Day 06|Still gone

Chapter 6 Book 206 Audio 4:26:03
P1 Imitation
01 Office Fiske, even then, hated to give out false hopes.
析 false hope虚假的希望,不可靠的承诺,议论文用的话,可以指政府做的允诺。
仿 We urge the Government not to give any false hopes to the public who concerned about this issue.
02 He did not say mixed, or interracial, or mismatched, but he didn't have to.
析 mixed/interracial/mismatched在这里都特指Existing between or involving different races~interracial conflict
仿 Living in an interracial family can be a difficult experience, but in the end, every partner will understand each other.
03 In kindergarten, he had learned how to make a bruise stop hurting: you pressed it over and over with your thumb.
析 bruise [bruːz] 擦伤。hurt不仅可以指物理上的手上,还可以心灵方面的损失,hurt one's well-being/ feeling;程度副词用badly/ seriously;同义词painful/sore/suffering/tender
仿 Government should issue policies on immigaration to stop hurting immigrators' feeling.
P2 Impression
He remembered everything he could:Marilyn kneeling to lace Nath's sneaker; Marilyn lifting his collar to slide in the stays. Marilyn as she was that first day in his office: slender and serious and so focused that he didn't dare look at those eyes directly.
It didn't stop hurting.His eyes didn't stop watering.
In the morning, it all begin again.
P3 Review