祝好!这将是一封奇长无比的信,将会跟所有我写过的信不同。不仅仅是内容的不同,对我来说,写作的意义也有了改变,因为某人跟我说他想要捡回写作,因为某人跟我说,writing is about learning new things。我曾认为只有中文才能准确地表达我的内心,但是现在我不确定了,因为我和他的交流,近乎全是英语,因此只有用英语表白,甚至开始用英语写第一首诗。
刚刚洗了个澡,洗澡的时候又哭了很久。我并不责怪他,因为我觉得一切都是我的错,It's all my fault. 是我没有认清自己的内心,是我不够勇敢,是我过于懦弱,是我在每一个分叉口前犹豫不决,然后选择了错误的那条,听上去完完全全就是我。我总是这样,从小到大,从大一到大四,总是犹豫不决,总是害怕选择,害怕做出错误的选择,害怕选择后的结果,因此决定不选择。就算曾经后悔,例如选课很不开心,也能够很轻易地事后找到借口安慰自己,合理化一切的错误。可是这次不一样,我从来没有这么后悔过,也从来没有这么清晰地认识到,是我的问题。
I regretted a lot of things last night. I regretted that we didn't escape from the theater in the middle of the screening. I really regretted that we picked up my roommate last night and lost the great moment that we only shared with each other. I regretted that I was not brave enough to tell you I like you earlier. I regretted that I said something stupid that might have put a lot of pressure on you and pushed you away.
I wish I would stuck in the traffic with you forever.
You are the reason why I start loving NYC.
You are the reason why I didn't panic during graduation because I knew you are with me.
You are the reason why I become a better version of me.
From my heart, I never want to force you to change because I love who you are at every moment we shared together. It's not someone you will or wish to become that I like, but the present you.
I don't know how to encourage you to pursue your writing dream since I don't have a chance to read anything yet. Indeed you are right that sometimes encouragement can be cheap when people don't really mean it when they say it. But writing does mean a lot of me because I am not good at speaking. So I choose to write. Writing is my savior, my own reconciliation. You are one of the few that I wish I could share my writing with. And now you have become the reason I write in English.
I have written an untitled Chinese poem three years ago. Now I would love to dedicate this to you and title it in your name.
I do mean what I say and what I write. When I said you are the best part of my life, I didn't lie about it. When I said I've learned a lot from you, I do and I really appreciate it. I think because of you, I am not afraid of the future anymore. I was so nervous of graduation and the life afterwards because I didn't know what to do at all. It seemed that everybody else is so certain of their future and it sacred me because I didn't have a plan. I was really afraid to go to Japan where I am going to be alone and a society full of judgement and peer pressure. But now, I think I have courage to begin something new because of you. I love the way you just be yourself, keep it real, and don't care about other's judgement. I love how you practice Japanese and Chinese as long as you have a chance. You do not step back for some stupid reasons like I am not good enough. And I will try to be like you when I am in Japan.
I think romance is not the only way to define human relationship, in which I believe love is far beyond Eros. It's totally fine that we don't end up as boyfriend and girlfriend, husband and wife. I believe it is the limitation of the human imagination due to the sexual and biological desire to pass one's gene.
I know we are more than that, more than the conventional category and definition. We are friends, and we are also soulmates. Maybe Hui-Eun is right: we are twin brother and sister from soul. Those things between us do not happen to everyone and I am grateful that I have ever met you in my life.
At least please stay in touch with me. Please reply to my messages and my probably long emails. I will write them in Chinese, English and Japanese.
Let's recommend each other music, anime, movies and books. Let's share the happiness and sadness of our lives. Let's facetime or call each other once in a while. Don't avoid me. Don't disappear from my life. Let's keep each other updated of our new life without each other. I will be your loyal reader for your writing and please do the same thing for me.
I don't want our friendship end just because we are not together with each other. Physical distance is meant to be overcame because our hearts will stay together and go on.
我觉得我真的成长了很多,勇敢了很多。I know it's a good thing but it does hurt so much to grow up.
五月二十六日 二零一九年