2020 - 云中独舞 / Dance on the clou

2020-08-13  本文已影响0人  guns

 共存 / Live with it

新年伊始的1月25日 东京奥运会倒计时六个月时,在东京湾上空进行了美丽的烟花表演。在夜空绽放的焰火和现场一片欢腾的祥云  预示着又是丰收和醴和的一年 还有那将会是史无前例成功的盛会

Jan 25, 2020, Tokyo. A flashy firework show lit up the clouds of the bay area, marking the 6-months-to-go milestone for the Olympics. Also lit up were hopes for a year of harvest, harmony and unprecedented success in the arena.

可是 一张照片改变了一切.

But one image changed everything.

Photo courtesy of the National Institute of Infectious Diseases, Japan

社交大流行, 社交距离 这些我们并不是耳熟能详的新单词泛滥在新闻的头条,感染者涌向我们的医院 生活充满了恐惧和疑虑, 甚至仇恨. 道琼斯日经以及霍普金大学的数字都成了祥林嫂冬天的狼 听出耳茧. 我们匆忙把所有的活动搬到云里面, 我们生活的每一个角落都被改变。且不用说工业重组, 接近零病例战略, 逃离大城市返乡等等,甚至平常见面打招呼也都是从 ”吃了吗” 改成 ”哟 今儿个测核酸了吗”?

Headlines were dominated by unpleasant words like pandemic and social distancing. Hospitals were overwhelmed. Fear, paranoia and even hatred were spreading. Not long after, Dow and Nikkei became far less important numbers than that of confirmed cases, lock-down and meltdown became new norms, and for once, people were wondering on clouds, but unwillingly. Few things have been left unaffected. Not even to mention of "industry realign", ”getting close to zero cases strategy", or "a surge of interest in moving to the country", even our daily email salutations become ’Have a great socially distant day’, ‘Yours from afar’,  or ‘Sent from my living room’.

2020年 对我们每一个的人生 对公司 对民族 对国家 都是非凡的的一年

The Year 2020 has become an extraordinary year, for individuals, companies and nations.

从年初开始的恐慌, 到逐渐了解感染的机制 到开始研发疫苗 人类开始逐渐从科学上了解,控制,甚至开始抑制病毒。同时我们必须承认至少在接下来的几年 甚至几十年 或者几百年里面 我们都必须不可避免的和新冠病毒共处共存。

From the early stage of the pandemic, we suffered panic of quarantine, then we managed to understand the mechanism of infection, and now we are undertaking vaccine researches. Inevitably, for the coming years or even decades, we need to learn to live together with the virus.

在这样一个云中独舞却是与病毒共存的新世界里面 一直纠结着我的三个问题 抛砖引玉和大家分享 希望大家指点

In such a world, that we have to dance alone on the cloud and to co-exist with the virus, there are three questions perplexing me for a while. To throw a sprat to catch ----for whatever opinions, seriously, we need to think about the post-corona world.

薄荷阅读 courtesy of Mint reading

伤会愈合 爱会继续 我们依旧如初  ---克里斯汀·汉娜,夜莺 --- 里面  我们可以柔弱到不堪一击,却也能坚韧至百折不挠.

Wounds heal, love lasts, we remain --- Kristin Hannah, the Nightgale ---we may be weak and fragile as to collapse at the first blow, but we may also be tough and tensile that never yield.

问题壹: 人类和自然 是人类战胜自然?还是人类和自然和谐共处? 

Q1: Are we fighting against or living harmoniously with our nature?

病毒[1] 最早被发现的记载是1898年,荷兰细菌学家贝杰林克发现引起烟草花叶病的致病因子不是细菌,而是一种新的物质,称为“有感染性的活的流质”,并取名为病毒,拉丁名叫“Virus". 这个拉丁名“Virus"后来人们就把它称为“病毒”。可是一直到1931年德国科学家才开发出观测病毒的电子显微镜, 因为多数单个病毒粒子的直径在100纳米左右,病毒如此细小,绝大多数病毒必须借助电子显微镜才能观察,电子显微镜的分辨率是光学显微镜的1000倍。

The discovery of the tobacco mosaic virus by Martinus Beijerinck was in 1898. The word was from the Latin neuter vīrus referring to poison and other noxious liquids,  first attested in English in 1398, meaning of "agent that causes infectious disease". The first images of viruses were obtained upon the invention of electron microscopy in 1931 by the German engineers Ernst Ruska and Max Knoll. Because the virus particles were so small, approximately 100 nanometers in diameter, we had to observe them by using an electron microscope, whose resolution is a 1000 times better than that of the optical microscope.

数百年过去了 即便我们现在能够用最高分辨率的显微镜来观测病毒 可是我们对病毒感染机制的理解和抑制病毒的手段还是相当有限的。 这样的有限同样也是我们人类文明对自然世界的认知程度。人类有限的文明 人类创造的技术 能否战胜自然?

Several hundred years passed, even we can use the highest resolution microscope to investigate the viruses, the mechanism that we can understand for infection, and the methodology we may apply to refrain it, are still quite limited. The same limitation is the cognitive competence we are exploring the natural world. Can we overcome our nature with limited civilization, technologies? 

更甚的是, 人类在自然是一个和谐的共处还是战斗?人类恣意的改造自然 掠夺又保护自然资源 给自己创造一个舒适的环境 但是很残酷的说  自然并不是很在意人类 台风暴雨地震病毒 无情的夺取人类的生命 摧毁人类的家园 作为生物链最顶端的智人 除了统计数字,同情和哀悼 我们还能做些什么?祈祷吗?

Besides, are we fighting with or living harmoniously with our nature? When we unscrupulously reform our nature,  loot and protect natural resources, try to provide our human being a comfortable environment, nature, however, doesn't care a damn of our human beings. Typhoons, rainstorms, earthquakes, and viruses, mercilessly destroy our homeland and wipe out lives year by year. When we are faced with the natural disasters, being atop of the biological chain, what else can we, sapiens offer, apart from reporting numbers, condolences and sympathy? 

中世纪的时候 黑死病[2]夺取了80%的佛罗伦萨的人口 基督教在面对这场灾难中的无能使得人们对宗教信仰出现了动摇 文艺复兴随即而来。那现代的我们呢?

In the Medieval Period, Black Death [2] wiped out 80% population of Florence. People began to doubt the incompetent religious redemption, and they turned to themselves, placing their hopes upon humanity rather than a deity. And then the Renaissance followed. So what will happen to us nowadays?

The Decameron of Giovanni Boccaccio

问题贰: 人类能否继续挤在一个小小屏幕里面创新

Q2: Within cramped rectangular screens, can innovations still be disruptive?

晶体管之父肖克利[3], 和约翰·巴丁、沃尔特·布莱顿三人共同发明了晶体管。他们并因此获得1956年的诺贝尔物理奖。沃尔特·艾萨克森的创新者[4]里面有这么一段描述他们三人的会议:

Father of the transistor, William Shockley [3], together with John Bardeen and Walter Brattain, was jointly awarded the 1956 Nobel Prize in Physics for "their researches on semiconductors and their discovery of the transistor effect". There is such a paragraph in Walter Isaacson's The innovators [4] to describe their meetings:


The meetings become known as "blackboard sessions" or "chalk talks" because Shockley would stand, chalk in hand, scribbling down ideas. Brattain, even brash, would pace around the back of the room and shout out objections to some of Shockley's suggestions, sometimes betting a dollar they wouldn't work. Shockley didn't like losing. "I finally found out he was annoyed when he paid me off once in ten dimes," Brattain recalled.

在我们的新时代里面 不知道这样的黑板会议或者粉笔讨论 能不能在云上举行或者使用比特币来打赌? 也不知道肖克利能不能用比特币来发出些和他口袋里面钢镚一样铛铛的噪声来骚扰和报复巴丁布莱顿?被激怒的一方会不会摁下消音的按钮呢?你试试看。

Now that everyone is socially distanced, I am wondering that such blackboard meetings or chalk discussions can be continued on the cloud by using bitcoins to bet? Or, furthermore, can Shockley make some noises by bitcoins, as he did by using quarters in his pocket, to get back at Bardeen or Brattain? When annoyed, will someone click the mute button and close all the sessions? Take a try.

1927年 索尔维会议[5] 的华山论剑 ---爱因斯坦和波尔的论战 ---上帝是不是掷骰子 如果索尔维会议合影照都挤到一个个小小的屏幕里面的时候 爱因斯坦们能够通过显示器把他的骰子扔给波尔们 设计出巧妙的实验 然后给我们一样的精彩吗?

In1927, at the Solvay Conference [5], Einstein mockingly asked Bohr whether we could really believe that the providential authorities took recourse to dice-playing (".. .ob der liebe Gott würfelt"). Again, when everyone is quarantined, will such battle game be moved to the cloud and could Einstein throw dice to Bohr through monitors? And were the joint photo for the conference all framed with camera windows, could they be capable of devising such elegant experiments and the battles would be still as splendid as they were?

根据人类科学发展的历史 在黑死病之后我们迎来了文艺复兴。 在经典物理的两朵乌云之后,物理学发展有了颠覆性的现代物理的诞生。 作者没有理由的表示 对我们陷入困境之后的创新表示谨慎乐观

Upon human scientific history, after the black death, we ushered in the Renaissance era, after the removal of two clouds on classical physics, we led to the two great breakthroughs of modern physics. For no reason, I am cautiously optimistic about our innovations hereafter. 

问题叁: 在面对灾难 人类能否齐心戮力

Q3: Can we solidify to against disasters 

从个人的角度来看,人性七宗罪 -- 傲慢、贪婪、色欲、嫉妒、暴食、憤怒及怠惰。 在疫情面前淋漓尽致的体现出来 甚至有一个激进的说法 是不是这个疫情是上帝来测试人性的.

The humanity of seven deadly sins, pride, greed, wrath, envy, lust, gluttony, and sloth, are shown vividly and incisively throughout the pandemic. In an extremity consideration, the virus is sent by God to test our humanity. 

另外一方面 从团体合作的角度来看 锁国还是全球化 我们站在这样一个歧路口。尤瓦尔·赫拉利的 “人类简史” [6]里面提出作为生物链最顶端的智人 经历了认知革命 农业革命 科学革命 人类区别于其他动物 是能够团体合作的.

From the other perspective of the social group work, we are at the crossroads of our future for choosing either globalization or localization. In Uval Harari's "Sapiens: A Brief History of Humankind" [6], he argued that one of the biggest differences between sapiens, at the top of the biological chain, and other animals, is that the capability of social teamwork, which eventually enables us to take over the world through the cognitive revolution, the agricultural revolution, and the scientific revolution. 


Early this year, Uval Harari published an article titled "The world after coronavirus" [7] in Financial Times, to call for solidarity again.


Humanity needs to make a choice. Will we travel down the route of disunity, or will we adopt the path of global solidarity? If we choose disunity, this will not only prolong the crisis, but will probably result in even worse catastrophes in the future. If we choose global solidarity, it will be a victory not only against the coronavirus, but against all future epidemics and crises that might assail humankind in the 21st century.

理想很丰满,现实很骨感。团结?一个没有领导的世界 一个逐渐分割的世界 一个标榜自由干净的世界 开玩笑吧

The ideal is very plentiful, the reality is very skinny. Solidarity? You must be kidding me. In such a world without a leader, in such a world under an un-united status, in such a world with so cleaned network, no.

正当疫情变幻 开了又关 关了又开的混乱时候 某些国家觉得他们的强权受到了其他国家威胁 开始了不择手段的彻底摧毁对手。在高举自由和净化的大旗下 可以自由的给病毒命名 自由的随性禁止不喜欢的东东 自由的抹黑和公开掠夺 他们唯一不自由和擅长的是让他们蒙上嘴巴的小小口罩. 而恰恰正是这个小小的口罩对任何肤色生命都极其重要. 一个世界上最为富甲一方、科学昌明的国家,培养出这样一撮政客和国民的。把口罩防止传染这件事以及其他任何他们觉得可以的事情,上升到言论自由和文化标识的问题。当他们从容地朗诵于文明人所发明的文字来涂抹对方的时候,这是一个怎样的伟大的自由精神啊 呜呼!

Amid pandemic, open and close, close and open chaos, someone felt their supremacy or hegemony is challenged by other countries, they started to do anything to defeat and destroy the challenger, completely, with no mercy, regardless of law and order. what they demanding is fighting between "a true believer in a bankrupt totalitarian ideology versus a free world". 

What a free world! 

Free to name the virus, free to ban anythings dislike at 11th-hour, free to smash and open theft blatantly, but not free to wear the damn mask, which matters every-colored lives! As the world’s richest and most scientifically advanced country,  how they generate a cadre of leaders and citizens who made wearing a covering over their mouths into a  freedom-of-speech issue and cultural marker.? How a society that can politicize something as simple as a face mask, or anything, in a  pandemic? How can they make it any more greater?!

在群雄无首的时候 正是需要精神领袖来带领人类走出困境的时候 “We haven't had that spirit here since 1969” 这句歌词放在2020年或许更加合适

Maybe it will more suitable to play an old song with lyric of “We haven't had that spirit here since 1969” to 2020, a time without a leader.

他们用钢制小刀戳刺猎物 They stab it with their steely knives / 却无法宰杀那支野兽 But they just can't kill the beast / 有人跳舞是为了回忆 Some dance to remember / 有人是为了遗忘 Some dance to forget

最后的结论是在面对灾难 人类能否齐心戮力的问题  作者没有理由的表示 不乐观

The final conclusion for this question, "can we solidify to against disasters?"  is that I am not even cautiously optimistic

结语 The  End

曾经和白血病抗争的日本游泳运动员池江璃花子分享感人肺腑话语的同时,邀请大家朝着明年奥运会的开幕式迈进一步。她在讲话中说道:“试想一年后世界的景象:奥运会和残奥会的大幕将会徐徐升起。” 她的宣誓 是不是可以作为人类战胜自然的一个验金石呢

Japanese swimmer IKEE Rikako, who had been battling with leukemia, shared a heartfelt message and invited us to take a step forward towards next year’s opening day. “Imagine the world in a year: a world where the curtain is set to rise on the Olympic and Paralympic Games.” Can her words, if realized, be the touchstone of our victory against viruses and natural disasters?

同样是在日本,8月,每年都是一个特殊的时期。 新闻电视报道泛滥着悲惨的旧事 但是我们真正从广岛和长崎的蘑菇云里面学到了什么?又反省了什么? 对历史不长对人类生命不短的75年就过去了 我们是选择记忆还是忘却呢?

Again, in Japan, August is a special time to reflect on -- and regret -- the past. August is inundated by the flood of TV programs and news on the war. But we have to ask, what did we really learn from the mushroom cloud in Hiroshima and Nagasaki? Are we choose to remember or to forget, after a 75-year, which is short for history and long for life?

A Brief History of Humankindpart 4 the scientific revolution

新墨西哥阿拉莫戈多(Alamogordo),1945年7月16日,早上5点29分53秒。这是第一颗原子弹引爆8秒后的影像。核物理学家罗伯特·奥本海默在看到这场爆炸之后,引述了《薄伽梵歌》(Bhagavad Gita):“现在我成了死神,世界的毁灭者。 

”Alamogordo, 16July 1945, 05:29:53. Eight seconds after the first atomic bomb was detonated.The nuclear physicist Robert Oppenheimer, upon seeing the explosion, quotedfrom the Bhagavadgita: ‘Now I am become Death, the destroyer of worlds.’ 

“A person standing on top of a ladder in the clouds [8].” by Samuel Zeller on Unsplash

江湖里面传说多年的阿里巴巴大盗是不是又来了 抗击的义军是不是仍旧梦里寻她千百度?与新冠长期共存,云中独舞 你准备好了吗?

To live with the evils, "It is what it is". Can we still chat? Will the clock keeps TikTok? Whether we are right or not, we don't have too much time left.

参考文献 References

[1] 病毒 Virus,https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Virus

[2] 黑死病 Black Death, https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Black_Death

[3] 威廉·肖克利 William Shockley,https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/William_Shockley

[4] Walter Isaacson, 创新者 The innovators, chapter four, the transistor

[5] 索尔维会议 Solvay Conference,https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Solvay_Conference

[6] Yuval Noah Harari, 人类简史 Sapiens, a brief history of humankind, part 4, the scientific revolution

[7] 冠状病毒之后的世界 The World After Coronavirus. Yuval Noah Harari


[8] “A person standing on top of a ladder in the clouds.” by Samuel Zeller on Unsplash https://medium.com/click-travel/running-on-the-cloud-or-in-the-cloud-which-one-are-you-doing-69d2ff1196ed


小半年和友邻优课学每日外刊精读 学着学着自然就笔头发痒. 现学现用和天下文章一大抄的原则下,不管怎么样把学的一些文法和修辞手法都折腾到文章里面了。本来打算写个中英日三语的,放个大卫星的。后来排版看 三语的话阅读起来对文章的连续性影响太大 放弃之后他日再作安排. 

薄荷阅读已经坚持了小两年了 当时读人类简史的时候就该写书评的 偷懒了 不提.

与几个月之前的新冠的文章 --- 佛系抗疫小记  --- 相比 第一次尝试严肃风格的文章 还是很难驾驭。另外不是母语的创作还是有点吃力 要借助强大的互联网 像cloud是用in or on还是要推敲半日 到网上去查询 亦是一个挑战。勉强完成 也就算几个月前的文章的一个姐妹篇吧

拖拖拉拉的梅雨季节今年特别的长 --- 就像我拖拖拉拉写这篇文章一样 --- 终于出梅了 却马上就立秋了 每周坚持的15km跑步也抗不过炎热。只能每天小跑攒成绩了.话说人定胜天 其实还是人定适天 达尔文达老师提拔我们从猴子成人类的时候早就给我们定论了. 我们从历史和自然学到了什么呢?了解什么呢?能做一些什么呢?百思不得解 会周公去也。

后记2 谢辞 Acknowledgement


同时非常感谢sxm老师 妙笔生花 画龙点睛 太好. 天下文章一大抄 抄来之后自己消化再改. 文章难就难在改. 没有最好只有更好.推敲推敲推敲 


多少来点日语的吧 侬看懂了伐?


courtesy of Y. Yamazaki and T. Shintake
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