6. Evaluate the following arguments, following the approach you learned in Chapter 7. Take care to avoid the errors in thinking discussed in this and previous chapters.
a. Background note:From time to time people have challenged the recitation of the Pledge of Allegiance in public schools. Their objection is usually to the words “under God.” Their reasoning is as follows:
Argument:Apublic school recitation that claims the United States is “under God” is an endorsement of religion and thus violates the constitutional requirement that church and state be kept separate. Therefore, the recitation of the Pledge of Allegiance should not be permitted.
b. Background note: More and more communities are trying to do something about the growing problem of litter, which is not only unsightly but in many cases unsanitary and dangerous. Here is an argument addressing one aspect of the problem:
Argument:Things that have monetary value are less likely to be discarded (or at least more likely to be recovered) than things that don’t have such value. For that reason a twenty-five-cent deposit on bottles and cans would virtually eliminate that part of the litter problem.