
2019-10-04  本文已影响0人  前端混合开发

Node.js is “an asynchronous event driven JavaScript runtime.” Let me break down that definition. Node.js reads, or interprets, your JavaScript code. You write code in JavaScript and then use your version of Node.js to run the code. How does that process work, exactly?




When a JavaScript application is launched, all the code in that application is loaded into memory.





The web server is the backbone of your web application, as it handles incoming requests for data to be processed and outgoing responses. Web服务器是Web应用程序的主干,因为它处理要处理的数据的传入请求和传出响应。

因为node.js是用Google Chrome的javascript引擎(一个用来将javascript语言解释成有意义的计算机命令的工具)构建的,所以它被认为是强大的,并且能够支持将javascript作为服务器端语言。Javascript既可用于帮助网页(客户端)交互,也可用于处理传入的应用程序数据和数据库通信。(后一种工作通常保留在诸如C、Java、Python和Ruby等语言中)。开发人员现在可以只掌握JavaScript来构建一个完整的Web应用程序,而不必掌握多种语言来完成相同的任务。

node.js使用单个线程操作事件循环(event loop)。线程是执行编程任务所需的计算能力和资源的集合。通常,一个线程负责启动和完成一个任务;同时运行的任务越多,需要的线程就越多。在大多数其他软件中,多个任务由计算机可以同时提供的线程池进行匹配和处理。但是,node.js一次只处理一个任务,并且只对主线程无法处理的任务使用更多线程。

  1. 应用程序将准备应用程序和配置的上下文
  2. 随着任务的累积,它们将排队并进入轮询阶段进行处理。
  3. 队列中的回调函数在这个阶段执行。此处创建的其他回调将返回到队列中。
  4. 在循环结束时,指定要立即运行的操作将在此处运行。
  5. 在时间间隔或超时中设置的任务将在此阶段进行评估。
    cycles forever in a loop, listening for JavaScript events triggered by the server to notify of some new task or another task’s completion. As the number of tasks increases, tasks line up in a queue to be incrementally processed by the event loop. You don’t code with this fact in mind, though. You write your code by using asynchronous conventions, and the Node.js architecture schedules task handling for you behind the scenes. As a result, Node.js has become popular for creating real-time applications that persistently listen for data being sent back and forth.

The office manager’s role is to handle incoming messages, job assignments, and office-related tasks. The office manager could have a long list of tasks to complete, from delegating the creation of complete financial reports to answering the phone and putting up the office-party decorations. Because some tasks take more time than others, the office manager isn’t obligated to complete any individual task before handling a new one. If she’s setting up for a party and the phone rings, for example, she can stop setting up to answer the call. Better yet, she can answer the call and transfer the caller to another employee so that she can go back to decorating.
Similarly, the event loop handles a series of tasks, always working on one task at a time and using the computer’s processing power to offload some larger tasks while the event loop shortens the list of tasks. On most other platforms, incoming tasks are assigned to new processes, creating a new event loop for each task. Increasing the number of tasks, however, is like increasing the number of employees in a finite space. You start to run into new issues such as cost, computing power, and shared resources. (What would you do if two employees need to use the phone at the same time, for example?)
It’s important to note that the Node.js event loop relies on a single thread to manage all its tasks, but it doesn’t necessarily use that thread only to run each task to completion. In fact, Node.js is designed to pass larger tasks to the host computer, and the computer may create new threads and processes to operate those tasks.


A thread is an allocated bundle of computer resources used to run a series of instructions in a task. Usually, the tasks handled by threads are simple and fast. For this reason, the Node.js event loop needs only one thread to act as the manager of all other tasks. Threads are made available through computer processes, and some more-intensive tasks require their own process to run.

A process is also a bundle of computing power and resources used for a task’s execution, though usually for larger tasks than those handled by threads. A process must exist to create a thread, which implies that each Node.js application runs on its own process.
Even though Node.js may be single-threaded, you can have multiple instances of processes running in parallel and processing incoming requests and tasks. For this reason, Node.js scales well; it schedules tasks asynchronously, using additional threads and processes only when necessary instead of generating new processes for every task. As more processes are needed to handle your task list, demand on your computer increases. Node.js works best to minimize the number of concurrent processes.


  1. 只用掌握js语言就好
  2. 如果你想连续传输数据或拥有一些聊天功能,node.js比其他平台更加突出。
  3. node.js由Google的V8 javascript解释器提供支持,这意味着它得到了广泛的支持,并有望在性能和功能方面有所增长,而且不会很快消失。
  4. 在Web开发社区中,node.js得到了广泛的应用。您可能会遇到其他开发人员,他们可能已经使用node.js开发了5年。此外,现在正在为node.js构建支持性更强的开源工具。

