
2019-05-08  本文已影响0人  Raymond雷曼德

This weekend, May 3rd and  4th, I had a class at 8:30 and at 10:30, the kids from Primary school of 2nd and 3rd level. For the first class I had few kids and for the 2nd class I had I had about 10 kids on Saturday and on Sunday respectively from the age category of 10年 team D. The weather was good.

Topic: Introduction to 2 v 2 situation

1.Warm up


Agility exercises using ladders

Agility and coordination drills

Content 2.

In a square of 20m x 20m, in couple of 2 players, pass the ball each other through different small gates of 1m, each team use the gate once then go for new gate. In 2 minutes of time, the coach see those who can make more passes.


2.Technical drills:

Content 1

Making two group, Red and Green team, of same number of players each side, in a regularly pitch of 5 aside game, every time on the sign of the coach 2 players sprint towards their own goal, touch it with one hand and turn over quickly to receive a ball passed from the coach (1v1) the first to touch the goal will be the receiver and therefor will the attacker, while his opponents became the defender. If the defender gains the possession, he immediately become the attacker. Each couple don’t have to exceed 1min of time.

1 v 1

Content 2

Same procedure as in previous content, but now it will be (2V2) and some passes should be effected.

Match (40min)

Match 5 v5

For the 2nd class, they played 5 v 5 small sided pitch if 30m x 40m, here more should be done in strengthening 1 v1 and positions skills as well as passing. 

Stretching and cooling down MVPs Most progressing Player

