iOS 图片压缩

2017-09-06  本文已影响26人  LiwaySun

+(UIImage *)reduceImage:(UIImage *)image percent:(float)percent
NSData *imageData = UIImageJPEGRepresentation(image, percent);
UIImage *newImage = [UIImage imageWithData:imageData];
return newImage;


static size_t getAssetBytesCallback(voidvoid *info, voidvoid *buffer, off_t position, size_t count) {
ALAssetRepresentation *rep = (__bridge id)info;

NSError *error = nil;  
size_t countRead = [rep getBytes:(uint8_t *)buffer fromOffset:position length:count error:&error];  
if (countRead == 0 && error) {  
    // We have no way of passing this info back to the caller, so we log it, at least.  
    NDDebug(@"thumbnailForAsset:maxPixelSize: got an error reading an asset: %@", error);  
return countRead;  


static void releaseAssetCallback(voidvoid *info) {
// The info here is an ALAssetRepresentation which we CFRetain in thumbnailForAsset:maxPixelSize:.
// This release balances that retain.

// Returns a UIImage for the given asset, with size length at most the passed size.
// The resulting UIImage will be already rotated to UIImageOrientationUp, so its CGImageRef
// can be used directly without additional rotation handling.
// This is done synchronously, so you should call this method on a background queue/thread.


