One Page Love Story - The Sketch
by Adam Stanley
In the fading light, the old street-artist hunched over his sketch pad. It was almost dark, and the contours of her face were only visible in shadow. We had planned on visiting Notre Dame, but when she saw the old man on the quay that runs along the river, sitting on a little stool in front of a shaky looking easel, surrounded by his windblown gallery of chalk drawings that were hanging on the rock wall beside the bridge, we stopped.
“I want one,” she said.
“Notre Dame probably closes at dark,” I answered.
“We might could still make it,” she said, and smiled.
He finished in about an hour, and it was an amazing portrait. Her face was flawless, the high cheekbones and slightly pouting lips rendered perfectly in charcoal. The early winter wind was brisk and cold, and he had even been able to capture that glassy looks in her eyes as she sat patiently, though uncomfortable, trying not to move.
We never made it to the tour of the cathedral. Instead, we went to a jazz bar and drank red wine until daylight.
I don't know where it is now, the charcoal sketch of your face that we got in Paris many years ago. Maybe you have it, and you framed it and put it on the wall beside your wedding photo, and photos of your children. It could be hidden away in the top of some closet, beneath the picture albums that you no longer look at, like all of the other evidence of our time together.
The best moments are those moments that feel like they have been stolen, not necessarily from someone else, but from life itself. At the time, it feels as if it were not supposed to happened, that you have somehow fooled fate, and changed your destiny, if only for a few minutes out of a lifetime. But later, maybe years, may be decades in the future, no matter what happened after, that moment always stands out as something that was meant to be. And no matter how trivial or insignificant it may seem, because it meant something once, it was, in hindsight one of the most important moment of your life. That cold day, down by the Seine, was one of those moments.
I sometime wonder what happened to that old street-artist. I wonder how many other faces he has drawn? How many other memories he has made real forever? How many other moments has he turned into eternity.