
Good Expressions in each paragraph
Para. 1
according to these advertisements
with very little effort on the student’spart
a reference to William Shakespeare orCharles Dickens
I don’t know whether to laugh or cry
ridiculous claims
or else
Para. 2
as quickly and efficiently and cheaply aspossible
in simple language
it is no use pretending
in every possible situation
there are as many good methods of teaching alanguage as there are good teachers
an individual with his own personality
no doubt (that)
to a certain extent
Para. 3
have a great advantage over others
afford to do
go to the opposite extreme
it is wrong to assume that .
a precise equivalent
vice versa
provide students with .
let alone
Para. 4
is based on
are fond of making students repeat phrases
if we were parrots
it is a pity
Para. 5
in my personal opinion
unless he is interested in it
relate them to their own lives
It is worth remembering that language
… is a means of communication.
is very similar to
Para. 6
another relevant point worth mentioning
we need other people to talk to and listen to when …
Key Words and Expressions for TextA
1 )personal a.[no comp.]concerning, belonging to, or for the use of a particular person; private[无比较级]个人的;私人的
e.g. 1.Please do not take whatI said too seriously; it was just my personal opinion.
2. I don’t want to havea hand in his personal affairs.
CF: personal,private, individual
He learned this lesson the hard way — from his own personal experience.
His childrengo to a private school.
They waitfor the group to decide rather than making individual decisions.
2)claim vt.
declare to be true; state,
esp. in the face of opposition; maintain(尤指面对反对意见)断言;声称;主张
e.g. 1.I don’t claim to be an expert, but I did studythe subject when I was a university student.
2. They claim to havediscovered a cure for the disease.
n.a statement that sth. is
true or real, esp. one that other people may disagree with声称;(尤指他人可能反对的)主张;断言
e.g. 1.Janet made a claim at our meeting — she wantedto have an office entirely to herself.
2.Though the work is broad in scope, it makesno claim to completeness.
3)on one’s part: of or by sb.在某人一方;就某人而言
e.g. 1.It was an error on mypart; I do feel sorry about that.
2. A frank question onhis part led to a frank answer on mine.
4 qualified a.having suitable knowledge or qualifications, esp. for a job有资格的,适合的,胜任的
e.g. 1.What makes you thinkthat you are qualified for this job?
2. He is recognized tobe a qualified announcer.
5) ridiculous a.derog deserving ridicule; silly or unreasonable〖贬〗可笑的;荒谬的
e.g. 1.Don’t be ridiculous! You can’t pay $ 50 for aT-shirt like this.
2. I’m glad thatridiculous plan has finally been laid to rest.
6)or else otherwise; if not否则;不然的话
e.g. 1.We must be there by
six, or else we’ll miss the beginning of the movie.
2. He must be teasing,or else he’s mad.
7)natural a.of or being what exists or happens ordinarily in the world, not caused, made or controlled by people自然的,天然的;非人力所为的
e.g. 1.Tommy has the naturalgifts of a football player.
2. Social problemscropped up in the wake of natural disasters.
CF: normal, natural
Our telephone lines areopen during normal office hours.
Parents’ natural desire to protect theirchildren should be counterbalanced by the child's need for independence.
8) it’s no usedoing sth. there is no point in doing sth. because it will not be successful or have a good result做……没用处的,无益的
e.g. 1.It’s no use arguingwith him any more; he is stubborn and would not listen to anyone.
2. It’s no use weepingover what can't be helped.
9) argue vt. give reasons why one thinks sth. is right or wrong, true or not true, especially persuade people that one is right提出理由(企图)证明;(坚决)主张,认为
e.g. 1.She argued that all ourefforts would be a waste of time.
2. Why do you alwaysargue against me?
CF: argue, quarrel, debate,discuss
10) individual n.a single person or thing, considered separately from the class or group to which he, she, or it belongs 个人,个体
e.g. 1.The rights of theindividual in a society are not unlimited.
2. He is anunimaginative individual who does everything by the book.
11) no doubt almost certainly, very probably多半;很可能;必定
e.g. 1.No doubt Mary will callus when she gets there.
2. There can be nodoubt that they will finally win out.
12) to an /some / what / a certain / such an / extent
to the degree specified到某种(什么/一定的/这样的)程度
e.g. 1.I do agree with you toa certain extent, but you need to speak to Jane about the matter.
2. Language is areflector of a society to some extent.
13) have an advantage (over)
sth.that may help one to be successful or to gain a favorable result有利条件,优势
e.g. 1.Her experience meantthat she had a big advantage over her opponent.
2. A man who can thinkwill always have an advantage over others.
14) go toextremes
act too violently or behave in an extreme way走极端
e.g. 1.She tends to go toextremes in making decisions.
2. We should not go toextremes and claim that all arranged marriages are failures.
15) assume vt.
believe (sth.) to be true without actually having proof that it is; suppose假定,假设
e.g. 1.It is reasonable to assume that the economy ofour country will continue to improve.
2. They naively assumethings can only get better.
CF: assume, suppose,guess
exact in form, detail, measurements, time, etc.精确的;准确的
e.g. 1.We were just talkingabout her when, at that precise moment, she walked in.
2. She gave me clearand precise directions.
17) equivalentn.
sth.that is equal in value, amount, meaning, importance, etc.等同物
e.g. 1.Can you change my moneyfor gold or its equivalent in US dollars?
2. This word has nosatisfactory equivalent in English.
18) vice versa
Latin the opposite way from that just stated〖拉丁〗反过来(也是这样),反之亦然
e.g. 1.Students should learnfrom teachers and vice versa.
2. A man of high birthmay be of low worth and vice versa.
19) provide(sb.) with
supply sb. with sth.为…提供,供给
e.g. 1.These letters shouldprovide us with all the information we need.
2. Books providechildren with ideas and a stimulus for play.
20) let alone
used for showing that the thing mentioned next is even less likely or believable than the one mentioned before(用于表示接着提到的事)更不用说,更谈不上
e.g. 1.There isn’t enough room for us, let alone any guests.
2. He could barely keepbody and soul together let alone support his family.他连自己的生活都难以维持,更不用说养家了。
21) be fond of doing sth.
like sth., esp. sth. one has liked for a long time喜欢做某事
e.g. 1.Richard is fond oftelling people funny stories about foreigners travelling in China.
2. He is fond of havinga hand in everything.他什么事都喜欢插上一手。
22) in one’sopinion
it is one’s view or feeling that在…看来
e.g. 1.In her opinion I shouldvisit Beijing first and then meet her in Hong Kong.
2. In his opinion,California has the best climate under the sun.在他看来,世界上就数加利福尼亚的气候最好。
23) relatevt.
fml show or establish a connection between〖正式〗有关联;把…联系起来
e.g. 1.The police are stilltrying to relate these two pieces of evidence.
2. I found it difficultto relate the two ideas in my mind.我觉得很难把这两种想法联系在一起。
24) relate sth. else
show or establish a connection between one thing and another将…与…联系起来
e.g. 1.They will relate theamount of time you spend on the work to your pay.
2. It's difficult to relate these resultswith any known cause.很难把结果与任何已知原因联系起来。
25) be worth(doing) sth.
deserve (doing) sth.值得(做)某事…
e.g. 1.The book is not worthreading because the information it contains is out of date.
2. Whatever is worthdoing at all is worth doing well.任何一件值得做的事都应该把它做好。
26) means n.
a method or way ( of doing )方法,手段
e.g. 1.Brian was prepared touse any means to get what he wanted.
2. Television is aneffective means of communication.电视是一种有效的交流方式。
27) be similarto
be like (sb. or sth.) but not exactly the same和…近似,类似,相似
e.g. 1.The new shoes I’ve justbought are very similar to a pair I had before.
2. A cat is similar toa tiger in many respects. 猫和虎在很多方面相似。
28) relevanta.
directly connected with the subject有关的,有关主题的
e.g.1.This type of university
course is no longer relevant to the needs of today’s students.
TEXT B: Learning to Read
Key Words and Expressions in Text B
particularly ad.especially; in a way that is special anddifferent from others特别,尤其
e.g.She looked particularly lovely that night.
He talks down to everyone,particularly young people.
rid vt.(rid, ridorridded,rid)drive, send, throw, or giveaway or destroy除去;赶走;消灭
e.g.He shook the blankets vigorously to get rid of the dust.
It is difficult to get ridof deep-rooted habits.
character n.[C]a person in a book, play, etc.(书、剧本等中的)人物,角色
e.g. Any resemblance of a character in this book to a living person is purely incidental.书中人物如有雷同,纯属巧合。
He is the character withwhom the reader can most easily identify.
furthermore ad. fmlalso; in addition to what has just been said〖正式〗而且;再者;另外;还有
e.g.I don’t want to go there, furthermore, I have no time to do so.
intelligent a.having or showing powers of learning, reasoning,
or understanding, esp. to a high degree有智慧的;悟性(理解力)强的;聪明的
e.g.She was an intelligent woman who refused to be a rich man’s plaything.
She was an extremelyintelligent child, and soon pulled away from the rest of the class.
highly intelligentincredibly intelligent
particularlyintelligentextremely intelligent
steadily ad.calmly and in a controlled way镇定地
e.g.He moved back a little and stared steadily at Elaine.
solemnly a manner that is marked by seriousness or
sincerity; seriously表情庄重地,严肃地,不苟言笑地
e.g.All those present were standing solemnly when the national anthem was played.
They vowed solemnly neverto love anyone else.
apparently is clear (that); it seems (that);seemingly显然;看来,似乎
e.g.The trouble was sparked off by an apparently harmless phrase.
An apparently blind alleyleads suddenly into an open space.
confusion n.a state of being mixed up or mistaken困惑;分辩不清
e.g.His answers to my questions have only added to my confusion.
This accident upset ourplans and threw us into confusion.
semester n.either of the two periods into which a year at
universities, esp. in the US, is divided(尤指美国大学的)一学期;半学年
e.g.He had three minors this semester.
I had an especially roughtime during my first semester.
astonish vt.fill with great surprise and perhaps disbelief使吃惊,使惊讶
e.g.It will astonish you to hear what I paid for this ring.
The magician’s next trickwill astonish you.
CF: surprise, amaze, astonish
glimpse n.a quick look or
incomplete view of瞥见,一瞥
e.g.We only had a fleetingglimpseof the sun all day.
Some of the fans had waited 24 hoursoutside the Hyde Park Hotel to catch aglimpseoftheir heroine.
fleeting glimpsemomentary glimpse
hasty glimpseuncommon glimpse
first glimpsequick glimpse
illustration n.a
picture to go with the words of a book, speaker, etc.(图书、演讲者等作说明用的)插图,图表,图案
e.g.The marginal illustration is very interesting.
She looked like a princessin a nineteenth-century illustration.
edition n.a number of copies of a book, newspaper,
magazine, etc., that are produced and printed at one time(书、报、杂志等)一版的印刷数;版(次),版本
e.g.The edition is limited to 10000 copies priced twelve dollars.
Many new words and phraseshave been included in the revised edition.
first editionnew edition
deluxe editiontwo-volume edition
limited editionunabridged edition
adventure n.a journey, experience, etc., that is strange and
exciting and often dangerous冒险活动[经历];奇遇
e.g.The spirit of adventure rose in the boys’ souls once more.
Listening to his life storyis akin to reading a good adventure novel.
dive vi.(dived,divedordove/dEUv/,dived)AmEthrow oneself head first
into water; move quickly on land or in air, downwards, head first or out of
e.g.He who would search for pearls must dive below.
It started to rain
so we dived into the nearest cafe.
have trouble with have problems or difficulties with做……有困难
e.g. Don’tworry, lots of people have trouble with these words.
Some people looking after elderly
parents have trouble with the role reversal involved.一些照看年迈父母的人在角色转变上有困难.
at all cost / costs whatever is needed to achieve sth.不惜任何代价
e.g.He is the man who implements his promise at all cost.
She was determined to winat all costs.
rid of make (esp. a place) free of (sth. harmful or unwanted)使摆脱掉(有害或不受欢迎的东西)
e.g.It is not easy to rid oneself of a bad habit.
He promised to rid thehouse of mice.
for pleasure for fun; for enjoyment为了取乐,作为消遣
e.g.A hobby is an activity you turn to for pleasure.
Has he gone to Paris onbusiness or for pleasure?
find out learn or discover (a fact that washidden or not known)发现,查明
e.g.A spy used artful means to find out secrets.
Let’s give him line enoughand find out what he is doing.
in one’s hurry while trying to do sth. too quickly匆忙中
e.g.In my hurry I forgot to take my wallet with me.
In her hurry to leave sheforgot her briefcase.
take a look (at) examine or observe检查;观察
e.g. You oughtto open your eyes and take a look at reality.
There are some rare treasures on exhibition recently, let's take a look.
mean every word of it be fully serious when
making a promise or threat; not be joking(发誓、威胁、表明观点时)说话算数;并非戏言
e.g.For the record, I mean every word of it. I absolutely believe a person can takecharge of her (or his) life.
a glimpse of a quick look at or incomplete view of瞥见,一瞥
e.g.He caught a glimpse of her before she vanished into the crowd.
Her worried face gave me aglimpse of her true feelings.
clear up clean thoroughly and remove anything unwanted彻底扫除;清理
e.g. Thereshould be someone to whom you can turn for any advice or to clear up anyproblems.
That doesn’t clear up mydoubts.
sure enough exactly as was expected 果然,果真
e.g.We said things would trun out well, and sure enough they did.
He said he would come, andsure enough he came.
dive into start doing sth. or joining an activity quickly, keenly and whole-heartedly 全身心投入
e.g. Before youdive into the working world, there are a few common pitfalls you should try toavoid.
Find a hobby or activityyou enjoy doing and dive into it.