

2015-12-15  本文已影响359人  3fe75b3d621a

文章翻译自Designmodo,作者:Nataly Birch。互联网创业家,业余网页设计师与构架师,来自克里米亚的塞瓦斯托波尔。爱好:读书、桌上游戏、排球。

Nataly Birch

As we wave goodbye to 2015, it’s a good time to look back on some of thegreat design this year has had to offer. Many of the trends of 2015 showed upin thebest website designs(and redesigns) out there. Also, you canreview the best website designs from 2014.

Are you ready to make New Year’s resolutions, welcoming the year andtaking a look back at the outgoing one that was quite rich in events? 2015blessed us with some predictable and unexpected, original and strange, ambitiousand not so long-playing trends.

There were trends that carved a quite niche for themselves such asresponsiveness, mobile-friendliness, animations; others that matured such asflat style or scrolling effects; a few that remained unchanged like hamburgermenu button or one-pages; and those that took the web by storm and quicklypassed like dynamic patterns. The year certainly supplied creative folks with afertile environment where one can easily go wild. Although it is challenging totrace every key moment, however, we can demonstrate the overall picture through a collection of ingenious and exclusive projects.

We are going to dive into the best web designs of 2015 that were highlyand justly rewarded by Designmodo team. Here’s what we have for you.

在我们向2015年挥手告别的时候,正好也是个很好的时间来回顾一下今年提出的一些很棒的设计。在这篇“最佳网页设计(和重新设计)”文章中,揭露了很多2015年的设计趋势。同时,你也可以回顾best website designs from 2014(2014年最佳网页设计)


2015年一些趋势创造出了一些市场机会,如:响应性、移动友好、动画。另一些像:扁平化、scrolling effects(滚动效应)已经日趋成熟。而少数如:汉堡菜单按钮或单页保持不变。而动态模式技术带给了网页storm和quickly passed平台。今年确实为有创造性的人提供了可以野蛮生长的肥沃土壤。尽管追踪每一个关键时刻是非常具有挑战性的,但是,我们可以通过一个精妙且独家的项目合集来展示全景图。


Best Websites of 2015

BBQ Cultures

BBQ Cultures proves that restaurant-relatedwebsites made a giant leap forward. It falls in line with current trends and pleasesvisitors with grand design and interactive features. Outstanding photos,engaging videos, fancy graphics and a slew of subtle non-static details – everytiny element makes it stand out from the crowd.

BBQ Cultures证明了餐馆相关的网页实现了一个巨大的飞跃。他凭借最新趋势开始上线,并通过宏观设计和交互特征来取悦访客。杰出的照片,引人入胜的视频,有趣的视觉图形和大量微妙的非静态细节,每一个细小的元素都让他脱颖而出。

BBQ Cultures

In Pieces

In Pieces is a top-notch dynamicexhibition. It was skillfully brought to life by intricate polygonal style witha sparkling of CSS and JavaScript. There are 30 species that are composed of 30pieces in an engaging and amusing way.

In Pieces是一个一流的动态展览。他通过一个很棒的CSS/JacaScript样式技术打造出复杂的多边形风格创造而出。他用一种吸引人且有趣的方式使30个小块构成了30种多边形图案。

In Pieces


Trippeo demonstrates how to present anupcoming product using modern solutions. The project is still based on aclassic horizontal stripe layout, however, such factors as an interactive trip,scroll activated animations and motion do its job perfectly well, achieving apowerful impact.

Trippeo示范了怎样用modernsolutions呈现一款即将发行的产品。这个项目依然基于一个经典的水平条纹布局(a classic horizontal stripe layout),但是,像这样一个有很多影响因素的交互行为,滚动触发动画和手势都运行的很好,获得了极大的影响。


Be More by Reebok

Be More by Reebok opts for a long one-pagestructure that effectively dishes up all the information. It is a fusion ofimpressive scenes with grunge touch and powerful urban vibe and dynamic effectsthat results in an outstanding user experience.

Be More by Reebok选择了一个长单页结构有效的提供了所有的信息。这是一个有着蹩脚触摸的深刻场景、强大的城市氛围、动态响应的融合,他造就了一个杰出的用户体验。

Be More by Reebok

The DNA Project

The DNA Project is an innovative musicexperiment that opens up a routine of the album-making process in unusual andhighly captivating fashion. Each song is broken into key points that coversounds, the story behind the track and people that were involved. The projectallows fans to get closer to the artist and his album.

The DNA Project是一个创新的音乐实验,打开了一个唱片制作流程常规中不寻常且高度迷人的时尚。每一首歌都分为包含声音、音轨背后的故事、涉及者的关键点。这个仙姑允许粉丝与艺术家和唱片亲密接触。

The DNA Project

ACME Experience

With such a loud and promising slogan, thewebsite just could not help but to visually support the company’s credo. Theproject is constructed from the asymmetrical layout, multi-layered techniques,subtle motion, vivid backgrounds and little tricks. Enjoy the productive andsophisticated symbiosis.


ACME Experience


Weltrade is surrounded by an aura ofsophistication, excellence and mystery. Created by talented folks from Ukraine,this sumptuous website is driven by interactive features that take userexperience to the next level. Choose the type of a trader in Forex market andfind out what skills, characteristic traits and principles are applicable toit.



Georg Jensen

Georg Jensen meets online audience with alive-action short film that puts them into a majestic atmosphere of the brand.You are welcome to view details of each scene and even save the desired itemsin the wishing list. This is an innovative way to present a new collection andfoist the goods.

Georg Jensen满足在线观众把真人短片放到一个品牌的庄严氛围中。你可以来观看每个场景的细节甚至将你想要的商品保存到愿望清单中。这是一个用来展示新收藏和使人们接受商品的创新方式。

Georg Jensen


Tenslife is another e-store in ourcollection that fascinates with an unorthodox appearance, good use ofinteractive elements and exquisite aesthetics. It is marked by consistency instyle. The two-column layout embraces all the necessary information,demonstrates the product range and strengthens the general feeling with abeautiful photo on the right. There is a lot of stuff, but it is not messy noroverpowering.




Quechua is famous for awesome lookbooksbased on a harmonious blend of static details, typography and dynamic elements.Spectacular natural scenes that accompany sections match the attitude andspirit of the brand as well as serve as great backgrounds. There are someplayful twists that grab users’ attention as well.


Ice and Sky

While websites with visual storytellingexperiences are not new, they are becoming more sophisticated. Ice and Sky is atypical representative that surprises with some enhancements. It shows a cleveruse of video, smooth transitions and stunning illustrations. The great thing isthat this educational and informative project saves its functionality acrossthe majority of popular devices.

网站使用视觉的方式讲故事已经不新颖,他们正变得更加复杂。Ice and Sky是一个典型代表以一些增强功能使人们惊讶。他展示了一个拥有平稳过渡和惊人插图的智能视频使用方式。最棒的事情是这种具有教育意义和信息化的项目的功能在大多数主流硬件设备上保存了下来。

Ice and Sky


DogStudio is a multi-award winning studiowith a magnificent website. While it sticks to a classic time-proven way ofarranging content, there are details that add spice to the aesthetics. Startingfrom the use of a mask technique to exhibit portfolio pieces and ending withsmall animations that unobtrusively follow shifting between sections; the teamdefinitely knows how to get the most out of current solutions.



Namale has a lovely female appeal. It isskillfully centered around the collection of goods. An amazing lookbook is thedriving force that catches the eye, focuses users’ attention on products andsets the mood. This is a masterfully crafted online gallery with a soul andpassion.


Kingsman Movie

The website is aimed to support and promotean upcoming film. It is akin to a movie teaser, yet it is more advanced,sophisticated and enthralling. Scenes taken from the movie create theenvironment. Interactive details let users become an integral part of thestory. Sounds and music background reinforce the effect.


Kingsman Movie


Braastad relies on a grid structure thatputs everything in order and keeps users away from feeling confused. It has abeautiful UI with sleek components, formal typography, elegant details and astrong boxy vibe. Non-static features like smooth transitions and fancyfull-screen animations add a surprising depth of emotion and enhance userexperience.



Keep Portland Weird

Keep Portland Weird makes the most out of asplendidly illustrated environment that is charged with motion. The lattergives the website a dynamic look. While the project is intended to beinformative, there are playful notes that make it amusing and enthralling toexplore.

Keep Portland Weird充分利用了一个被控制运动的华丽插图环境。后者给了网站一个动态的视觉。当这个项目打算变得更加丰富时,有趣的日志文件会让探索变得有趣且迷人。

Keep Portland Weird

YouTube 10thAnniversary

The leading video platform celebrated itsjubilee with an excellent website. It invites users to take part in anintriguing, absorbing and fully interactive quiz that tests your pop-culture knowledge.There are small animations, dynamic tricks, fantastic illustrations and, ofcourse, outstanding videos.


YouTube 10thAnniversary

Environment by Subaru

The project deserves the attention becauseof numerous factors. It is a fully interactive with pioneering elements and thespectacular photo-based environment. The navigation is fresh and cool. Thefeatured content is presented in a unique dynamic way.


Environment by Subaru


The website dedicated to multi-brand storeis an exceptional right from the beginning. It breaks away from the majority.It vividly tells a story about the company through a rich video full ofinteresting facts, and at the same time, offers more conservative users astandard structure with a content to explore. The drawback is that it worksonly on desktops; in the era of the explosive growth of mobile traffic this isa shot in the dark.



Sennheizer Reshaping Excellence

Sennheizer Reshaping Excellence goes for amind-blowing interactive experience. There is also a static version with asophisticated and exquisite design that is also worth your attention. Itbalances picturesque high-quality images and clean areas with productdescriptions.

Sennheizer Reshaping Excellence想到了一个让人大开眼界的交互体验。还有一个静态版本复杂和精致的设计,也值得你的注意。它平衡了别致的高质量图片和拥有产品描述的清洁区域。

Sennheizer Reshaping Excellence


This matchless website is a gallery ofvarious experiments that breathe with innovations and creative approaches. Itpushes boundaries and tests the limits of cutting-edge techniques.Nevertheless, much like the Silenza, it reveals what is hidden inside only fordesktop users with the latest versions of Chrome or Safari.



LegWork Studio

Specializing in building superfine interactive and unforgettable userexperiences, the agency has an online portfolio that is empowered withanimation patterns and subtle motion. This one-page website is includesambiguous yet eye-catching illustrations that single it out right away.


LegWork Studio


Interactivity and animations are characteristic traits of website designsthat can be called the best. Developers go to the limit by performing boldexperiments with high-end techniques and pioneering solutions. Although not allof them can boast of full browser compatibility and support of all populardevices; however, they push the web forward, making it a better place.




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