《绝望的主妇》(Desperate Wives)一直是很多美剧爱好者的心头好,之前我也听朋友介绍过,但是由于对韩剧的痴迷,占用了看这部剧的时间,这几天重新把这部剧找出来,欲罢不能,不论从情节,还是从一个学习者的角度,这都是一部上乘之作。
故事发生在一个叫紫藤郡(Wisteria Lane)的地方,像每天的早晨一样,镇上的人都像往常一样做着自己的事情,邻居之间相互打着招呼,可是一声枪响却打破了往日的平静。首先发现有人自杀的是Mrs Huber,而自杀者正是故事的讲述者Mary Alice。这是故事的开头,一种神秘的气氛弥漫开来。
A school bus drives up the road. Friendly "Good Morning" are exchanged between neighbors. A woman pushes a baby carriage along, while a car pulls out of a driveway and drives down the road. GABRIELLE jogs past a fence on the sidewalk.
school bus 校车 neighbour 邻居(pl.) push a baby carriage 推着婴儿车
pull out (of)驶出,驶离 jog 慢跑(有氧运动) fence 篱笆
MARY ALICE comes out of her front door and down the porch steps, carrying a basket of flowers. She kneels in front of her flowerbed, and smells a flower, smiling faintly.
故事的叙述者也是自杀者,Mary Alice自杀前像每天早晨一样充满活力。porch step就是门廊前面的台阶,flowerbed是花圃,garden是花园,花圃要比花园小。faintly,可以理解为苍白的,这也为后面她开枪自杀埋下了伏笔。她是一个普通人,本来也没有什么新闻价值(newsworthy),但是她的自杀却上了这周的晨报(morning paper)。在自杀之前,她却像往常一样做家务(perform her chores),给自己的丈夫Paul和儿子Zach做了华夫饼(waffle),洗了衣服,用油漆刷(paintbrush)刷了椅子,做完所有的杂活(run errands)。
She sighs with satisfaction, a contented smile on her face.
That's /why it was so astonishing/ when I decided to go to my hallway closet/ to retrieve a revolver /that had never been used.
(Cut to: MARY ALICE takes a box off a shelf in the closet. Looking worried and distraught, she shakily puts a revolver to her temple. We see a finger pulling the trigger, and a loud shot is heard. The camera stays on the YOUNG family picture, as the blurred reflection of MARY ALICE is shown in the frame of the picture falling to the ground.)
这里描写了Mary自杀时的神情和动作。她看起来很焦虑(worried),可谓是忧心如焚(distraught),面对死亡,任谁都不可能平静如水。她哆哆嗦嗦地(shakily)把枪对准自己。这里的temple可不是什么寺庙,是太阳穴。她扣动扳机(pull the trigger),刚才的那声枪响由此而来。而她那模糊的(blurred)倒影恰好映在全家福的相框玻璃上,之后掉在了地上(fall to the ground)。
(MRS. HUBER's finger dips into a pool of red sauce (resembling blood). She licks the sauce on her finger, as she turns her head towards the YOUNG house, puzzled by the sound she's heard.)
NARRATOR: My body was discovered by my neighbor, Mrs. Martha Huber, who had been startled by a strange popping sound. Her curiosity aroused, Mrs. Huber tried to think of a reason for dropping in on me unannounced. After some initial hesitation, she decided to return the blender she had borrowed from me 6 months before.
她被这突如其来的枪声吓了一大跳(startle),好奇心(curiosity)也剧增,她想知道发生了什么,于是想了个拜访(drop in on)我的理由,而且不做声张(unannounced)。犹豫了一下,她想起这样一个理由,6个月前在我那里借的搅拌机(blender)还没还给我,所以正好借着还搅拌机的机会一探究竟。
(MRS. HUBER takes a blender labeled Property of MARY ALICE YOUNG off a shelf, and hurries next door to ring the doorbell. Hearing no answer, she hurries to the side of the house, where she peers inside the window and sees MARY ALICE's dead body lying on the ground, a pool of blood next to her. She screams. We see MRS. HUBER hurry back to her own house.)
Huber太太拿起搅拌机,摁响我家的门铃,却没人应答,她又急匆匆地到了窗户边,一瞥(peer),看到了Mary的尸体,还流了一滩(a pool of)血。她大叫一声(scream),跑回了自己家。
MRS HUBER: (on the phone) It's my neighbor. I think she's been shot, there's blood everywhere. Yes, you've got to send an ambulance. You've got to send one right now!
Huber太太回到家,拿起电话,报了警,希望他们赶快到,同时希望救护车也能来(send an ambulance)。
(MRS. HUBER hangs up the phone. She stands in the kitchen, lips trembling, fighting tears.)
Huber太太挂了电话(hang up the phone)。傻呆呆地站在厨房了,嘴唇还在抖,努力不让眼泪流下来(fighting tears)。
NARRATOR: And for a moment, Mrs. Huber stood motionless in her kitchen, grief-stricken by this senseless tragedy. But, only for a moment.
(MRS. HUBER turns her head sideways, noticing the blender sitting on the kitchen counter.
She rips the label off the blender, and puts it back on her shelf.)
NARRATOR: If there was one thing Mrs. Huber was known for, it was her ability to look on the bright side.
Mary说,如果Huber太太真有什么优点,就是她永远向好处看(look on the bright side)。
(MRS. HUBER shuts the cupboard door.)