《迪安 . Dean》
最终无论你怎样选择 那些终将到来...
Ultimately, whatever you choose, those should come will come...
迪安是我的好朋友。今天说好的,和他一起开车去青岛, 参加我们一个朋友的海边婚礼 。
Dean is a my good friend. We said,today we will drive to Qingdao together to join a wedding of our friend of at the seaside.
那天,迪安问我一起开车去青岛时, 我心里骂着,“青岛开车去?火车去才靠谱吧,要不飞机也可以?”
When Dean asked me to drive to Qingdao that day, I was cursing in my mind "Dirve to Qingdao? Train is more realistic or even fly?"
迪安似乎能猜到我的想法, 他接着说道: "一起的公路旅行, 聊天, 听着音乐无意义地驾着车飞驰, 怕是男人们除了运动, 赌钱和喝酒以外, 这世界唯一留给我们的社交消遣了."
Dean seemed to read my mind, he said: "The road trip, and chatting, enjoy the music on the trip is the only social entertainment the world left to two straight men like us. The only thing left other than sports, gambling and drinking."
"噢? 这我倒第一次听说." 我边问,边想着.
"Oh? I heard this for the first time." I asked, and thinking it of.
"你想, 两个男的, 能一起去看画展吗? 能一起去看电影吗? 能一起去逛街吗? 甚至一起走进一个像样的餐厅吃个饭都令人生疑. 而所有这些, 两个女的都能做. 不是吗?"
"You think, two men, to go and see the exhibition? Can go to the movies? Can go shopping together? Even together into a decent restaurant to eat a meal are dubious. All of these two women can do. Isn't it?"
"哈哈哈! " 这家伙老是说一些新理论给我听. 我大笑着回应到“好,我们偶尔就来一次兄弟一起的公路旅行吧。”
"Ha ha ha!" "this guy always says some new theories to me." I laughed and responded, "well, let's do a road trip with brothers, occasionally, why not."
About noon time, I drove my Subaru and reached the dean's home. he and his girlfriend we're having fried bun and small wonton soup. I sat down and waited for him. I didn't ask if it was breakfast or lunch. The room had not properly arranged, on the desk there was an open book, a tennis racket, and some washed clothes not been folded...
迪安家的电视机上在播一个电影,年代感强烈,里面的人还都频繁地使用着一种叫固定电话的东西, 拖着根线, 抱着哇啦哇啦讲.
Dean's television was playing a movie, a strong vintage feel, the people inside use a kind of telephone with a long cable attached. fixed telephone. People hold this big stuff and talk each other laudly.
我大概用了2分钟,就猜到,这是一部伍迪艾伦的电影。“是的,你看过?叫《Husbands and Wives 》.”他女朋友回答着,她漂亮的牙齿和脸上微微的雀斑总让我觉得特别可爱。
It took me about 2 minutes to guess that it was a Woody Allen movie. "Yes, have you watched it?" It's called 《Husbands and Wives》. "His girlfriend replied, She is very cute with her beautiful teeth and freckles on her face.
“没看过, 一看里面这种讲话神经兮兮的风格就猜得到 。”
"I haven't watched it. this style like talking as nonsensecan certainly make me easy to guess."
我坐下的的时候电影已近尾声。一对中产知识分子男女正在做爱, 做爱完毕, 男人喘着气和女人说:
By the time I sat down, the movie was close to the end. A pair of middle class men and women were making love. Once they completed, man were panting and talking to women:
"你知道吗, 每个人都属于一种动物, 豪猪或狐狸. 比如我就是狐狸, 你嘛, 应该是豪猪. "
"You know, everybody is an animal, a porcupine or a fox. For example, I'm a fox, and you should be a porcupine.""
"那么杰克属于什么, 萨丽呢?" 女人问道.
"So what is Jack, and Sally?" asked the woman
"杰克依照我来看, 必然是豪猪. 萨丽不好说, 我觉得是狐狸吧."
"Jack, in my opinion, must be the porcupine. Sally is difficult to say ... I think she´s more fox.""
女人看来明白了分类的规律, 开始和男人一起把他们共同的朋友一一打上豪猪或狐狸的标签 ......
Women seem to understand the principle of the came, and began to tag their common friends with a porcupine or fox lable......
"Go?" Dean was urging me. But when he saw me sitting on the coach, even saying ÿes, but no move at all. He also sat down, contuneed to watch and playing on his phone, and chatting to me ....
Soon, we watched the whole movie at Dean's home.
"谢谢你给我看了一部爱情恐怖片. " 迪安女友笑着和迪安说.
"Thank you for showing me a love thriller." Dean's girlfriend smiled and said to Dean
"不, 那是一部纪录片." 我和她眨着眼睛说. 随即起身道别.
"No, it's a documentary." I blinked and told her this. Then I stood up and said goodbye
Finally, we were on freeway off Shanghai, I drove, Dean kept talking next to me, I was silent. Clouds like cotton candy were stuck in the side of freeway,My dark silver vintage Subaru Legacy Wagon seems to be silently gliding. The turbo boxer engine suddenly made a muffled noise, took over a slow black car which occupied the left lane all the time. "So many...never know speed up." Dean scolded.
“你觉得你是豪猪还是狐狸?” 我突然问迪安.
"Do you think you're a porcupine or a fox?" I asked Dean suddenly.
"Porcupine." Dean replied,"What about you?""
"I am not quite sure,maybe fox.""
“这电影有点意思噢, 把中产阶级, 知识分子从套子里抓出来, 撕得粉粉碎。”
"The movie was kind of interesting. What do you think?Grabbing the middle class, the intellectuals out of the shell, and smash them."
“都市中产阶级,过着舒适的生活,音乐会, 电影, 酒, 餐厅, 朋友, 但生活中终究还是比不上我们的远古祖先,作为狩猎者,追逐着受伤的长毛象,当猎物终于倒下时,那种兴奋和纯粹的快乐. ” 迪安冷冷地说着。
"The urban middle class, lived a comfortable life, concerts, movies, wine, restaurants, friends, but life still is not as good as our ancient ancestors, as hunters, chasing the injured mammoth, when the animal finally fell, human enjoyed the true excitement and pleasure." Dean said coldly.
迪安只穿着个T恤,看起来一如既往热血沸腾的样子。1小时以后,我们沿着匝道驶入休息站加油, 我肚子饿了.
Dean wore a T-shirt and looked quite passionate as always. 1 hours later, we went along the ramp into the rest station to refuel, and I was hungry
我们在一个面馆停下,店里出乎意料的干净,地上桌上一尘不染。店里播放着 Laleh的歌 "Who started it",我很喜欢的Jazz, 作为一家牛肉面店到底有点奇怪.
We stopped at a noodle shop, unexpectedly clean, even the floor. There's a Laleh's song "Who started it" in the air, one of my favorite Jazz, as a beef noodle shop, it is a little strange.
"He used to be hilarious"
He used to be a lively person
Before he lost his sense of... Fun.
Until he doesn't feel happy anymore
Now he says,
Now he says God in conscious
现在他说 上帝在操控着
He said to me, God is manipulating
难怪 我们迷失了,我们都迷失了。
No wonder we get lost, all of us.
难怪 我们两个 都迷失了”
No wonder the two of us are lost"
老板坐在收银机边上读一本旧旧的 《卡拉马佐夫兄弟 》. 看到我们很快走来给我们点菜,少顷,热腾腾的牛肉面上来了,我们两个人什么话也不说开始吃面。
The boss sat beside the cash register read the old book 《Karamazov brothers》. When he saw us, he walked to us and took our order. After a short while, the hot beef noodle was served. two of us kept silent and started eating noodles.
老板走过来和我们搭话,他灰白的头发剪得整整齐齐, 晒得黝黑, 穿着一件洗得干干净净的卫衣, 看上去并不像一般的小店老板, "你上海来的?看到你的车了,斯巴鲁力狮啊?好车,不多见呢。”
The boss came over and chatted to us, his gray hair was cut and managed neatly. He's quite tanned. The sweater he wears looked quite old but very clean. He is certainly unlike a normal noodle shop owner, "You come from Shanghai? I saw your car, the Subaru legacy? Nice car, rarely seen."
"Yes, you can recognize it. Not many people know it."
"Yes, I used to want a Subaru as well, a blue impreza."
"Why don't you buy it?""
“后来成家了,开了这个店,画画也很久不画了, 原来有的几部摩托车也不大开, 除了辅导孩子功课, 晚上和邻居打打牌喝喝酒,也没啥事做了, 斯巴鲁这样的车, 想想也没啥用处,算了。”老板咧嘴一笑露出一口雪白的牙齿.
"Got married, opened this shop, you know... stopped painting, stopped riding my motorcycles.... besides helping kids with homework, playing cards with neighbors in the evening, drinking, I have nothing to do, a Subaru? Not pactical for me any morer." The boss grinned and showed his snow-white teeth
我点点头表示明白, 继续低着头哧溜呲溜吃面.
I nodded to show I understood, continue to eat noodles.
吃好面,老板娘抢着走来收拾碗筷, 她看起来略有一点年纪, 但还是很美, 头发整齐地往后梳起, 闪闪发亮, 脸上皮肤也微微有点晒红, 一些不显眼的雀斑倒是一点不觉得难看, 反而增加了一丝俏丽.
Once we finsihed, the boss‘s wife came and cleaned the table. She looked certainly not young girl anymore,but still very beautiful, hair neatly combed back, shiny, the face is slightly tanned, some inconspicuous freckles on the cheek,looked not uncomfortable at all but even added some beautity.
Dean stood on the cashier at the counter, the side stood a small matador and bull, bull head, uniform tight spangled, is the thin sword between bull shoulder uplift, while the bulls are filled with sharp horns shakes to stab the matador, you cant see who will be the first to stab to whom. Dean seemed to be attracted by the statue, standing there and playing with it.
The boss looked at him, smiled, picked up the statue and said, "take it as gift,I bought it in Spain when I had my motorcycle tour."
Dean looked at the boss, saying thanki you like a robot. He put the statue into her jeans pocket.
We jumped into the car again.
换了迪安开车,车跑在新修的高速上, 艳阳下的柏油马路发出特殊的香味,周围的景物一一远离,我晃了一眼车速表,大概是130左右的速度。车继续在高速上平稳地前进,高速道路也算是经济发达的标志之一吧,可惜所有路边的景物千篇一律,你甚至没法分辨你是行驶在浙江还是山东。我突然觉得有点头痛,随之而来一种强烈的昏昏欲睡感在一秒之内就把我拉入深不见底的睡眠里。
Changed to Dean to drive, the car runs on the new express way. The asphalt road under the bright sun sends out the special fragrance, the scenery is far away from each other, I have a glance on the speed meter, probably is about 130 speed. The car continues to travel smoothly on the high speed road, and the highway is also one of the signs of economic development. Unfortunately, all the roadside scenery is the same, you can not even tell whether you travel in Zhejiang or Shandong. All of a sudden, I felt a little headache, and then a strong sense of drowsiness pulled me into a bottomless sleep in a second.
“嘭!”伴随一声闷响,突然一辆红色的Polo摇摇晃晃慢速切到了我们的面前,迪安赶忙手忙脚乱地陪着它一起刹车。Polo像喝醉酒一样在我前面摇着, 有一个轮胎瘪掉了。它慢慢地靠边停下,我们慢速地驶过它身边,车里是两个女人。
"Bang!" With a muffled sound, suddenly a red Polo shook slowly and cut in front of us, and I hurried to accompany it to brake together. Polo shook like a drunken man in front of me, and one of the tires was flat. It slowly pulled aside, and we drove slowly past it, and there were two women in the car.
It's like I didn't say anything to Dean, and he didn't say anything, and I stopped in front of tens of meters. Two women have been standing outside the car, in a white is still suffering from the shock, face red, a black skirt is so pale.
I took a look and said, "flat tire."."
"Can you help me?"" The woman in the white skirt seemed to be able to speak. His face was still slightly red, and his breathing was still fast
Now we have to travel on the road, Dean drove that one changed the tire of the red Polo, I drove my Subaru followed him. Beside him sat the girl in the white skirt, and the one in the black skirt sat next to me. She had obviously regained her cool and happy mood, thanked her, and had a silent chat with me, occasionally smiling faintly, her white, regular teeth, and her pale brown freckles on her cheeks.
As dusk went on, we arrived at Rizhao, a lonely 2 storey house on the beach. The white walls with flaking, a few trees in the yard, and other places of weeds. In the cold pool, the water is very clear, but there are many withered leaves falling in the water. There is a pink inflatable unicorn in the center. The air should not be filled again after summer. Its head and horns are slightly drooping.
There was little furniture in the room, a long sofa, and some scattered mats on the ground.
"Well, we met you, or we were in the car, and we couldn't come back today."." White skirt girl shouted, eagerly open the refrigerator: "dead tired."! I'm going to drink beer! I'm going to drink beer!" It's funny and cute.
Sitting in the living room, drinking cold beer, Dean went to the kitchen, poked his head into the refrigerator, looked inside and murmured, "what else is there to eat?"" We were all indifferent, sprawled on the sofa, except for the occasional beer.
I too got up and opened the stereo, and the music filled the room in an instant, Schubert's death and the maiden.
A few minutes later Dean holding a pile to eat out of the kitchen, mushroom scrambled eggs, crab meat larriga some vinegar pickled seaweed, smoked salmon with some sliced tomatoes sprinkled on the olive oil, microwave blanching of frozen meatballs, doused in tomato sauce and parsley mince. All of a sudden, they sat up excitedly.
“你可真有本事,突然就能用冰箱里杂七杂八的东西做出一桌美食。这才是真正的大厨呢!” 白裙夸赞道。
"You can really have the ability, can use the refrigerator mixed suddenly make a table delicacy. This is the real chef!" The white dress praise.
The black dress lifted the cup and said, "let us meet today for toast?" We have lifted the cup, drained, and then poured, then be drained, then filled. I didn't know how many times this action was repeated.
"What do you think death is?"" The black skirt looked at Dean
"You can't feel anything.". Absolute nothingness?" Dean replied, "how do you think of asking this?"."
“我原来也这么想,但去年冬天我遇到我们老家的那个神婆以后,我就开始相信前世和轮回了。” 黑裙说到。
"I thought so, but last winter, when I met the God lady in my hometown, I began to believe in past life and reincarnation." Black skirt.
"What about you, don't you believe it?"" She turned her head and asked me.
don't believe it at all, but tell me, how did you begin to believe in past life and reincarnation?"
The black dress he swallowed beer, began to say, "the god Shiva and my family very well, she met the new year I said I might have third eyes to see their past lives, she took me to see me, I really did not expect to see a lot of things like dreams, which there is a very strange, I was in a house, I was known as the imperial concubine, I remember those things in the palace, the emperor's appearance, the title of Dao Guang, remember his last lie in a room, a smoke suction, and then feel the soul OBE. Slowly dying.."
"Should be the psychological role, just like a dream?"" Dean said.
"You don't hurry, continue to listen to me." Black skirt theory.
"But interestingly, I never cared about history. Before that, I didn't even hear the name of the emperor, and I didn't know that opium had been introduced into china."
The more interesting is that this year, the first time I went to Beijing to visit the the Imperial Palace, I saw a whole called Princess before the imperial concubine palace, the palace and the time I see in my mind is the same." The black skirt went on.
"Anyway, after that, I believe in the afterlife, and believe in reincarnation. The God said, "I also have the ability to guide people to see past life, but the premise is that the person himself has third eyes.". But I tried it a few times and never succeeded."
"Why don't you give me a try?"" I asked with a smile. Obviously, I didn't take it seriously.
I didn't think the black dress agreed, and I lay on the ground under his command. She lay on my side and shook hands with me. Then she followed her instructions and thought for a while and thought for a while.
"Now, you don't want to think anything, and your mind is absolutely empty." Suddenly she ordered.
I tried to stop thinking, trying not to think about anything, just seconds, completely unexpected, and I saw it all at once!
Guess and ordinary people, you are not in a dream or in the virtual world of feeling, I still can clearly feel the surroundings, hand and body temperature on the edge of the black dress, and her gentle breath, even not far from the sound of the sea, but I can see another the world......
在那个世界里,第一个画面,我边上有着一个光彩照人的长发女人,穿着白色的婚纱,看着我,等我吻她.... 我的妻子吗?好美的女人啊。
In that world, the first picture, I have a shining long haired woman on the side, dressed in white wedding dress, looking at me, waiting for me to kiss her... My wife? What a beautiful woman.
第二个画面,转眼间我似乎置身于另一个城市,在一个酒吧的台球桌前遇到了另一个女人,她穿着个牛仔短裤,松散的短发,妆也没画,脸色有着少许俏皮的雀斑,她冲着我走来说,“嘿,你敢和我打台球吗?” 打球时紧绷的牛仔短裤,细细的腰一直在我眼前晃....
The second images, since I seem to be in another city, a bar in the billiard table met another woman, she was wearing a denim shorts, loose hair and makeup nor painted face, with little cute freckles, she gave me, "Hey, you dare to play billiards with me?" When playing, tight jeans, thin waist has been dangling in front of my eyes
再后来的画面开始散乱无序,我画画,满屋的画,抽象派,表现主义的画,里面有悲伤,有嫉妒,有愤怒,更多的是恐惧....我一会儿和美丽大方的长发女子一起晚餐,看电影,喝咖啡,一会儿,我和直率机灵的短发女子开着机车在午夜奔驰,喝着冰凉的啤酒.... 最奇怪的是,有一个画面,我看到自己和两个女人同时躺在床上,呆呆地看着天花板.....
Then I began to picture of disorder, house painting, painting, abstract expressionism, painting, there is sadness, jealousy, anger, fear is more beautiful. I'll... And the long haired woman had dinner together, watching movies, drink coffee, for a while, and I was straight hair the woman opened a motorcycle at midnight Benz, drinking cold beer.... oddly enough, there is a picture, I see myself with two women at the same time lying in bed, staring at the ceiling.....
In the first throes, suddenly the pictures disappeared, and I sat up with sweat on my forehead.
Dean Xipixiaolian looked at me and asked: "what do you see? Is it a snail?"
I hasten to see what I saw just as hard as I can, and I can't believe it, remember it so clearly..
Everybody listened carefully, and the room was full of noise, afraid of interrupting me, as if I'd forgotten something, Dean's face was white, and I never saw his face look so white.
When they were finished, they were still silent, with their heads bowed...
I could not help but ask Dean, "what's wrong with you?"
Dean replied coldly, "what you see is not past life, what you see is...""
Dean coldly replied, "you will not see the past, you see me, I was about ten years ago, my wife H, and my girlfriend B... We really know playing pool at the bar..."
"The bed with three this is also true, but this is not what you think, that time has been divorced, but to the thing of the house is still quarreling, once we are not willing to leave, you are lying in bed demonstrations, actually spent the night..."
Looking at Dean, I couldn't believe that my third eye didn't take me to my past life, but I went to Dean ten years ago
Suddenly, the white skirt cried, "let's go to MYNT."!"
The four of us crowded in Polo, driving on a crowded path, and by the slope, we could see the buildings that had gone through the storm were located on the beach. The midnight sea did not feel lonely, but is crowded.
After a while, the girl, black skirt Shumenshulu put us into a building on the third floor in the elevator, "3, MYNT".
门打开,这是一个两面临海的酒吧,充满着Hip Hop 音乐,嘈杂的说话声,酒精,烟草,各类香水和荷尔蒙的味道。舞池里站满了时髦的男人女人,我也自鸣得意起来,彷佛自己也
The door opens, a bar on both sides of the sea, full of Hip Hop music, noisy talk, alcohol, tobacco, all kinds of perfumes and hormones. The dance floor was full of fashionable men and women, and I was complacent, as if I were myself too
门打开,这是一个两面临海的酒吧,充满着Hip Hop 音乐,嘈杂的说话声,酒精,烟草,各类香水和荷尔蒙的味道。舞池里站满了时髦的男人女人,我也自鸣得意起来,彷佛自己也是其中的一个。
The door opens, a bar on both sides of the sea, full of Hip Hop music, noisy talk, alcohol, tobacco, all kinds of perfumes and hormones. The dance floor was full of fashionable men and women, and I was complacent, as if I were one of them.
Whiskey and soda came, and everybody drank it. Jamson whiskey is spicy and tastes great. Women do not know when it has been painted on the thick makeup, white skirt girl looked towards the surrounding eyes, occasionally swept over me, but just stop immediately removed, black skirt girl is squinting, with a face like mature, constantly looked at me. We are on the floor trying to wriggle, all collision kept women from time to time shaking into men's arms, Dean with the music handsome waved, just consternation swept away.
“啪!”突然大家脸上都被红色的光照亮了,海滩上升起了焰火。大家都兴奋地下楼走到一个平台上。 一簇簇的烟火升到空中,仿佛像调了慢动作一样,缓缓地绽放。
"Bang!"!" Suddenly, all the faces were illuminated by the red light, and the beach rose to fireworks. Everyone was excited to walk down the stairs to a platform. A smoke rose into the air, like the slow motion, slowly blooming.
At the seaside, a pair of lovers snuggled close to each other. The brawny arm of the boy gently hugged the girl's shoulder.
"It feels good to be in love."." The sound of the white skirt breaks through my eardrum
"The fireworks feel good in the air." I yelled. "But it's always gone."." I'm going to answer it again.
"Love is right, is a lifetime indulge in fireworks."." She said this to me, but I couldn't see her eyes.
"There's no such thing. It's like no set of fireworks." Dean is in agreement with me in that respect.
"I'll give you the Mayan horoscope. What do you think?" The white skirt girl looked at me and asked.
Maya? Is that Maya who predicted the destruction of the 2012 world?" Dean asked in disbelief.
I know you will say, the world is in the online version of the popular people, Maya is much higher than the Gekebi forced this wizard." The white dress meanders, "and the destruction of the Mayan prophecy is human civilization based on past emotions in the 2012 winter solstice destruction. And the birth of a new civilization, is beyond the emotional, closer to the birth of the spiritual world of god."
In other words, it is not the destruction of the material world, but the destruction of the emotional world." The black skirt is also thoughtful.
"Look at us now, and think about how much we've changed since 2012 You don't say so much, you love a person thinking, and strangers in the WeChat exchange, rather than about 35 friends talk with eloquence?" She continued with the white skirt.
迪安仿佛被触动了,“情感的世界,所谓情感,也就是爱,恨,哀愁,期待,愤怒这些东西吧.... 而精神? 空虚, 充实, 这些算精神?”迪安边想边说着。
Dean seems to be touched, "the emotional world, the so-called emotion, that is, love, hate, sadness, anticipation, anger, these things... And spirit?" Emptiness, enrichment, these computing spirits?" Dean was talking.
"Emptiness?" Staying alone can be empty and full. A person or a loved one, a child, surrounded by a loved one, a friend, may be still empty Isn't it?" Suddenly I felt a shock in my heart. "Spirit is indeed more advanced than emotion?""
"You help me calculate the Mayan chart." I began to request in turn white skirt.
She gave her answer soon after she gave her birthday to the girl in white.
The white skirt slowly said, "the 5 totems in your destiny are.":
First, the yellow man means freedom, your life will always be accompanied by the freedom of thinking, this is your tone, but also the main pursuit of your life."
"Second", "white wind", means you have communication barriers, maybe you can't express it, or you can't listen."
"He does. You're right." Dean laughing.
"Blue hand" is your strong point, with the ability to heal."
"Luna, which corresponds to your potential, you can control the mood."
"Do I have any?" Do I have the ability to control emotions? I have this potential." I'm getting more and more excited.
"Yes, that's what the chart says." The white skirt nodded definitely.
"The last one is high ego, and your high ego attribute is willpower. And you'll be a better you."
She looked at me without any doubt. There was a wizard like that on his face. I was totally shocked, and I was overwhelmed by a completely unbelieving, unbelieving person. Holding the whiskey, I just foolishly poured it into my throat.
Will? Communication barriers, control, freedom?" That's really me.
You count Dean, and I want to see what he's like" But the white Qunyao said, "no, I don't want to give him."

凌晨,四周依然一片漆黑,我也不记得我们怎么离开的酒吧. 来到了海边,脱了鞋,在浪边漫步。海浪泡沫冲洗着我们的脚,冰的让人发抖,每个人都摇摇晃晃的,大家都醉了吧。
It was still dark in the wee hours, and I didn't remember how we left the bar. We came to the beach, took off our shoes and walked around the waves. The wave foam washes our feet, the ice is shaking, everybody shakes, everybody is drunk.
They took their clothes off the beach and walked slowly into the water until the water was drowned in the chest. I stared with amazement. The two bodies seemed to glow as they were, and they were lining up with hazy bright colors. That's the most beautiful thing I've ever seen.
“我觉得我身体里一部分已经死了!”黑裙突然叫了这样一句。她继续大喊着问我们“ 你们想到过死吗? 如果能选择的话你会怎么选择你的死亡的方式呢?”
"I think part of my body is dead!" The black skirt suddenly called such a sentence. She continues to shout and ask us, "did you think of death? How would you choose your way of death if you could choose?""
"我希望设计出自己最好的作品,在我事业的巅峰,在走上领奖台的那一刹那激动而死." 我几乎脱口而出...
"I want to design my own best work, and die at the end of my career, when I'm on the podium," I almost blurted out...
“我希望和心爱的女人做爱,在高潮来临前一刹那,和她一起溺水而死!” 迪安答着。
Dean and two women's voices drifting farther and farther, a weariness hit, I lie on the beach, vaguely see, they have disappeared in my sight.
I never dreamt of dreaming! Dream of a giant standing on the hollow iron sheet, a huge palm, the soles of the feet down a crab.
突然仿佛有人把我突然扔到火里一般,我猛然地醒来了。头脑前所未有的清晰。 她站在我的面前!我无法确定她是哪一个,趁着海边的微光,我看见她深深望着我的眼神,微微张开的嘴,脸颊上若有若无的雀斑,实话说,我已经记不得她穿什么衣服了,好像是白色又或是黑色的丝质长裙,又好像什么也没穿,微光映在她脸颊和肩膀,皮肤反射出冰块一样的光泽,白天散发着独立和快乐的她,此刻却只有无助和温柔....
Suddenly, as if someone threw me into the fire, I woke up suddenly. The brain is never clearer. She stood in front of me! I'm not sure which one is she, taking advantage of the light, I saw she was looking at me in the eyes, slightly open mouth, cheeks not much, if any freckles, to tell you the truth, I can't remember what she was wearing, like white or black silk dress, and also like what no clothes, light reflected in her cheeks and shoulders, reflecting the skin luster like ice, daytime exudes independence and her happy, but now only the helpless and gentle....
And then I didn't remember, just remember, when I woke up, it was a man lying on the bed in the house on the beach.
Walking out of the door, I couldn't believe my eyes. There were two women lying on the ground, one naked, the other wearing underwear, with a marked purple mark on the neck.
迪安坐在地上,满地都是烟蒂,他茫然地抬起头, 眼睛里都是血丝, 似乎无法聚焦地样子,“这都是事故,相信我 .. 实在没办法,才杀了她们...”
Dean sat on the ground floor are cigarette butts, he blankly looked up, eyes are bloodshot, seems to be able to focus on the way, "this is the accident, I believe. There is no way to kill them..."
我也不知道为什么,看着眼前这一切,脑子完全停止了思考. 我和迪安像机械一样,把两个女人的尸体搬到Polo里,慢慢地把车开到了一处海边的悬崖,然后把车推了下去... 蓝色的海一下子就吞没了红色的汽车,就像从来没有在这个世界存在过那样, 一切都转眼消失的无影无踪....
I don't know why, seeing all this, the brain is completely stopped thinking. And I like machinery, the Dean, two women's bodies moved to Polo, slowly drove to a cliff, and then push the car down... The blue sea suddenly engulfed the red car like, never existed in this world, everything suddenly disappeared. Not the least trace was found....
正午, 风呼呼地在我脸颊吹过,斯巴鲁里,我边上的迪安沉默着,沉默得完全不像他了,中午的阳光把我照的头晕目眩。
At noon, the wind blew my cheek in Subaru, I, on the edge of the dean in silence, silence was nothing like him, the noon sun illuminate me dizzy.
迪安突然开口了,嘶哑的嗓音,伴随着灼热的风, “她叫我和她那样时掐着她脖子的,她说她想感受我说的死亡和高潮的感觉,没想到她真的没醒过来。后来另一个女人进来了,说我是故意的, 要告发我... 我突然就觉得脑子嗡的一响,就也扑过去勒住了她.” 迪安突然开口了,大太阳下的他满脸憔悴,和我的斯巴鲁很像,像是一头上了年纪的精壮豹子。
Dean suddenly blurted out, hoarse voice, accompanied by the scorching wind, "she told me to pinch her neck like that," she said. "She wanted to feel the way I said it. I didn't think she really didn't wake up. Later another woman came in and said I was not intentional, going to tell on me... I suddenly feel like a brain hum, also rushed past reined her. "Dean said suddenly, the sun he looked haggard, and I like Subaru, like a head of the elderly the essence of Zhuang leopard.
迪安把车在山路停下,下车来到山崖边解手。他刚解完,转过身, 我就冲上前去, 狠狠地推了他一把,迪安也不说话,一拳朝我打来,我扭头躲开,下意识挥拳打在他的胃部,他转而在我下巴上给了我一记重拳,我耳边立即响起嗡嗡声, 当即跪了下来。我咬牙从地上站起来, 又被他一拳打倒, 再站起来, 又是一拳, 如此反复了十多次, 当我再挺立到他面前时,他已经筋疲力尽气喘吁吁了。
Put the car on the road, Dean came off the cliff edge to stop. He just turned and solve, I rushed forward, gave him a push, Dean does not speak, a fist struck at me, I turned away, subconsciously to punch him in the stomach, he turned on my chin gave me a punch, my ears immediately humming that is, when kneeling down. I stood up from the ground, knocked him down, stood up, punched again, more than 10 times, and when I stood up to him again, he was exhausted and out of breath.
I stared at him like a madman and said, "now, it's time for me.". "
我一记左刺拳挥出, 他下意识地侧头避闪,并立即用他的右勾拳猛地给了我一下,但这次我忍住了,我忍住这超人的痛苦又用我的右拳打出了一个摆拳在他下巴, 然后左手一记下钩, 闪到左边左手再虚晃了一次, 然后右手打了十分力量的一个重拳. 迪安已经完全呆滞了, 这下结结实实地打在他的面门. 突然他好像踩到了什么,人忽然打了个转,踉跄着, 手挥舞着, 掉下了深深的悬崖......
I am a left jab at his subconscious side head to avoid the flash, and immediately used his right hook with me, but this time I hold, I endure this pain and Superman with my fist hit a swing in his chin, and then left a note under the hook, flash to the left hand and then left a feint, a heavy right hand then played very strength. Dean has been completely glazed, this solidly hit him in the face. He seemed suddenly stepped on what, suddenly a turn, staggered, hand waving, falling deep cliff......
"天哪,我杀了他。" 我走上前去,看到了地上那个瓷像,那个斗牛士和公牛的瓷像,迪安显然是踩到了它...
"Oh my God, I killed him. "I went up and saw the ground the porcelain, the matador and bull, Dean, apparently stepped on it...
My mind is a blank, my heart did not feel afraid, just remind yourself, let's get out of here. Then he jumped into the car and sped forward.
没开多久, 突然前面闪出了一部警车, 拦在路中间, “应该无处可逃了, 还是停下吧. ”
Not long, suddenly lit up in front of a police car, stopped in the middle of the road, "should be exposed, or stop it"
无奈地把车停在了路边. 警车上先下来两个警察, 然后是一个穿白大褂的面无表情的医生, 还有就是她,细长的眉眼, 微翘的鼻子, 鼻子边微微有些雀斑.
But the car parked in the street. The police first and two police, then a white coat deadpan doctor, there is her eyes, slender, slightly curled nose, nose slightly freckles.
她微笑着对我说: "结束了, 别担心, 我是来接你回家的."
She smiled at me and said, "it's over. Don't worry. I've come to pick you up.""
我绝望地对她说: "我回不了家了...我杀了人,我把迪安打下了悬崖...迪安杀了两个女孩。”
I said to her in despair, "I can't go home. I killed someone. I put Dean out of the cliff. Dean killed two girls."."
她走上来,一把搂住我脖子, 轻轻地告诉我:
She came up and put her arms around my neck and told me softly:
"亲爱的,并没有什么迪安, 这是你想象出来的, 放松,放松就好,你最近工作太紧张了,所以精神出了点问题。
"Honey, there's no Dean, that's what you think, relax, relax. You've been working too hard lately, so there's something wrong with your mind.
“你也没有杀人,女巫也好,算命也好, 都是我和医生给你安排的, 为了给你治病. 现在你的病好了,可以回家了。”
"You did not kill, witch, fortune telling, I and the doctor arranged for you, in order to give you treatment. Now you are ill, you can go home."."
我沮丧地对她,还有警察和所有人说, "把我带走吧,我杀了迪安, 就在背后不远处的悬崖上。"
I said to her, to the police, to everyone, "take me away. I killed Dean, on the cliff not far from behind.". "
然后我执意要求所有人一起去悬崖下看迪安的尸体, 大家来到了悬崖下,一帮人陪着我找来找去,没有尸体,没有迪安,没有任何人掉下悬崖的痕迹,所有的草木也确实完好无损。
Then I have asked all of the people go to the cliff see Dean's corpse, we came to the cliff, a bunch of people to accompany me looking, no body, no Dean, no one fell off the cliff traces of all vegetation are intact.
"But it's less than half an hour since he fell here."." I touched my chin, and Dean hit still painful
“但他明明在这里坠下来还不到半小时啊。”我摸着自己的下巴, 迪安击中的地方到现在还在痛. 她走过来,抚摸着我,温柔地对我说:"现在你知道了吧,并没有迪安吧?" 话毕,她给医生使了个颜色, 我呆若木鸡地任医生把一针什么东西打到了我的体内, 很快一种人类抵御不了昏晕就把我击倒。
"But it's less than half an hour since he fell here."." I stroked his chin, Dean hit the place until now is still in pain. She came and touched me, gently said to me: "now you know, and there is no Dean?" said this, she gave the doctor a color, I let the doctor put a dumb as a wooden chicken what hit to my body, and soon a human can not resist fainting put me down.
再醒来的时候, 我在自己纽约家里的床上, 我也不知道睡了多久,阳光一直从窗口晒到床前。我觉得头脑异常清晰, 摸了摸脸和下巴,被打过的地方还是隐隐作痛. 她端着早饭来到我身边,笑着说,"你醒来了哦,吃早饭吧. 那些奇奇怪怪的想法都从脑子里出去了吧?"
When I woke up, I was in the bed of my own home in New York, and I didn't know how long I slept. The sun was shining from the window to my bed. My head felt very clear, touched the face and chin, was played where still aching. She served breakfast to me, smiled and said, "Oh, you wake up, eat breakfast. Those weird ideas are out of mind?"
“嗯,都好了。”我微笑着,我可没敢告诉她, 我心里其实还想着我杀了迪安的事。我笑着点点头,拿起橙汁,喝了几大口. 她也笑了,显得很俏皮地样子, 但我看得出她的疲惫,她说: "我去给你倒杯咖啡哦."
"Well, that's all right." I smiled, and I didn't dare to tell her, and I was actually thinking about what I killed dean. I smiled, nodded, picked up the orange juice, drank a few mouthfuls, and she laughed and looked playful, but I could see her exhaustion, and she said, "I'll get you a cup of coffee.""
我站起身,开始欣赏床对面的那幅抽象派的油画,那幅画上画着一个女子,虎牙,脸上微微的雀斑,面露悲哀的神情,画上的署名 ------ 迪安.
I stood up and began to enjoy the bed on the opposite side of the abstract painting, the painting of a woman, a tiger, his face a little freckles, her face looked sad, drawing on the signature, Dean.