【汉化】Sell Shop
Sell Shop
Help File:
This allows you to create a “Sell Shop”.
A Sell Shop gives a list of Items you can sell.
Their selling prices are usually better then what they can normally be
sold for at a normal shop.
How to Use
In order to make a Sell Shop, simply use the Plugin Command:
right before calling a Shop Processing event.
Setting the Sell Prices
By default, the Sell Shop will give money based off of the price of
the Item sold multiplied by the “Price Multiplier” Parameter.
默认情况下,卖货商店内的收购价格将会基于Price Multiplier参数而增加
For example, if the Item costs 100 gold, and the “Price Multiplier” is
1.25, then the Sell Shop will buy it for 125 gold.
例如,某物品买价100金币,Price Multiplier参数为1.25倍,则卖出为125金币
On the other hand, you can use the following Notetag to manually set the
Sell Shop price of an item:
<Sell Shop Price: x>
Set x to the price you wish to use.