
【M实事摘要Newsletter】20171120 #1

2017-11-20  本文已影响1人  MurphyWan

欢迎关注【M实事摘要】,这是一则立足中国放眼全球的AI和无人驾驶汽车(SDC)的实事简报(Newsletter)。每日更新 | 点击关注: 【实事摘要】

1) Fully autonomous cars to be on UK roads by 2021

Self-driving cars without a human behind the wheel could run freely on UK roads from 2021, the chancellor is set to announce in this week's Budget.

2) Jeremy Clarkson says he was nearly killed when a driverless car made two 'huge mistakes' on the ...

The Sun
Hammond wants to see driverless cars on British roads by 2021 - boosting the £28 billion industry and providing 27,000 jobs. Audi are among those who will start selling advanced autonomous cars next year. But Clarkson said: "You drive one of your driverless cars over the Death Road in Bolivia and I'll ...

3) Jeremy Clarkson's driverless close shave

The Times
The chancellor's bold declaration today that driverless cars will be on Britain's roads within four years may cost him one vote — Jeremy Clarkson says he was nearly killed twice in a matter of minutes while trying out the technology. The Grand Tour host reveals that a recent motorway outing with a partly ...

4) 特斯拉入局7000亿美元卡车市场,业界关注两大疑虑

在特斯拉创始人伊隆·马斯克(Elon Musk)三次跳票之后,卡车产品终于在太平洋时间11月16日晚正式发布,其互联网化的设计理念正成为货运行业的一条鲶鱼。 根据美国卡车协会去年的预估,今年卡车市场产业收入将达到7000亿美元。尽管已经有许多汽车厂商进入卡车领域,但以电动化和无人驾驶入局尚少见。

5) 特斯拉搞出了个防核爆、百公里加速5 秒的大货车。。。

和一般的柴油卡车画风很不一样,充满了科技感,而且座位正中,两侧的显示屏替代了反光镜(你可以拉回去仔细看外侧照片,会发现车头没有反光镜),长途货运司机变成赛车游戏电竞选手。。。 一般卡车的油箱都巨大无比,大概要十多分钟才能加满(马斯克说15 分钟),得排很长的队伍,油稍微洒一些出来对环境也 ...

6) UK budget will clear the way for self-driving cars

The UK doesn't want to sit by the wayside while the US, Japan and other countries streamline the adoption of self-driving cars. The country's finance ministry has revealed that its upcoming budget (due on November 22nd) will include measures intended to spurt the adoption of self-driving and electric ...

7) Safety a key concern for self-driving cars

Experts believe that self-driving vehicles will be ready for commercial use by around 2020. Chinese internet search giant Baidu Inc is expected to ...

8) UK to allow road tests of fully driverless cars by 2019

Financial Times
Self-driving cars without a human at the wheel are to be tested on British roads as early as 2019, the chancellor is expected to announce in this week's ...

9) 众多企业抢滩布局无人驾驶成主流还远吗

无人驾驶汽车正发展为新的“淘金潮”。本届高交会上,无人驾驶汽车系统吸引观众眼球。在1号馆,星行科技工作人员展示了无人驾驶level 4的解决方案。该解决方案使用多个传感器来进行测量和感知,从而更好地提高自动驾驶算法的稳健性和自动驾驶的安全性,可应用在自动驾驶卡车、自动驾驶物流车等上面。

10) The Key To How AI Can Help Us Be Healthier

Can AI make us healthier, happier, better? That's the question on everyone's minds these days. If engineers continue to program AI to take away our jobs and our need to utilize our capacity for deductive reasoning and common sense, then the answer is clearly NO. Human beings thrive on being ...

11) AI Revolution Winning Stocks

If science fiction of the late '80s is to be believed, the rise of AI will end the world in fire, just as Robert Frost posited in 1920. But AI isn't science fiction ...

12) Drug Discovery AI to Scour a Universe of Molecules for Wonder Drugs

Singularity Hub
On a dark night, away from city lights, the stars of the Milky Way can seem uncountable. Yet from any given location no more than 4,500 are visible to the naked eye. Meanwhile, our galaxy has 100–400 billion stars, and there are even more galaxies in the universe. The numbers of the night sky are ...

北京时间17/11/20 每日更新 | 点击关注: 【M实事摘要】

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