
Got to give it up(一)

2017-10-25  本文已影响20人  敢敢宝宝

THE White House has plan to declare the opioid crisis a national emergency.
[1] This concern is justified: in their legal and illegal forms, opioids kill an American every 16 minutes. Yet a focus on opioids has eclipsed the damage caused by an even deadlier, more common substance. Between 2006 and 2010, an average of 106,765 Americans died each year from alcohol-related causes such as liver disease, alcohol poisoning and drunk driving—more than twice the number of overdoses from all drugs and more than triple the number of opioid overdoses in 2015. Although Americans quaff less alcohol per person than the pub-loving British and Irish or the beer fond Germans, they are drinking far more heavily than they used to.

opioid/ˈəʊpɪˌɔɪd/ 类鸦片活性肽,类鸦片
eclipse / ɪ'klɪps /

1.an occasion when the sun or the moon cannot be seen, because the Earth is passing directly between the moon and the sun, or because the moon is passing directly between the Earth and the sun 日食;月食
an eclipse of the sun日食
a total eclipse全食
There will be an eclipse of the moon next month .下个月将会有月食。
2 .[singular 单数] a situation in which someone or something loses their power or fame, because someone or something else has become more powerful or famous 〔权力或名望的〕黯然失色
eclipse sb of achievement 超过某人的成就
He eclipses his elder sister in sports 在体育上,他超过了他的姐姐。
eclipse the sun 日食
Many people expected the growth of television to mean the eclipse of radio.许多人预计电视业的发展会使广播业黯然失色。
3 in eclipse
less famous or powerful than you should beformal 被埋没,湮没无闻 【正式】
Mrs Bosanquet’s novels are now in eclipse.

overdose / 'əʊvədəʊs /

1 too much of a drug taken at one time 〔药物一次性的〕使用过量
She took an overdose and died two days later.她服药过量,两天后死了。
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a massive overdose of heroin严重过量吸食海洛因
2 too much of something, especially something harmful 〔尤指有害之物的〕过量,过多
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an overdose of sun暴晒



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