

2017-05-22  本文已影响324人  天之蓝色

1. 记在前面

2. nginx的configure参数


3. 默认with或without的选项

选项(功能) with without 默认
prefix N/A N/A /usr/local/nginx
sbin-path N/A N/A prefix/sbin/nginx
conf-path N/A N/A prefix/conf/nginx.conf
pid-path N/A N/A prefix/logs/nginx.pid
error-log-path N/A N/A prefix/logs/error.log
http-log-path N/A N/A prefix/logs/access.log
user N/A N/A nobody
group N/A N/A nobody
select_module with without 如果平台不支持kqueue,epoll,/dev/poll,它将作为自动选择的事务处理方式
poll_module with without 如果平台不支持kqueue,epoll,/dev/poll,它将作为自动选择的事务处理方式
file_aio with N/A 关闭
ipv6 with N/A 关闭
http_ssl_module with N/A 关闭
http_realip_module with N/A 关闭
http_addition_module with N/A 关闭
http_xslt_module with N/A 关闭
http_image_filter_module with N/A 关闭
http_geoip_module with N/A 关闭
http_sub_module with N/A 关闭
http_dav_module with N/A 关闭
http_flv_module with N/A 关闭
http_gzip_static_module with N/A 关闭
http_random_index_module with N/A 关闭
http_secure_link_module with N/A 关闭
http_degradation_module with N/A 关闭
http_stub_status_module with N/A 关闭
http_charset_module N/A without 启用
http_gzip_module N/A without 启用
http_ssi_module N/A without 启用
http_userid_module N/A without 启用
http_access_module N/A without 启用
http_auth_basic_module N/A without 启用
http_autoindex_module N/A without 启用
http_geo_module N/A without 启用
http_map_module N/A without 启用
http_split_clients_module N/A without 启用
http_referer_module N/A without 启用
http_rewrite_module N/A without 启用
http_proxy_module N/A without 启用
http_fastcgi_module N/A without 启用
http_uwsgi_module N/A without 启用
http_scgi_module N/A without 启用
http_memcached_module N/A without 启用
http_limit_conn_module N/A without 启用
http_limit_req_module N/A without 启用
http_empty_gif_module N/A without 启用
http_brower_module N/A without 启用
http_upstream_ip_hash_module N/A without 启用
http_perl_module with N/A 禁用
http N/A without 启用
http-cache N/A without 启用
mail with N/A 禁用
pcre with without N/A
stream with N/A 禁用

