2020-05-01 命令提示符2.txt : Oracle数据

2020-05-01  本文已影响0人  五大RobertWu伍洋

sqlplus scott/tiger
connect sys/oracle as sysdba
alter user scott identified by tiger;
alter user scott account unlock;
conn scott/tiger

select table_name from user_tables;

partition by range(sage)
(partition p1 values less than (20) tablespace example,
partition p2 values between (20) and (30) tablespace orcltbs1,
partition p3 values less than (maxvalue) tablespace orcltbs2)

partition by range(sage) (partition p1 values less than (20) tablespace example,partition p2 values between (20) and (30) tablespace orcltbs1,partition p3 values less than (maxvalue) tablespace orcltbs2)

orcale入门命令2012-03-12 16:52:18 我来说两句 收藏 我要投稿 [java]
一 基本命令:

  1. spool命令用于在sqlplus中录屏
    spool c:\1.txt 自动创建1.txt,录屏

spool c:\1.txt append

  1. conn system/orcl 切换用户的连接
  2. -- 注释的意思
  3. exit退出
  4. 清屏:host cls;
  5. 修改密码:
    alter user system identified by system;
    alter user identified by 都是关键字。

sqlplus sys/aaa as sysdba;--以数据库管理员的身份登录. 如果在本机登录

  1. 修改sql语句:
    c/alert/alter (错语句/对语句)

/ ----/运行上一个命令

  1. 解锁: hr是用户名
    alter user hr account unlock;
  2. show all 显示所有的命令
  3. distinct是重复行取一个---重要
  4. set timing on; 设置执行的时间
  5. set timing off;取消执行的时间
  6. set feedback off;取消当执行的时候显示已选择多少行。
  7. set feedback on; 显示当执行的时候显示已选择多少行。
  8. set heading off;取消字段的头信息
  9. set heading on;显示字段的头信息
  10. set trimout on;
  11. set trimout off;

二 查询表:

  1. select * from tabs;查询系统表
  2. select table_name from user_tables; 当前用户下面的表名
  3. desc 表名 查询表的结构
  4. set linesize 120 设置行的高度
  5. col 名称 for 9999字符 ---设置栈位的长度
    --- col sal for 9999(栈位的长度)
    6.set pagesize 长度 默认的是14
    7.set pagesize 0 代表当前显示没有限制,禁止分页
  6. show all 查看oracle的一些默认的配置
    9. select * from tab 查询所有的表
    10. select ename,job from emp;选择指定的行
    11. select sal12 from emp; 运算符的运算
    12. select sal
    12+nvl(comm,0) from emp;把null用0替代
    13. 过滤条件
    -where子句的使用,加上过滤的条件, 紧跟着from 表名之后
    SQL> --where语法 select* |{distinct|express|clomn} from 表名 where 过滤条件
    select * from emp where deptno=20;
    select empno from emp where depton=20
    select * from emp where job='CLERK';
    select * from emp where hiredate='17-12月-80'
    14.比较运算符 > < ==
    select * from emp where sal >1000;
    select * from emp where sal >=3000;
    select * from emp where sal<=3000;
    select * from emp where sal <>3000;
    select * from emp where sal !=3000;
    select * from emp where sal between 1600 and 300;
    select * from emp where job in('SALESMAN','MMANAGER');
    select * from emp where sal in(1600,3000);
    select * from emp where sal=1600 or sal=3000;
    select * from emp where ename like '%SN%';
    select * from emp where ename like 'SM%';
    select * from emp where ename like '%SM';

SQL> --在orcal中 % _是有多个含义的 % 0-多个字符 - 一个字符
SQL> --字段内容 % _ 没有任何含义 结合\ escape来实现
select * from jobs where job_id like 'IT_%' escape '' ;

select * from emp where comm is not null;
select * from emp where sal>1600 and job='MANAGER';
select * from emp where sal>1600 or job='MANAGER';
select * from emp where job in('MANAGER','SALESMAN')
select * from emp where job not in('MANAGER','SALESMAN')
select * from emp order by sal;
select * from emp order by sal desc;
select * from emp order by comm;
select * from emp order by comm desc;
select * from emp order by nvl(comm,0) desc;
select * from emp order by hiredate;

SQL> --按别名排序
SQL> select sal12+nvl(comm,0) from emp order by sal12+nvl(comm,0);

select sal*12+nvl(comm,0) as salary from emp order by salary;

SQL> --多个列排序 

SQL> select * from emp order by deptno,sal;

17.有时候在查出来的格式不好看的话,可以调整一下,有时候col value for 9999改变不了,所以要用以下的sql语句:
SQL> set linesize 120
SQL> col value for a20
SQL> col parameter for a40

注意:SQL 语言大小写不敏感。
SQL 可以写在一行或者多行

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