大师游戏II 163~突破限制
今天是大师游戏第163天星期四,国庆节已用完,继续读《Dark NLP》
One of the major mistakes that people make is thinking too small. It is a classic idea found in the world of NLP and self-development that people tend to overestimate the amount of change they can experience in the course of the year, but vastly underestimate the amount they can experience over the course of several years.
人们最常犯的错误是不敢想不敢要,或者想得太小要得太少。在 NLP 和自我发展的世界中发现了一个经典的观点,人们往往高估了一年中所能经历的变化量,但却极大地低估了几年中能够获得的好处。
Perhaps the most common reason for aiming low is a fear of failure. Many of us worry that we are not good enough to achieve what we set out to, and therefore aim low in order to protect ourselves from the pain of failure. Thankfully, there are several ideas from this book which can be used to overcome the fear of failure and stop it from holding us back from making the most out of our potential.
If you have internalized the lessons of this book, you will have come to see that there is no such thing as failure, there is only feedback. You should therefore not hold yourself back from dreaming big and aiming for massive achievements in life. If you do not get there on your first try, there is nothing to be ashamed about. You have simply learned a valuable set of lessons that will help you refine your approach and come closer to your aim at your next attempt.
Another reason to set big goals for ourselves is that even if we fall slightly short, we are likely to have achieved more than if we had set a more modest goal. When you manage to make yourself accept this logical reason to set larger goals, you will begin to feel more comfortable with doing so. A helpful part of this process is learning to reframe fear and nerves as excitement. If you are able to embrace this energy as a positive thing then you can channel it into helping you to attain your aims.