subgit 使用
Official document:
由remote svn server clone
subgit configure --svn-url http://xxxxxxxxx <your_repo.git>
#修改subgit 目录下的config 等等
> subgit install <your_repo.git>
#如果you make some changes to config file, you can rebuild like this.
subgit install --rebuild <your_repo.git>
subgit install --rebuild-from-revision REV
subgit import <your_repo.git>
#提交到remote git server
git remote add origin https://xxxxxxxxx.git
git push --all origin
git push --tags origin
QA 2: Deal with no trunk
- use keyword "--layout directory "
$ subgit configure --svn-url https://<subversion_repo> --layout directory repo.git
- or define multiple branches.
branches = xxx
branches = xxxx
branches = xxx
branches = xxxx
This is a README file for SubGit version 3.3.12 ('Bobique') build #4419.
- What is SubGit?
SubGit is a server side solution for smooth migration from Subversion to Git and back.
- How to use SubGit to build a writable Git mirror of a local Subversion repository?
Do the following:
svnadmin create svn_repos
subgit configure svn_repos
subgit install svn_repos
git clone repos repos-git
Now work with Subversion 'repos' and Git 'gt' repositories as usually.
- How to use SubGit to build a writable Git mirror of a remote Subversion repository?
Do the following:
subgit configure --svn-url SVN_URL git_repos
subgit install git_repos
Now you may clone git_repos and use clone as usually.
- How to upgrade from the previous version:
subgit install svn_repos
subgit install --rebuild svn_repos
to retranslate Subversion revisions to Git commits.
- Where to look for help and additional information?
SubGit web site:
SubGit issues tracker:
SubGit mailing list: send email to
- Third-party components
SubGit includes and uses number of third-party libraries.
Licenses for these libraries may be found in the 'lib/licenses' folder of the distribution archive.
- Distribution policy.
You may use and redistribute this version of the application for free.
SubGit is proprietary software and all rights to it belongs to TMate Software s.r.o.
This software is distributed as is without warranty of any kind, either expressed or implied, including
but not limited to the implied warranties of merchantability and fitness for a particular purpose.
TMate Software does not assume any liability for any alleged or actual damages arising from the use of any of these products.