塞宾兰诺出台 Llano Sabine
美国西雅图时间6月14日晚上, AMD在西雅图的科幻博物馆举行了盛大的全球LIano/Sabine APU ((用于笔记本平台的A系列)发布会。
Llano A系列APU与英特尔四核Sandy Bridge i7-2630QM的对比视频,对比中AMD 四核APU在高清视频播放、3D游戏、高性能计算以及能效方面都有明显优势。
Llano属于Sabine平台的一部分,将会内置有4个X86处理器核心,核心面积为9.69mm2,晶体管数量超过了3500万(无 L3缓存),功耗为2.5W – 25W,工作电压为0.8V – 1.3V,核心频率将会达到3.0GHz以上。处理器核心能够动态调整频率以及电压以在保持TDP不变的情况下实现性能的最大化。
Llano是即将上市的A系列APU,采用32nm工艺,包括桌面版和移动版,是重大技术革新。将CPU、中低端独显和北桥芯片融合在一起。功耗小,性能强。桌面版去攒机店问问就知道了。移动版在笔记本市场会很有竞争力,它的显卡部分比intel的集成显卡强很多。用集显的功耗,实现独显的性能。其实AMD的移动处理器发热并不大,之前人们反映不好,是因为厂商把AMD的处理器硬“塞”进了专门为intel的产品设计的模具之中,不匹配,才导致使用体验很差。但这次不会了,Llano APU是大批量出货,加大了与各厂商的合作,会有很多专门设计的模具。预计六月份正式发布,到时候,intel的SNB会很有压力,因为它提供了过剩的CPU性能,搭配的集显却很差。Llano APU能提供更平衡的性能,且整机功耗小。移动版Llano APU的另一优势是,它不光发热小,还体积小,有利于笔记本模具设计,能在保证散热的情况下做的更轻薄,使用舒适。
美国西雅图时间6月14日晚上, AMD在西雅图的科幻博物馆举行了盛大的全球LIano/Sabine APU ((用于笔记本平台的A系列)发布会。现场,众多软件应用厂商轮番登台,展示了基于APU开发优化的前沿应用。 软件巨头微软在现场演示了“worldwide telescope”。通过外接类似Kinect体感装置,实时捕捉人体动作,再通过A系列APU(A8)进行实时识别和分析计算,实时控制前方大显示屏上的“worldwide telescope”应用。据悉,这是一个基于A系列APU优化的“异构计算”实例。
About Llano processor and Sabine platform
Every chip that a company creates has design goals and we were told by AMD that Llano had three primary design goals for Llano:
Brilliant HD - Gaming performance is brought to new levels with the AMD A-Series mobile APU. Performance improvements over the previous generation allow gamers on the go to play titles that would not have been previously possible. As an example, you can experience up to 179% faster gaming with a 2011 VISION A6-based PC over an AMD VISION 2010 Premium-based platform in F1 2011 bringing frame rates from 13 to 35 FPS A 2011 VISION A4-based PC manages to outpace an Intel Core i3-based PC by up to an amazing 279% playing Left4Dead 2.
Super Computer in a Notebook - The AMD A-Series notebook APU supports the latest GPU compute standards including OpenCL and DirectX 11 DirectCompute. AMD Accelerated Parallel Processing (APP) technology (GPGPU) is one of the most exciting areas of software development and enables developers to utilize the up to 400 AMD Radeon Cores of the AMD A-Series for highly parallel processing. This can be used to accelerate everything from artificial intelligence (AI) in games to facial recognition in photo and video editing applications.
AMD AllDay Power - The power optimizations introduced with the AMD A-Series APU have enabled new levels of battery life to the mainstream notebook market. Manufactured on a 32 nm high-K metal gate process, it includes features like CC6 per core power gating and advanced AMD Turbo Core technology. AMD has achieved greater than 10 hours battery life in Windows Idle. In testing, a 2011 AMD VISION A8-based PC outlasted an Intel i3 system by 9% in Windows idle testing and 29% while running 3DMark 06.
The result really holds a lot of potential and hope for the new, unified AMD. The CPU folks learn from the GPU folks and vice versa. Let's start with APU refresh cycles. AMD CPU architectures were updated once every four or five years (K7 1999, K8 2003, K10 2007) while ATI GPUs received substantial updates yearly. The GPU folks won this battle as all AMD APUs are now built on a yearly cadence.
(网易博客 2011-06-27 09:54:29)