WebRTC NACK & FEC 配合策略
WebRTC NACK & FEC 配合策略
// Hybrid Nack FEC has three operational modes:
// 1. Low RTT (below kLowRttNackMs) - Nack only: Set FEC rate
// (_protectionFactorD) to zero. -1 means no FEC.
// 2. High RTT (above _highRttNackMs) - FEC Only: Keep FEC factors.
// -1 means always allow NACK.
// 3. Medium RTT values - Hybrid mode: We will only nack the
// residual following the decoding of the FEC (refer to JB logic). FEC
// delta protection factor will be adjusted based on the RTT.
// Otherwise: we count on FEC; if the RTT is below a threshold, then we
// nack the residual, based on a decision made in the JB.
WebRTC 中代码:
bool VCMNackFecMethod::ProtectionFactor(
const VCMProtectionParameters* parameters) {
// Hybrid Nack FEC has three operational modes:
// 1. Low RTT (below kLowRttNackMs) - Nack only: Set FEC rate
// (_protectionFactorD) to zero. -1 means no FEC.
// 2. High RTT (above _highRttNackMs) - FEC Only: Keep FEC factors.
// -1 means always allow NACK.
// 3. Medium RTT values - Hybrid mode: We will only nack the
// residual following the decoding of the FEC (refer to JB logic). FEC
// delta protection factor will be adjusted based on the RTT.
// Otherwise: we count on FEC; if the RTT is below a threshold, then we
// nack the residual, based on a decision made in the JB.
// Compute the protection factors
if (_lowRttNackMs == -1 || parameters->rtt < _lowRttNackMs) {
_protectionFactorD = 0;
// When in Hybrid mode (RTT range), adjust FEC rates based on the
// RTT (NACK effectiveness) - adjustment factor is in the range [0,1].
} else if (_highRttNackMs == -1 || parameters->rtt < _highRttNackMs) {
// TODO(mikhal): Disabling adjustment temporarily.
// uint16_t rttIndex = (uint16_t) parameters->rtt;
float adjustRtt = 1.0f; // (float)VCMNackFecTable[rttIndex] / 100.0f;
// Adjust FEC with NACK on (for delta frame only)
// table depends on RTT relative to rttMax (NACK Threshold)
_protectionFactorD = rtc::saturated_cast<uint8_t>(
adjustRtt * rtc::saturated_cast<float>(_protectionFactorD));
// update FEC rates after applying adjustment
return true;
VCMFecMethod::ProtectionFactor(const VCMProtectionParameters* parameters)
bool VCMNackFecMethod::UpdateParameters(
const VCMProtectionParameters* parameters) {
_maxFramesFec = ComputeMaxFramesFec(parameters);
if (BitRateTooLowForFec(parameters)) {
_protectionFactorK = 0;
_protectionFactorD = 0;
// Protection/fec rates obtained above are defined relative to total number
// of packets (total rate: source + fec) FEC in RTP module assumes
// protection factor is defined relative to source number of packets so we
// should convert the factor to reduce mismatch between mediaOpt's rate and
// the actual one
_protectionFactorK = VCMFecMethod::ConvertFECRate(_protectionFactorK);
// 主要是此系数D
_protectionFactorD = VCMFecMethod::ConvertFECRate(_protectionFactorD);
根据丢包率,计算 _protectionFactorK
, kPacketLossMax 最大为 127(按[0 - 255])计算
// Check limit on amount of protection for P frame; 50% is max.
if (codeRateDelta >= kPacketLossMax) {
codeRateDelta = kPacketLossMax - 1;
// For Key frame:
// Effectively at a higher rate, so we scale/boost the rate
// The boost factor may depend on several factors: ratio of packet
// number of I to P frames, how much protection placed on P frames, etc.
const uint8_t packetFrameDelta =
rtc::saturated_cast<uint8_t>(0.5 + parameters->packetsPerFrame);
const uint8_t packetFrameKey =
rtc::saturated_cast<uint8_t>(0.5 + parameters->packetsPerFrameKey);
const uint8_t boostKey = BoostCodeRateKey(packetFrameDelta, packetFrameKey);
rateIndexTable = rtc::saturated_cast<uint8_t>(VCM_MAX(
VCM_MIN(1 + (boostKey * effRateFecTable - ratePar1) / ratePar1, ratePar2),
uint16_t indexTableKey = rateIndexTable * kPacketLossMax + packetLoss;
indexTableKey = VCM_MIN(indexTableKey, kFecRateTableSize);
// Check on table index
assert(indexTableKey < kFecRateTableSize);
// Protection factor for I frame
codeRateKey = kFecRateTable[indexTableKey];
// Boosting for Key frame.
int boostKeyProt = _scaleProtKey * codeRateDelta;
if (boostKeyProt >= kPacketLossMax) {
boostKeyProt = kPacketLossMax - 1;
// Make sure I frame protection is at least larger than P frame protection,
// and at least as high as filtered packet loss.
codeRateKey = rtc::saturated_cast<uint8_t>(
VCM_MAX(packetLoss, VCM_MAX(boostKeyProt, codeRateKey)));
// Check limit on amount of protection for I frame: 50% is max.
if (codeRateKey >= kPacketLossMax) {
codeRateKey = kPacketLossMax - 1;
_protectionFactorK = codeRateKey;
_protectionFactorD = codeRateDelta;++
方法更新 fec_rate
, 并callback 到 RtpVideoSender
delta_fec_params.fec_rate =
&delta_fec_params, &key_fec_params, &sent_video_rate_bps,
&sent_nack_rate_bps, &sent_fec_rate_bps);
之后 stream.fec_generator
int RtpVideoSender::ProtectionRequest(const FecProtectionParams* delta_params,
const FecProtectionParams* key_params,
uint32_t* sent_video_rate_bps,
uint32_t* sent_nack_rate_bps,
uint32_t* sent_fec_rate_bps) {
*sent_video_rate_bps = 0;
*sent_nack_rate_bps = 0;
*sent_fec_rate_bps = 0;
for (const RtpStreamSender& stream : rtp_streams_) {
if (stream.fec_generator) {
stream.fec_generator->SetProtectionParameters(*delta_params, *key_params);
*sent_fec_rate_bps += stream.fec_generator->CurrentFecRate().bps();
*sent_video_rate_bps += stream.sender_video->VideoBitrateSent();
*sent_nack_rate_bps +=
return 0;