2019-03-02 本文已影响0人
简单粗暴 介绍 SingularityNET (agi) 人工智能与区块链、物联网、大数据网络结合。
顶尖团队;首席科学家本·戈泽尔带领20多名博士,30名技术骨干,曾任职美国两大军工企业(自己查)与中国最大通讯企业合作(自己查)与联合国教科文组织合作,singularityNET已经与马耳他政府合作,本 博士与美国国防安全部推出开源平台(自己去查)团队不差钱,曾经参加的各种会议(自己查看都什么样的企业能进去)去翻译这段话Note: While we are aware that the AGI token is currently being traded on some exchanges, we do not encourage or facilitate this exchange trading in any manner. Speculative secondary trading is against the spirit of the AGI token and SingularityNET project. We strongly discourage speculative secondary trading and officially ask AGI token holders to act accordingly. 目前测试网搭建完毕 买不买自己看。