
Mr. L 的ScalersTalk第四轮《新概念》朗读持续力训

2018-11-04  本文已影响2人  未名之殇_

Starting at 2018-10-08

    新概念英语第二册 Lesson 26


    Lesson twenty-six The best art critics. Frist listen and then answer the question: who is the student's best critics? 

    [ˈlɛsən] [ˈtwɛnti]-[sɪks] [ðə] [bɛst] [ɑrt] [ˈkrɪtɪks]. [frɪst] [ˈlɪsən] [ənd] [ðɛn] [ˈænsər] [ðə] [ˈkwɛsʧən]: [hu] [əz] [ðə] [ˈstudənts] [bɛst] [ˈkrɪtɪks]? 

    I am an art student and I painted a lot of pictures. Many people pretend that they understand modern art. They always tell you what a picture is "about". Of course, many pictures are not "about" anything. They are just pretty patterns. We like them in the same way that we like pretty curtain material. I think that young children often appreciate modern pictures better than anyone else. They notice more. My sister is only seven, but she always tells me whether my pictures are good or not. She came into my room yesterday. "What are you doing?" She asked. "I'm hanging this picture on the wall," I answered. "It's a new one. Do you like it?" She looked at it critically for a moment. "It's all right," She said, "but isn't it upside-down?" I looked at it again. She was right! It was!

    [aɪ] [əm] [ən] [ɑrt] [ˈstudənt] [ənd] [aɪ] [ˈpeɪntəd] [ə] [lɑt] [əv] [ˈpɪkʧərz]. [ˈmɛni] [ˈpipəl] [priˈtɛnd] [ðət] [ðeɪ] [ˌʌndərˈstænd] [ˈmɑdərn] [ɑrt]. [ðeɪ] [ˈɔlˌweɪz] [tɛl] [] [wʌt] [ə] [ˈpɪkʧər] [ɪz] "[əˈbaʊt]". [əv] [kɔrs], [ˈmɛni] [ˈpɪkʧərz] [ər] [nɑt] "[əˈbaʊt]" [ˈɛniˌθɪŋ]. [ðeɪ] [ər] [ʤəst] [ˈprɪti] [ˈpætərnz]. [wi] [laɪk] [ðəm] [ɪn] [ðə] [seɪm] [weɪ] [ðət] [wi] [laɪk] [ˈprɪti] [ˈkɜrtən] [məˈtɪriəl]. [aɪ] [θɪŋk] [ðət] [jʌŋ] [ˈʧɪldrən] [ˈɔfən] [əˈpriʃiˌeɪt] [ˈmɑdərn] [ˈpɪkʧərz] [ˈbɛtər] [ðən] [ˈɛniˌwʌn] [ɛls]. [ðeɪ] [ˈnoʊtəs] [mɔr]. [maɪ] [ˈsɪstər] [ɪz] [ˈoʊnli] [ˈsɛvən], [bət] [ʃi] [ˈɔlˌweɪz] [tɛlz] [mi] [ˈwɛðər] [maɪ] [ˈpɪkʧərz] [ər] [gʊd] [ɔr] [nɑt]. [ʃi] [keɪm] [ˈɪntə] [maɪ] [rum] [ˈjɛstərˌdeɪ]. "[wʌt] [ər] [] [ˈduɪŋ]?" [ʃi] [æskt]. "[aɪm] [ˈhæŋɪŋ] [ðɪs] [ˈpɪkʧər] [ɑn] [ðə] [wɔl]," [aɪ] [ˈænsərd]. "[ɪts] [ə] [nu] [wʌn]. [] [] [laɪk] [ɪt]?" [ʃi] [lʊkt] [ət] [ɪt] [ˈkrɪtɪkəli] [fər] [ə] [ˈmoʊmənt]. "[ɪts] [ɔl] [raɪt]," [ʃi] [sɛd], "[bət] [ˈɪzənt] [ɪt] [ˈʌpˈsaɪd]-[daʊn]?" [aɪ] [lʊkt] [ət] [ɪt] [əˈgɛn]. [ʃi] [wəz] [raɪt]! [ɪt] [wʌz]!

任务配置:L0 + L1 + L2 + L3 + L4



        - critic,可数名词,“批评家,评论员;批评者,发对者“。这里注意critic实际指的是人,要是想表达评论批评,要使用criticism或者critique;动词使用critise/critize

            - criticism, “(可变名词) 批评;批判;指责;(不可数名词) (对书、戏剧等的)评论 ”

            - critique,“(可数名词)评论;评论文章”



criticism同中文的“批评”基本上相等,都有两个略微不同的含义,一个是负面的“指出其错误”,一个是中性的“评论其优点和缺点”(例如:“文艺批评”)。critique则是一个学术用语,是中性的,指对某一题目进行深入分析的学术著作(criticism不是著作,只是批评意见)。【例如】Critique of Political Economy政治经济学批判 / Critique of Pure Reason纯理性批判。中文这里的“批判”,不是加以否定,不能理解为中国文化大革命当中声势汹汹的“大批判”。

但是critique有时候也用来代替criticism,表示负面的“批判”。【例如】Kant's critique of resistance is also misunderstood if one uses it to attack the legitimacy of civil disobedience. (The Cambridge Companion to Kant, p. 361) 康德对反抗的批判,如果有谁用来攻击公民不服从的合法性,那就也是对这种批判的误解。

critique主要作为名词,但是也可以作为及物动词,词义同criticize有些区别。criticize多是负面的“指出其错误”,critique则倾向于“评论”。【例如】He was standing in the lobby, critiquing whatever sports event had been on the tube that evening. 他站在门廊那里,议论着当天晚上上过电视的那些体育盛事。


criticism 后面有时接以 that 引导的从句。例如:I was very much impressed with his criticism thatmy knowledge of the language was merely academic.

            - criticize/criticise,动词 “批评;指责;批判 “

        - pretend, “假装;伪装;装作“

        - modern art,“现代艺术”,代表人如梵高和毕加索。注意和contemporary art “当代艺术”相区别

modern art是现代艺术,contemporary art是当代艺术。







        - what a picture is about,be about 这种用法

        - pretty pattern,pattern “图案,花样“。当然pattern还有别的意思,不要贪多,就先记住在这篇文章中的这个意思。

        - in the same way that。in a way:以某种方式

        - curtain material,curtain主要表达的就是像“帷幔,幕”一般的东西,作可数名词

        - appreciate, "欣赏, 鉴赏; 领会,了解" 这是appreciate这个词在这篇文章中的意思(除了常用的“感激”的用法)。

        - critically,“谨慎地,挑剔地”

        - for a moment,这个词组加进来是想到了for a while。

for a moment和for a while一样的,都表示,一会儿,片刻,

the moment = the time being:眼前一刻;此时此刻。for 表示“对于......而言”。因此for the moment = for the time being,意为:“暂时;目前;眼下”。

for some time在相当长的一段时间; At times有时; for a time一段时间; at a time在一段时间内; for the time暂时的。

        - upside-down,“倒置地;颠倒过来 “,既可以作副词也可以作形容词


        - often [ˈɔfən] / [ˈɔftən],原文朗读中使用的是[ˈɔfən] 省略了t的发音

        - what are you doing,[wʌt] [ər] [] [ˈduɪŋ]  注意are的发音,不要过重,一笔带过读出来即可。

        - like it,连读

        - looked at it again,连读

        - upside-down,连读



Answer: The student's best critic is the children, because they notice more. 

Thoughts: 每日精进就是确认自己的朗读首先自己挑不出问题了。


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