Learning Log: August

2017-08-21  本文已影响9人  开水的杯子

Week ending 9/1/2017

Goals (8/25):



Week ending 8/25/2017

Goals (8/21):


Retrospective (8/25)

Goals were a bit too aggressive. Ramping up on a new team + extra stuff is a bit rough during the week. I will probably try to substitute DB reading group for Blueprint hack night.


Things to review from work:

If the Redux state tree is mutated in a way that causes the value of an input-selector to change, the selector will call its transform function with the values of the input-selectors as arguments and return the result. If the values of the input-selectors are the same as the previous call to the selector, it will return the previously computed value instead of calling the transform function.

docker stop $(docker ps -a -q)
docker rm $(docker ps -a -q)

Unexpected surprises:

Week ending 8/14/2017

A few things that I got better at this past week:

A few things to pick up on:

A few things to study:

Interesting things to work on


