
2017-12-06  本文已影响0人  甜菜的垂耳兔
The Walt Disney Studios said Wednesday that Chinese actress Liu Yifei, also known as Crystal Liu, is set to star as the title woman warrior in Disney's live-action adaptation of the classic Chinese tale. A team of casting directors visited five continents and saw nearly 1,000 candidates for the role, which requires credible martial arts skills, the ability to speak English and the most ineffable requirement of all: star quality. In deference to cultural accuracy, the studio focused on locating an ethnically Chinese young woman to play Hua Mulan. It is expected to hit theaters in 2019.

Walt Disney Studios华特影视制作公司

star as the title woman warrior in Disney's live-action adaptation在迪士尼的实景改编电影中饰演巾帼英雄

warrior 战士

A team of casting directors 选角导演团队

visited five continents and saw nearly 1,000 candidates for the role走访了五大洲,物色了近千名演员

credible martial arts skills, 相当好的武术技巧

most ineffable requirement of all: star quality最重要的要求是要有明星素养

ineffable (美好的)难以形容

In deference to 考虑到

cultural accuracy文化对应(文化的精确)

focused on locating an ethnically Chinese young woman重点选择中国的年轻女性

hit theaters搬上荧幕

The Foreigner, based on a novel by Stephen Leather and directed by Martin Campbell, is an old-school, politically-minded action thriller that technically pits Jackie Chan against Pierce Brosnan. They star in the London-set, China-U.S. co-production about a retired hitman avenging his daughter's death. The Foreigner successfully combines both a political drama and a grim revenge thriller with relative aplomb. This film, which crossed $100 million worldwide, is a solid example of succeeding as an American and Chinese theatrical success.

directed by由……指导

old-school, political-minded action thriller


technically pits Jackie Chan against Pierce Brosnan成龙和布鲁斯南饰演的两个角色互相试探,斗智斗勇

star in the London-set 以伦敦为背景

retired hitman avenging his daughter's death退休的老兵为死去的女儿复仇


combines both a political drama and a grim revenge thriller with relative aplomb.以相对自然的方式将政治片和阴冷的复仇惊悚片巧妙融合

with relative aplomb以相对自然的方式


crossed $100 million worldwide, is a solid example of succeeding as an American and Chinese theatrical success.全球票房超一亿美元,有力证明了中美合拍电影的成功

Every year presents new challenges for co-productions, but China is ready to take on these challenges."


take on these challenges 迎难而上

Other experts addressed the kind of film and television projects most likely to succeed in the China market, agreeing that animation, documentaries, children's programming, action, sci-fi, fantasy, heartfelt stories, as well as adaptations of existing popular films and TV shows possessed the kind of universal appeal that enabled them to cross cultural divides more successfully.

animation 动画

fantasy,heartfelt stories真情故事

adaptations of existing popular films and TV 根据已有流行影视节目改编的作品

possessed the kind of universal appeal 具有普遍积极性

"Love and loyalty resonate


Chinese writer and director, Kate Bohan, wrote a cross-cultural family drama, "Kayla", which screened at the American Film Market this year. Kate told Xinhua, "It was important to us to make a heartfelt family film that could touch the hearts of people from both cultures -- and appeal to both markets. You need both the U.S. and China markets these days to succeed."

Chinese writer and director华人作家兼导演

wrote a cross-cultural family drama创作了一部跨文化家庭剧


American Film Market 美国市场交易会

appeal to both markets吸引两国市场的关注

You need both the U.S. and China markets these days to succeed."如今想要成功,中美两个市场都不容忽视

Several panelists agreed that co-pros with Chinese content need to be authentic and accurate, otherwise Chinese audiences will not respond well to them. They suggested that collaborating at an early stage on the script was key in order to give the script authenticity and to avoid culturally sensitive topics.

Several panelists agreed专家一致同意


co-pros with Chinese content包括中国元素在内的合拍片

respond well to them引起共鸣

collaborating at an early stage on the script剧本早期合作

"It takes serious people from both sides willing to roll up their sleeves and work to overcome these challenges to make a success of it," he added.

It takes serious people from both sides 这就需要双方

roll up their sleeves一起努力

it's important to understand what the movie-going experience means in each market. "What is it about your movie that makes someone in China or the U.S. need to see it in a theater instead of on the small screen?"

it's important to understand what the moviegoing experience means in each market. 了解各个市场中的观影体验至关重要


small screen这里指电视

Many of the Chinese movie market insiders have voiced their bullish views for the future of China-U.S. co-productions.

Chinese movie market insiders 中国电影市场业内人士

bullish views乐观态度


Gu Jin, Cultural Counselor of Chinese Consulate-General in Los Angeles told Xinhua, "There is great potential to cooperate between the two largest markets in the world. The United States has a more mature film system with good, experienced professionals. China needs to learn these skills from the United States, while the United States can learn more about Chinese people and culture."

Cultural Counselor of Chinese Consulate-General in Los Angeles 中国驻洛杉矶领事馆参赞

The United States has a more mature film system with good, experienced professionals. China needs to learn these skills from the United States



