JavaScript 数组对象原型方法(一)
2017-04-14 本文已影响0人
- 合并一个或多个数组;
- 不会覆盖原数组结构;
- 多个数组的合并,存在相同值不会被覆盖;
- 数组合并的是对象,那么对象会被加入到数组中去(见示例abk变量)
- 数组合并的是字符串或者数字,会将字符串或数字加入到数组中去(见示例 abc变量)
let a = ["a","b","c"];
let b = ["c","d","e"];
let c = [1,2,3];
let ab = a.concat(b);
let ac = a.concat(c);
let abc = ["a","b"].concat("c");
let abk = ["a","b"].concat({k:"123"});
// a = ["a","b","c"]
// ab = ["a", "b", "c", "c", "d", "e"]
// ac = ["a", "b", "c", 1, 2, 3]
// abc = ["a","b","c"]
// abk = ["a","b",{k:"123"}]
- 数据累加
- 数组迭代、递归
- 删除数组中的某个元素
let sum = [0, 1, 2, 3].reduce(function(result, item) {
return result + item;
}, 10);
// 删除 对象中 id=2的数据
let sum = [{id:1,val:"1"},{id:2,value:"2"},{id:3,value:"3"}].reduce(function(result, item) {
return result.concat(item);
return result;
}, []);
- callback回调函数,接受四个参数
- 上次回调函数的结果(或初始值(initialValue) ,即reduce方法的第二个参数)
- 当前正在进行的元素
- 正在进行中的元素的数组索引,如果没有初始值,则回调从1开始执行
- 调用 reduce 的数组
- initialValue 可选项,其值用于第一次调用 callback 的第一个参数。
// 数组扁平化
let arr = [1,[3,4],[5,6],[[7,8,9]]];
function flatten(arrs){
let newarr = []
newarr =
if( Array.isArray(item) ){
return result.concat( flatten(item) );
return result.concat(item);
return newarr
var a = flatten(arr);
// Production steps of ECMA-262, Edition 5,
// Reference:
if (!Array.prototype.reduce) {
Object.defineProperty(Array.prototype, 'reduce', {
value: function(callback /*, initialValue*/) {
if (this === null) {
throw new TypeError( 'Array.prototype.reduce ' +
'called on null or undefined' );
if (typeof callback !== 'function') {
throw new TypeError( callback +
' is not a function');
// 1. Let O be ? ToObject(this value).
var o = Object(this);
// 2. Let len be ? ToLength(? Get(O, "length")).
var len = o.length >>> 0;
// Steps 3, 4, 5, 6, 7
var k = 0;
var value;
if (arguments.length >= 2) {
value = arguments[1];
} else {
while (k < len && !(k in o)) {
// 3. If len is 0 and initialValue is not present,
// throw a TypeError exception.
if (k >= len) {
throw new TypeError( 'Reduce of empty array ' +
'with no initial value' );
value = o[k++];
// 8. Repeat, while k < len
while (k < len) {
// a. Let Pk be ! ToString(k).
// b. Let kPresent be ? HasProperty(O, Pk).
// c. If kPresent is true, then
// i. Let kValue be ? Get(O, Pk).
// ii. Let accumulator be ? Call(
// callbackfn, undefined,
// « accumulator, kValue, k, O »).
if (k in o) {
value = callback(value, o[k], k, o);
// d. Increase k by 1.
// 9. Return accumulator.
return value;
Array.prototype.slice(start , end)
- 提取数组,不修改原数组
- 浅拷贝(一维数组是对象或数组,改变提取出的数组它的对象原数组也会被改变,如示例二)
slice( start , end )
- 参数 start (可选),原数组索引位置
- 参数 end (可选),原数组第n个的位置
- slice( 2, 3 ) 提取原数组索引为2的,直到原数组从左到右的第3个值
- 如果数组中有 对象引用(不是实际的对象),那么改变该对象引用,相应的新数组与原数组的对象引用也会随之改变(如示例二)
let arr = ["a","b","c","d","e","f","g"];
let r1 = arr.slice();
let r2 = arr.slice(2, 5);
let r3 = arr.slice(3);
// r1 结果为 ["a","b","c","d","e","f","g"];
// r2 结果为 ["c","d","e"]
// r3 结果为 ["d",······]
// myHonda 是对象引用
var myHonda = { color: 'red', wheels: 4, engine: { cylinders: 4, size: 2.2 } };
var myCar = [myHonda, 2, "cherry condition", "purchased 1997"];
var newCar = myCar.slice(0, 2);
// 改变myHonda对象的color属性.
myHonda.color = 'purple';
// myCar 及 newCar对应的color属性会跟着改变
// 直接执行 Array.prototype.slice()将会得到结果为一个空数组
// 将 类似数组对象(Array-like)转换为真正的数组
// 如果是obj是对象引用则报错,即不是数组对象无法使用该方法
var obj = {0:"a",1:"c",2:"e",length:3};
// 原型写法;
// 简写形式
* Shim for "fixing" IE's lack of support (IE < 9) for applying slice
* on host objects like NamedNodeMap, NodeList, and HTMLCollection
* (technically, since host objects have been implementation-dependent,
* at least before ES6, IE hasn't needed to work this way).
* Also works on strings, fixes IE < 9 to allow an explicit undefined
* for the 2nd argument (as in Firefox), and prevents errors when
* called on other DOM objects.
(function () {
'use strict';
var _slice = Array.prototype.slice;
try {
// Can't be used with DOM elements in IE < 9;
} catch (e) { // Fails in IE < 9
// This will work for genuine arrays, array-like objects,
// NamedNodeMap (attributes, entities, notations),
// NodeList (e.g., getElementsByTagName), HTMLCollection (e.g., childNodes),
// and will not fail on other DOM objects (as do DOM elements in IE < 9)
Array.prototype.slice = function (begin, end) {
// IE < 9 gets unhappy with an undefined end argument
end = (typeof end !== 'undefined') ? end : this.length;
// For native Array objects, we use the native slice function
if ( === '[object Array]'){
return, begin, end);
// For array like object we handle it ourselves.
var i, cloned = [],
size, len = this.length;
// Handle negative value for "begin"
var start = begin || 0;
start = (start >= 0) ? start: len + start;
// Handle negative value for "end"
var upTo = (end) ? end : len;
if (end < 0) {
upTo = len + end;
// Actual expected size of the slice
size = upTo - start;
if (size > 0) {
cloned = new Array(size);
if (this.charAt) {
for (i = 0; i < size; i++) {
cloned[i] = this.charAt(start + i);
} else {
for (i = 0; i < size; i++) {
cloned[i] = this[start + i];
return cloned;
- 返回一个字符串,表示指定的数组及其元素。
- 该方法等同于数组调用了join方法
- 该方法无参数
let arr = ["abc","efg","myName"];
arr.toString(); // 方法一; //方法二
arr.join(","); //方法三
// 多维数组(数组中没有对象)与一维数组
let arr = ["abc",["a","c"],"1","2"];
// 结果
// abc,a,c,1,2
// -------------------------------------
// 多维数组中存在 键值对象的情况
var list = ["abc",["a","c"],"1",{"key":"val"}];
// 结果
// abc,a,c,1,[object Object]
Array.prototype.find(callback[, thisArg])
。 -
方法,它返回数组中找到的元素的索引,而不是其值。 - find 方法不会改变数组。
- 在第一次调用 callback 函数时会确定元素的索引范围,即调用后添加了数组不会被访问到,以及回调函数中未被访问的数组被提前删除,该元素扔然能被访问到
callback 数组每一项回调函数,拥有参数:
- element 当前遍历到的元素。
- index 当前遍历到的索引。
- array 数组本身。
thisArg( 可选 )— 指定 callback 的 this 参数。
如果提供了 thisArg 参数,那么它将作为每次 callback 函数执行时的上下文对象,否则上下文对象为 undefined
- 当某个元素通过 callback 的检验时,返回数组中的这个元素的值,否则返回undefined
if (!Array.prototype.find) {
Object.defineProperty(Array.prototype, 'find', {
value: function(predicate) {
// 1. Let O be ? ToObject(this value).
if (this == null) {
throw new TypeError('"this" is null or not defined');
var o = Object(this);
// 2. Let len be ? ToLength(? Get(O, "length")).
var len = o.length >>> 0;
// 3. If IsCallable(predicate) is false, throw a TypeError exception.
if (typeof predicate !== 'function') {
throw new TypeError('predicate must be a function');
// 4. If thisArg was supplied, let T be thisArg; else let T be undefined.
var thisArg = arguments[1];
// 5. Let k be 0.
var k = 0;
// 6. Repeat, while k < len
while (k < len) {
// a. Let Pk be ! ToString(k).
// b. Let kValue be ? Get(O, Pk).
// c. Let testResult be ToBoolean(? Call(predicate, T, « kValue, k, O »)).
// d. If testResult is true, return kValue.
var kValue = o[k];
if (, kValue, k, o)) {
return kValue;
// e. Increase k by 1.
// 7. Return undefined.
return undefined;