
2020-05-16  本文已影响0人  Pentacle_V

      开始持有对Hagrid的怀疑态度,打算去问个究竟。但是,看到Hagrid的样子,决定帮助他申诉被受到的惩罚。然后,圣诞节的到来,收到一把匿名的魔法扫帚(The Firebolt)。后来怀疑是Sirius Black送的,为了安全起见,被老师没收去检测有无猫腻。


a fit of 一阵

high spirits 高涨的情绪

daybreak 天亮

I'd hunt him down. 追踪到,穷追不舍

Get a grip. 镇定下来,控制住自己

cast around (search anxiously) 寻找

a change of subject 改变主题

marking a shallow trench in the glittering powdery snow 小沟,小渠,战壕

smattered with silver 被砸中,被覆盖

leather waistcoat 皮背心

uphold(keep or maintain) 维持不变

The hearing 听证会

be chomping on 大声地吃(咬,咀嚼食物)

berating Hagrid for not telling him the truth about Black. 痛斥,严厉责备

leech all the happiness out of them  吸取

brood 焦急地考虑

marauding beasts 掠夺

mince pies 肉馅饼

nut brittle 果仁酥糖

favoritism (贬)偏爱,偏袒

laugh one's head off at the thought of Malfoy 笑弯了腰,脑袋都笑掉了

tinsel 金银丝织品(线)

stow 装,藏

intrigued 好奇的

a midjudged kick at Crookshanks 判断错误的

A shrill, tinny whistling (尖锐的,尖细的)尖锐刺耳的

become dislodged from 从……中取出,从……出来

Christmas spirit 圣诞气氛

Tuck in!: eat up 尽情吃

a green sequined dress 带着闪亮片的裙子

the promptings of fate 命运的提示

tartly 尖酸刻薄地说

chipolata: a small thin sausage 小香肠盘菜

cracker hats 圣诞快乐帽

looked affronted 被冒犯的样子

a quick word 简单说两句

devoid of mad axe-men 没有……的

a flagon of mead 一大瓶(壶),大肚酒瓶

be tampered with 乱整,擅自使用

defiantly: in a rebellious manner大胆地,对抗地说

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