
Android 10.0 CarAudioService分析(一

2022-03-26  本文已影响0人  棒棒0_0

1. 构造函数

    public CarAudioService(Context context) {
        mContext = context;
        mTelephonyManager = (TelephonyManager) mContext.getSystemService(Context.TELEPHONY_SERVICE);
        mAudioManager = (AudioManager) mContext.getSystemService(Context.AUDIO_SERVICE);
        mUseDynamicRouting = mContext.getResources().getBoolean(R.bool.audioUseDynamicRouting);
        mPersistMasterMuteState = mContext.getResources().getBoolean(
        mUidToZoneMap = new HashMap<>();

2. init()函数
构造函数结束之后,就是init()函数,init函数里面,首先是通过AudioManager.getDevices获取到输出设备,并存储在deviceInfos 数组中,然后根据type类型是否是TYPE_BUS来对deviceInfos数组进行筛选,把筛选的结果放在busToCarAudioDeviceInfo,拿到busToCarAudioDeviceInfo之后,就调用setupDynamicRouting方法,进行动态路由的选择。

     * Dynamic routing and volume groups are set only if
     * {@link #mUseDynamicRouting} is {@code true}. Otherwise, this service runs in legacy mode.
    public void init() {
        synchronized (mImplLock) {
            if (mUseDynamicRouting) {
                // Enumerate all output bus device ports
                AudioDeviceInfo[] deviceInfos = mAudioManager.getDevices(
                if (deviceInfos.length == 0) {
                    Log.e(CarLog.TAG_AUDIO, "No output device available, ignore");
                SparseArray<CarAudioDeviceInfo> busToCarAudioDeviceInfo = new SparseArray<>();
                for (AudioDeviceInfo info : deviceInfos) {
                    Log.v(CarLog.TAG_AUDIO, String.format("output id=%d address=%s type=%s",
                            info.getId(), info.getAddress(), info.getType()));
                    if (info.getType() == AudioDeviceInfo.TYPE_BUS) {
                        final CarAudioDeviceInfo carInfo = new CarAudioDeviceInfo(info);
                        // See also the audio_policy_configuration.xml,
                        // the bus number should be no less than zero.
                        if (carInfo.getBusNumber() >= 0) {
                            busToCarAudioDeviceInfo.put(carInfo.getBusNumber(), carInfo);
                            Log.i(CarLog.TAG_AUDIO, "Valid bus found " + carInfo);
            } else {
                Log.i(CarLog.TAG_AUDIO, "Audio dynamic routing not enabled, run in legacy mode");

            // Restore master mute state if applicable
            if (mPersistMasterMuteState) {
                boolean storedMasterMute = Settings.Global.getInt(mContext.getContentResolver(),
                        VOLUME_SETTINGS_KEY_MASTER_MUTE, 0) != 0;
                setMasterMute(storedMasterMute, 0);

2.1 setupDynamicRouting()函数

    private void setupDynamicRouting(SparseArray<CarAudioDeviceInfo> busToCarAudioDeviceInfo) {
        final AudioPolicy.Builder builder = new AudioPolicy.Builder(mContext);
        //读取Car Audio的配置
        mCarAudioConfigurationPath = getAudioConfigurationPath();
        if (mCarAudioConfigurationPath != null) {
            try (InputStream inputStream = new FileInputStream(mCarAudioConfigurationPath)) {
                CarAudioZonesHelper zonesHelper = new CarAudioZonesHelper(mContext, inputStream,
                mCarAudioZones = zonesHelper.loadAudioZones();
            } catch (IOException | XmlPullParserException e) {
                throw new RuntimeException("Failed to parse audio zone configuration", e);
        } else {
            // In legacy mode, context -> bus mapping is done by querying IAudioControl HAL.
            final IAudioControl audioControl = getAudioControl();
            if (audioControl == null) {
                throw new RuntimeException(
                        "Dynamic routing requested but audioControl HAL not available");
            CarAudioZonesHelperLegacy legacyHelper = new CarAudioZonesHelperLegacy(mContext,
                    R.xml.car_volume_groups, busToCarAudioDeviceInfo, audioControl);
            mCarAudioZones = legacyHelper.loadAudioZones();
        for (CarAudioZone zone : mCarAudioZones) {
            if (!zone.validateVolumeGroups()) {
                throw new RuntimeException("Invalid volume groups configuration");
            // Ensure HAL gets our initial value
            Log.v(CarLog.TAG_AUDIO, "Processed audio zone: " + zone);

        // Setup dynamic routing rules by usage
        final CarAudioDynamicRouting dynamicRouting = new CarAudioDynamicRouting(mCarAudioZones);

        // Attach the {@link AudioPolicyVolumeCallback}

        if (sUseCarAudioFocus) {
            // Configure our AudioPolicy to handle focus events.
            // This gives us the ability to decide which audio focus requests to accept and bypasses
            // the framework ducking logic.
            mFocusHandler = new CarZonesAudioFocus(mAudioManager,

        mAudioPolicy =;
        if (sUseCarAudioFocus) {
            // Connect the AudioPolicy and the focus listener
            mFocusHandler.setOwningPolicy(this, mAudioPolicy);

        int r = mAudioManager.registerAudioPolicy(mAudioPolicy);
        if (r != AudioManager.SUCCESS) {
            throw new RuntimeException("registerAudioPolicy failed " + r);

2.1.1 getAudioConfigurationPath()

    // CarAudioService reads configuration from the following paths respectively.
    // If the first one is found, all others are ignored.
    // If no one is found, it fallbacks to car_volume_groups.xml resource file.
    private static final String[] AUDIO_CONFIGURATION_PATHS = new String[] {

     * Read from {@link #AUDIO_CONFIGURATION_PATHS} respectively.
     * @return File path of the first hit in {@link #AUDIO_CONFIGURATION_PATHS}
    private String getAudioConfigurationPath() {
        for (String path : AUDIO_CONFIGURATION_PATHS) {
            File configuration = new File(path);
            if (configuration.exists()) {
                return path;
        return null;


<?xml version="1.0" encoding="utf-8"?>
<!-- Copyright (C) 2018 The Android Open Source Project

     Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the "License");
     you may not use this file except in compliance with the License.
     You may obtain a copy of the License at

     Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software
     distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS,
     WITHOUT WARRANTIES OR CONDITIONS OF ANY KIND, either express or implied.
     See the License for the specific language governing permissions and
     limitations under the License.

  Defines the audio configuration in a car, including
    - Audio zones
    - Display to audio zone mappings
    - Context to audio bus mappings
    - Volume groups
  in the car environment.
<carAudioConfiguration version="1">
        <zone name="primary zone" isPrimary="true">
                    <device address="bus0_media_out">
                        <context context="music"/>
                    <device address="bus3_call_ring_out">
                        <context context="call_ring"/>
                    <device address="bus6_notification_out">
                        <context context="notification"/>
                    <device address="bus7_system_sound_out">
                        <context context="system_sound"/>
                    <device address="bus1_navigation_out">
                        <context context="navigation"/>
                    <device address="bus2_voice_command_out">
                        <context context="voice_command"/>
                    <device address="bus4_call_out">
                        <context context="call"/>
                    <device address="bus5_alarm_out">
                        <context context="alarm"/>
                <display port="0"/>
            <!-- to specify displays associated with this audio zone, use the following tags
                    <display port="1"/>
                    <display port="2"/>
                where port is the physical port of the display (See DisplayAddress.Phyisical)
        <zone name="rear seat zone">
                    <device address="bus100_rear_seat">
                        <context context="music"/>
                        <context context="navigation"/>
                        <context context="voice_command"/>
                        <context context="call_ring"/>
                        <context context="call"/>
                        <context context="alarm"/>
                        <context context="notification"/>
                        <context context="system_sound"/>
                <display port="1"/>

2.1.2 CarAudioZonesHelper()

    CarAudioZonesHelper(Context context, @NonNull InputStream inputStream,
            @NonNull SparseArray<CarAudioDeviceInfo> busToCarAudioDeviceInfo) {
        mContext = context;
        mInputStream = inputStream;
        mBusToCarAudioDeviceInfo = busToCarAudioDeviceInfo;

        mNextSecondaryZoneId = CarAudioManager.PRIMARY_AUDIO_ZONE + 1;
        mPortIds = new HashSet<>();

    CarAudioZone[] loadAudioZones() throws IOException, XmlPullParserException {
        List<CarAudioZone> carAudioZones = new ArrayList<>();
        parseCarAudioZones(carAudioZones, mInputStream);
        return carAudioZones.toArray(new CarAudioZone[0]);


    private final int mId;
    private final String mName;
    private final List<CarVolumeGroup> mVolumeGroups;
    private final List<DisplayAddress.Physical> mPhysicalDisplayAddresses;

    CarAudioZone(int id, String name) {
        mId = id;
        mName = name;
        mVolumeGroups = new ArrayList<>();
        mPhysicalDisplayAddresses = new ArrayList<>();

mId是我们每次mVolumeGroups .add的时候传入的从0开始累加的一个数,也就是list的索引
mStoredGainIndex 是数据库存储的值

     * Constructs a {@link CarVolumeGroup} instance
     * @param context {@link Context} instance
     * @param zoneId Audio zone this volume group belongs to
     * @param id ID of this volume group
    CarVolumeGroup(Context context, int zoneId, int id) {
        mContentResolver = context.getContentResolver();
        mZoneId = zoneId;
        mId = id;
        mStoredGainIndex = Settings.Global.getInt(mContentResolver,
                CarAudioService.getVolumeSettingsKeyForGroup(mZoneId, mId), -1);


    static {
        CONTEXT_NAME_MAP = new HashMap<>();
        CONTEXT_NAME_MAP.put("music", ContextNumber.MUSIC);
        CONTEXT_NAME_MAP.put("navigation", ContextNumber.NAVIGATION);
        CONTEXT_NAME_MAP.put("voice_command", ContextNumber.VOICE_COMMAND);
        CONTEXT_NAME_MAP.put("call_ring", ContextNumber.CALL_RING);
        CONTEXT_NAME_MAP.put("call", ContextNumber.CALL);
        CONTEXT_NAME_MAP.put("alarm", ContextNumber.ALARM);
        CONTEXT_NAME_MAP.put("notification", ContextNumber.NOTIFICATION);
        CONTEXT_NAME_MAP.put("system_sound", ContextNumber.SYSTEM_SOUND);

    private CarVolumeGroup parseVolumeGroup(XmlPullParser parser, int zoneId, int groupId)
            throws XmlPullParserException, IOException {
        final CarVolumeGroup group = new CarVolumeGroup(mContext, zoneId, groupId);
        while ( != XmlPullParser.END_TAG) {
            if (parser.getEventType() != XmlPullParser.START_TAG) continue;
            if (TAG_AUDIO_DEVICE.equals(parser.getName())) {
                String address = parser.getAttributeValue(NAMESPACE, ATTR_DEVICE_ADDRESS);
                parseVolumeGroupContexts(parser, group,
            } else {
        return group;

    private void parseVolumeGroupContexts(
            XmlPullParser parser, CarVolumeGroup group, int busNumber)
            throws XmlPullParserException, IOException {
        while ( != XmlPullParser.END_TAG) {
            if (parser.getEventType() != XmlPullParser.START_TAG) continue;
            if (TAG_CONTEXT.equals(parser.getName())) {
                        parseContextNumber(parser.getAttributeValue(NAMESPACE, ATTR_CONTEXT_NAME)),
                        busNumber, mBusToCarAudioDeviceInfo.get(busNumber));
            // Always skip to upper level since we're at the lowest.


     * Binds the context number to physical bus number and audio device port information.
     * Because this may change the groups min/max values, thus invalidating an index computed from
     * a gain before this call, all calls to this function must happen at startup before any
     * set/getGainIndex calls.
     * @param contextNumber Context number as defined in audio control HAL
     * @param busNumber Physical bus number for the audio device port
     * @param info {@link CarAudioDeviceInfo} instance relates to the physical bus
    void bind(int contextNumber, int busNumber, CarAudioDeviceInfo info) {
        if (mBusToCarAudioDeviceInfo.size() == 0) {
            mStepSize = info.getAudioGain().stepValue();
        } else {
                    info.getAudioGain().stepValue() == mStepSize,
                    "Gain controls within one group must have same step value");

        mContextToBus.put(contextNumber, busNumber);
        mBusToCarAudioDeviceInfo.put(busNumber, info);

        if (info.getDefaultGain() > mDefaultGain) {
            // We're arbitrarily selecting the highest bus default gain as the group's default.
            mDefaultGain = info.getDefaultGain();
        if (info.getMaxGain() > mMaxGain) {
            mMaxGain = info.getMaxGain();
        if (info.getMinGain() < mMinGain) {
            mMinGain = info.getMinGain();
        if (mStoredGainIndex < getMinGainIndex() || mStoredGainIndex > getMaxGainIndex()) {
            // We expected to load a value from last boot, but if we didn't (perhaps this is the
            // first boot ever?), then use the highest "default" we've seen to initialize
            // ourselves.
            mCurrentGainIndex = getIndexForGain(mDefaultGain);
        } else {
            // Just use the gain index we stored last time the gain was set (presumably during our
            // last boot cycle).
            mCurrentGainIndex = mStoredGainIndex;


        // Setup dynamic routing rules by usage
        final CarAudioDynamicRouting dynamicRouting = new CarAudioDynamicRouting(mCarAudioZones);
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