
2019-08-21  本文已影响0人  亲亲九儿


第2个话题:A foreign country

1) 你曾经出国旅行过吗?如果有的话,是哪个国家?Have you ever travelled abroad? If yes, what country was it?

yes,I have。I travelled to the Europe in this month with my son。including three countries,Swissland、Germany and Czech Republic。

2) 那个国家位于哪里?Where is that country located?

These countries located the middle Europe。

3)它以什么闻名?What is it famous for?

The three countries have different character,Swissland famous for the United Nations and the highest fountain of  Genava lake in the world。Germany famous for the castle,like as the new  swan castle。Czech Republic famous for Prague Square and astronomical clock。

4) 那个国家的特色菜和饮料是什么?What are the special food and drinks of that country?

As we known,the special food of the Germany is Pig elbow。

5) 你喜欢那个国家的什么?What do you like about that country?

I like the natural  scenery and the castle。


