
每日听英语84(Lesson92When will...?)

2024-05-20  本文已影响0人  生命中最美的是成长

Lesson 92 When will...?

It rained yesterday.

Yes,and it'll rain again tomorrow.

It snowed yesterday.

Yes,and it'll snow again tomorrow.

They left home late yesterday.

Yes,and they'll leave home late again tomorrow.

He got up late yesterday.

Yes,and he'll get up late again tomorrow.

They arrived at the airport early yesterday.

Yes,and they'll  arrive at the airport early again the day after tomorrow.

He finished work late yesterday.

Yes,and he'll finish work late again tomorrow.

They had a holiday last year.

Yes,and they'll have a holiday again next year.

They drove home late yesterday.

Yes,and they'll drive home late again  tomorrow.

He had a haircut last month.

Yes,and he'll have a haircut again next month.

She telephoned him yesterday.

Yes,and she'll telephone him again tomorrow.

He had a shave yesterday.

Yes,and he'll have  a shave again tomortow.

He packed his bags yesterday.

Yes,and he'll pack his bags again tomorrow.

She swept the floor yesterday.

Yes,and she'll sweep the floor again tomorrow.

They painted this room last month.

Yes,and they'll paint this room again next month.

They repaired his car yesterday.

Yes,and they'll repair his car again tomorrow.

He made an appointment yesterday.

Yes,and he'll make an appointment again tomorrow.

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