

2016-12-05  本文已影响186人  郭希秀


Turtle Symbolism & Meaning乌龟的神圣意义

Turtle Spirit moves to an inner drummer that is in no hurry. Seeming to have no worries, Turtle plods along at a pace all Her own. If turtle had a mantra it would be “one small step at a time”. This Spirit Animal truly lives in the moment – taking one after another with simple, innocent acceptance.


This is a powerful lesson for humans who rush about at unhealthy speeds, often missing the mystical gem that is right in front of them, here and now.


Turtle’s greatest gift to us is learning to slow down and smell the roses (literally and figuratively). Being a water creature, some of the Turtle’s symbolism and meaning comes from that elemental influence. It is from the water that Turtle gains the attributes of insight and being able to understand and express our deeper emotions.


In numerous myths and religions Turtle takes a distinctly noticeable spot as representing resoluteness and peace. Cosmological traditions speak of a World Turtle that either supports the heavens or transports the Earth safely on Her back.


Additionally, Turtle carries its ‘home’ on its back. They are one as the Turtle cannot leave its shell. In this, Turtle symbolizes that our earthly body is our home – for now. It can protect and shelter you, so take good care of it.


Some of the Deities associated with Turtle Spirit include Ea, the Mesopotamian God of wisdom and magic who lives under the ocean, Venus and Aphrodite – goddesses of love and fertility (Greco-Roman), Vishnu who has a giant turtle avatar and Set the Egyptian God of the underworld.


Overall Turtle medicine reminds us that strength and determination are the keys to overcoming our obstacles. Take your time before you move – don’t go jumping out of your shell right into danger.


Turtle Spirit Animal神圣动物乌龟

When Turtle comes to you as a Spirit Animal it bears the message of staying true to your path and being at peace with your choices. This may also be a sign that you are carrying too much weight on your shoulders. You cannot fix anything if you’re overwhelmed. Put down negative things that hold your back, go into your shell and meditate. Get grounded, embrace your emotional power and reclaim your serenity.


Also, Turtle might appear as your Spirit Animal during times when it seems as though your world is topsy turvy.


Many mistakenly believe Turtles cannot right themselves when they’re flipped over on their back. But this is not always true. Turtles have strong necks and can flip themselves over. In this, Turtle can come to you as a reminder to use your own head. You are powerful enough to right yourself, even when others don’t believe you can.


Turtle Totem Animal乌龟图腾

Those born with Turtle as a totem animal typically live a long life. You pace yourself, savoring the moment to moment blessings. Having a safe haven is very important for Turtle people, so choose your shell wisely. Know when to retreat for your own safety or peace of mind. As one of the first animals on the Earth, Turtle Totem has the ability to express abundant wisdom and dig deep into the Greater Mysteries.


The calmer speed of Turtle’s life doesn’t mean its boring. If anything Turtle is dynamic, particularly when connecting with water. This fills you and recharges those batteries that even the most metered Turtle can burn out.


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