Vowel Pronunciation trick
2018-11-16 本文已影响0人
Pronunciation: Vowel
Two Vowels guideline:
The 1st vowel sounds like its alphabet name (the long vowel sound)
The 2nd vowel sound is silent
1 | 2 | 3 | 4 | 5 |
bake | these | pie | drone | cute |
fame | dream | ice | soap | Sue |
One vowel sound guideline:
The vowel sound like a "relative" (the short vowel sound)
1 | 2 | 3 | 4 | 5 |
had | bed | him | hot | sum |
jam | bend | pin | snot | bus |
- figure out
- vampire
something like ghost
- a little bit too much
- It's amazing
- geez/jeez/jeeze
A mild expression used to show surprise or annoyance.
- guideline
A general rule, principle, or piece of advice.
- It's life-changing
- Well, this is making sense.
- drone
A remote-controlled pilotless aircraft or missile.
- I think the most difficult one is the two-vowel guideline - that one has been plaguing me for years
plague: /pleɪɡ/ A thing causing trouble or irritation.
- breeze
A thing that is easy to do or accomplish.
Usually, we say something like a breeze.