It’s summertime, and the weather is fine. Do you have plans this summer? Some international students choose to take summer classes, while others choose to travel, head back home, or pursue an internship. If you want to make your summer a bit more meaningful, here are some awesome suggestions:
Can international students volunteer? Of course! Choose a cause that’s close to your heart or one you’re particularly passionate about so you’ll be more motivated to volunteer. Whether it’s tutoring underprivileged kids, signing up for a Big Brother programme, volunteering at a homeless shelter, or participating in a charity drive, volunteering is a great way to pass the time and do some good when you’re studying abroad.The experience will also look great on your CV, and it’s a great opportunity to meet new friends with like-minded interests.
Summer’s the perfect time to clear out your room so you can start fresh when the fall semester arrives. Channel Marie Kondo and start sorting through your old clothes, shoes, books, accessories and even food that’s been sitting in your pantry for a long time. Once you’ve determined what sparks joy and what you want to get rid of, it’s time to see what you can donate. Clothes, shoes and books can go to the Salvation Army or other similar donation centres, while food items can go to homeless shelters or churches.
为了秋季学期有一个新开始,夏季是清理房间的最佳时机。跟随近藤麻理惠的步伐开始整理你的旧衣服、鞋子、书籍、配饰甚至那些在储藏室存放很久的食品吧!一旦你确定了什么能激发快乐、什么是你想舍弃的,就可以开始捐些什么。衣服、鞋子、书籍可以送到救世军或其他类似捐赠中心,而食物可以送到救助收容所或教堂。Go Green:绿色之路
Nature? Many of us strive to live more sustainably, but it’s not always easy. Developing good habits is the first step towards being eco-friendly and going green. For starters, make sure you’re recycling properly. Put everything you can recycle (paper, glass, plastic) into a separate waste container. For bigger items, look up recycling centres near you where you can drop them off. When you eat out or order take-out, make a conscious effort to refuse unnecessary plastic cutlery and bags.
Marie Kondo,近藤麻理惠,日本人,以整理家庭内务而著名,由于在该领域的杰出表现,2015年被美国时代杂志评选为影响世界的100人之一。其整理内务的方法和理念受到广泛关注。近藤从幼稚园大班就开始阅读《esse》及《orange page》等主妇杂志,热爱打扫、整理、烹饪与裁缝等家事,小学六年都在享受“新娘课程”的乐趣,那时的她,最大的梦想是成为一名“家庭主妇”。到国中三年级时,因阅读畅销书《丢弃的艺术》对整理产生兴趣,开始全心投入收纳整理技巧的研究之中,希望找到一种“任何人都可以做到的,只要整理一次就不会再变乱”的整理方法。15岁开始正式进行整理家庭内务的研究。大学二年级开展了自己的整理咨询业务,
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