

2019-04-27  本文已影响35人  晓佳Judy

Listening: 0b

Reading: 海尼曼、暖暖树

Playing: 公园小火车、玩水

M: Have you finished? Are you ready?Lets go the park.

A:OK, lets go .

M: I'm tired today. I'm in my period, i want to ride our motor scooter.


M: Hold me tightly.

A: OK.

M: Lets by the tticket first. We buy monthly ticket so she won't give you the paper ticket. You really want to play that ticket, what a pity!

A: 我想玩这个,这个。

M:Oh, you want to play the train and jumpingbed, right?


M:ok, yoy want to play little train twice. lets buy ticket first.


M:Yes, seat belt. It's moving. It goes up and down. be careful, it turns right. so funny , right?

A: Yes.

陪娃学英语|万思乐学小西妈双语工程1807期73号Alan打卡 陪娃学英语|万思乐学小西妈双语工程1807期73号Alan打卡

A: 我们去玩水吧,昨天爸爸带我在这儿玩的。

M: Ok, lets go to play water. You take some water in and spray it to the sky! Wahoo, you can spray it very high and very far! Yeah, this time you spray the water even farther. Good boy! awesome! You really good at playing water!


M: Ok, i am trying. I want to water trees. Look, I can spray it very far too! Do you want to try?

A: 你浇吧,多浇点。

M: haha, ok, I like playing water.


M: Alan, look under your feet, don't go in the mud.


M: When we mix water and earth together, it becomes mud. Oh, look! it is a muddy puddle! pepper likes jumping in muddy puddles.


M:Yes, they all like jumping in muddy puddles. Oh, you put more water in the muddy puddle, it becomes a bigger one. look, the two muddy puddles turns to a big muddy puddle!

A: 开始往旁边的泥坑里喷水,告诉我成了一个大泥坑。big muddy puddle.

M: Yeah, there is only one big muddy puddle.


M:Sure, you want to jump in muddy puddle. mext time you wear your rain boots.




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