, CFN Marchiori, D Brandell, CM Araujo
Energy Storage Materials, 2021
ABSTACT:Organic electrode materials (OEMs) combine key sustainability and versatility
properties with the potential to enable the realisation of the next generation of truly
green battery technologies. However, for OEMs to become a competitive alternative...
Artificial Intelligence-Based Portable Bioelectronics Platform for SARS-CoV-2 Diagnosis with Multi-nucleotide Probe Assay for Clinical Decisions
S Tripathy, P Supraja, S Mohanty, VM Sai, T Agrawal...
Analytical Chemistry, 2021
ABSTACT:In the context of the recent pandemic, the necessity of inexpensive and easily
accessible rapid-test kits is well understood and need not be stressed further. In light
of this, we report a multi-nucleotide probe-based diagnosis of SARS-CoV-2 using a...
Application of artificial intelligence in diagnosis and treatment of ischemic stroke
Chinese Journal of Contemporary Neurology &..., 2021
ABSTACT:Stroke is the second major diseases leading to death, among which ischemic stroke
is the most common. The key to the treatment of ischemic stroke replies on early
diagnosis and treatment. With the development of technology, artificial intelligence ...
Artificial intelligence-based approach for atrial fibrillation detection using normalised and short-duration time-frequency ECG
J Rahul, LD Sharma
Biomedical Signal Processing and Control, 2022
ABSTACT:Atrial fibrillation (Afib) is a heart arrhythmia that is linked to a number of other cardiac-
related issues. The incidence of Afib increases with age, causing high risks of stroke.
Accurate and reliable detection of Afib remains a challenge and is valuable for...
Pipeline Leak and Volume Rate Detections Through Artificial Intelligence and Vibration Analysis
JM Yang, H Mostaghimi, R Hugo, SS Park
Measurement, 2021
ABSTACT:Pipeline monitoring provides operators with invaluable information regarding the
potential risks that may pose threats to the integrity of the entire line. Pipeline
leakage results in serious environmental and financial costs that can be avoided...
[HTML] Robot Autonomy vs. Human Autonomy: Social Robots, Artificial Intelligence (AI), and the Nature of Autonomy
P Formosa
Minds and Machines, 2021
ABSTACT:Social robots are robots that can interact socially with humans. As social robots and
the artificial intelligence (AI) that powers them becomes more advanced, they will
likely take on more social and work roles. This has many important ethical...
How Artificial Intelligence Affects Technological Innovations
JYL Forrest, Y Liu
Value in Business, 2022
ABSTACT:This chapter investigates how artificial intelligence (AI) may impact technological
innovation. It first defines what technological innovation entails, and then it
establishes 10 general propositions. At the end, this chapter empirically validates...
[HTML] Evaluating the Clinical Feasibility of an Artificial Intelligence-Powered, Web-Based Clinical Decision Support System for the Treatment of Depression in Adults...
C Popescu, G Golden, D Benrimoh, M Tanguay-Sela...
JMIR Formative Research, 2021
ABSTACT:Background Approximately two-thirds of patients with major depressive disorder do
not achieve remission during their first treatment. There has been increasing interest
in the use of digital, artificial intelligence-powered clinical decision support systems...
Evolving artificial intelligence and robotics in medicine, evolving European law. Comparative remarks based on the surgery litigation
G Guerra
Maastricht Journal of European and Comparative Law, 2021
ABSTACT:This article discusses key and critical tort law issues that have arisen from artificial
intelligence and robotic medical applications. It aims at addressing the most recent
European regulatory trajectories-ultimately traced by the Proposal for the Artificial ...
[PDF] Research on Construction Cost Estimation based on Artificial Intelligence Technology
B Wang, J Yuan, KZ Ghafoor
Scalable Computing: Practice and Experience, 2021
ABSTACT:For the prediction of economic expenses involved in construction industry, cost
estimation has become an important aspect of construction management for the
prediction of economic expenses and successful completion of the construction work...
[HTML] Impact of artificial intelligence in healthcare
M Shantaram
Biomedicine, 2021
ABSTACT:Artificial intelligence (AI) is prepared to become a transformational force in
healthcare. From chronic diseases and cancer to radiology and risk assessment,
there are nearly endless opportunities to influence technology to install more precise...
Accuracy and Explainability in Artificial Intelligence: Unpacking the Terms
K McGrath - 2021
ABSTACT:Artificial intelligence (AI) has permeated many aspects of human life from product
recommendations on retailers' websites to critical decisions affecting healthcare and
law enforcement. As such systems become prevalent in high risk areas, explaining...
Use of artificial intelligence (AI) in accounting and auditing
Y Manachynska - 2021
ABSTACT:The managerial aspects of the use of artificial intelligence (AI) are revealed.
Research Influence of artificial intelligence (AI) on accounting and auditing activities.
The author discloses the content of artificial intelligence in a digital economy and the...
The Rise of Artificial Intelligence in Modern Healthcare Sector
Y Pant, B Dhanasekaran
...and Business Processes Through Artificial Intelligence
ABSTACT:The fifth generation of computers is artificial intelligence and AI is now reforming
each sector. Advancement in every sector is based on AI; because it reduces the
effort and provides robust results in healthcare patient monitoring, artificial ...
Utilization Of Artificial Intelligence (Ann) In Project Management Services: A Proposed Model of Application
AM Younus
ABSTACT:Artificial Intelligence (AI) has become a prominent technology in recent years
because of the growing need for automated systems that operate without human
intervention. Artificial intelligence is flourishing right now, with a plethora of new...
Artificial Intelligence Applications for Health Care
MK Ahirwal, ND Londhe, A Kumar
ABSTACT:This book takes an interdisciplinary approach covering health care, cognitive
computing, and artificial intelligence. Data sets related to biomedical signals (ECG,
EEG, EMG) and images (X-rays, MRI, CT) are explored, analyzed, and processed...