UK Biobank数据库数据获取与使用
Dear XXX,
Thank you for submitting a registration to access the UK Biobank Resource. In
order to complete the required checks I would be grateful if you could provide the
following information:
1) An email address that is specific to both yourself and your named Institute
(please add this to your Registration). We cannot accept ‘’ for
XXX University as this is a personal email. We
would require an email containing the institutes email domain of ‘’
2) Validate your institute email address using the validation link – please let us
know via message or an email to when you have
successfully validated your email address
In order to process your registration we require that all the points outlined above are
responded to in a single Message or email to within 10
working days. Your registration will be closed if no response is received in this time,
however we can reinstate it at a later date if necessary.
Kind regards,
UK Biobank Access Management Team
这里后面会变成介绍UK Biobank数据库。