Day8 还有很大进步空间 a lot of left to b

2019-10-01  本文已影响0人  YAN_tdlorang

1.. someone picks on you

have a bone to pick with someone

2. Pluslove

3. on the spot 现场

on the spot fine 就地正法

I fired him on the spot 

4. don't have to move my finger 轻而易举

5. bonus

6. perk 福利

7. no sweat 轻而易举can you move that big board for me? Sure, no sweat

8. smell a little funny 怪味、strange 陌生的

9. what's that smell funny?

10. slept funny 落枕

11. the whole trip ate up XX minutes 花费多久;take

12. when I say I want to improve my E,  I mean it

13. Guinness World Records 吉尼斯世界纪录

14. window of opportunity in lifetime 千载难逢的机会

15. catch our breath 缓一缓

16. when 轻读

17. neighbor

18. crumb 饼干屑;面包屑

19. teach those guys a lesson 给某人上一课

chewing out 

give sb a good talking to 

And in less than a minute the next thing you know immediately surely 

get a kick out of what happen 

20. get a kick out of sth 喜欢做什么I get a kick out of

21. Hit and run 肇事逃逸;骗炮;骗饭

22. hog 霸占

pole hog 霸占柱子

mic hog 麦霸

hogging the bathroom 霸占浴室

23. a lot of left to be desired 还有很大进步空间

24. turned out to be the easy part I let them

 hit the wall 学习到了一个瓶颈期

run into a problem 

25. China teams up with Russia 中国和俄罗斯组队

China and Russia team up to fight against 

partner up


