
2018-01-06  本文已影响0人  c356563193f5

Part 1 问题类型: Hometown

Q: Does your family (still) live there?

固定表达A: ancestral home  

     Yeah, it's my ancestral home..... My whole clan lives there! My grandparents, uncles, cousins, nephews and nieces... It's been our home for generations!

固定表达B: close-knit family  关系融洽的家庭

    I suppose we're quite a close-knit family. My parents were initially kind of against me moving away from home, but there are more opportunities for me in this city.

Q: What is famous in your hometown?  /    Is there anything famous in your hometown ?

    What would you recommend in your hometown?

固定表达A: must-see     n & adj

    There are attractions galore in my hometown! I think the (name of attraction) is a particular must-see, as it's synonymous with the culture and history of my birthplace.

    There are countless must-see attractions that I'd suggest they visit. Firstly, ...

Q: How could your hometown be famous?

固定表达B: put a spotlight on   

    I think our leaders need to put a spotlight on our unique attractions. If people were aware of the wealth of places to see and visit I'm sure our tourist numbers would increase.

Q: Would you say it's a good place to grow up?  

Fancy vocabularies: 

unsullied 未受污染的      unspoiled  未受损坏的

uncontaminated    无污染的         pristine       原始的;  原生态的

I'd have to say yes. To tell the truth my hometown hasn't changed much since I was a kid. Although the infrastructure has developed, most of the places I remember from my childhood are unsullied and pristine.

Q: What is the history of your hometown?

固定表达A: a checkered history  历史曲折

    My hometown has kind of a checkered history. It was conquered by Genghis Khan(成吉思汗) in the 13th Century and there were several epidemics during the last two hundred years, but in recent times the economy has developed substantially and tourism has boomed due to the wealth of historical landmarks.

固定表达B: legend has it 

    My hometown isn't well-known, but legend has it that Confucius lived there briefly around 500 B.C.

    I'm from Nanyang. Legend has it that  a man called Song Dingbo caught a ghost there!

Q: How has your hometown changed?

固定表达: out with the old, in with the new  

    It's changed significantly. In the past there never used to be large shopping malls, multiplexes, sports stadiums and so on. Most people used to shop at small grocery stores or go to the local cinema. But-- you know what they say(俗话说)---out with the old, in with the new!

Q: How should your hometown change? /  How could your hometown be improved/famous?

固定表达: give (sth.) a new lease of life

                    breathe new life into (sth.)

    I think the government should allocate more finances on improving the transportation infrastructure. They need to breathe new life into the old system.

Q: What kind of transport do people use there?

固定表达: gas-guzzler  油老虎;耗油量大的汽车

    Although many people use public transportation such as the subway and trams which are eco-friendly, too many people drive gas-guzzler which emit exhaust fumes, leading to the greenhouse effect.

---------From book " 543 Native Expressions that IELTS Examiners Love"

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