
2019-01-27  本文已影响0人  宝姥姥_生命小彩坊

作者:Eileen Caddy



See a perfect pattern and plan running through your life. There is nothing haphazard. Even though it may appear to be very strange, all is in My divine plan. You would not be where you are, doing what you are doing at this time, if I had not laid My hand upon you. My ways are not your ways. Seek always to do My will. I know what is best for you, so why fight against it and think that you know best? Have absolute faith and trust in Me. Know that I AM always here and that I will never let you down or forsake you. Keep turning to Me. Listen to what I have to say to you in the silence and obey My slightest whisper. Obedience opens up a whole new life for you and releases new energies which have been hidden deep within you waiting to be released when you are ready and willing to follow them without question.



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